11 March 2020
The Noticer
“Sign now. We, the undersigned academics and researchers — voice our concern and strongly oppose Trump’s immigration ban” - White Supremacy-Fighting Academic and Professor Dr. Erin “smash the patriarchy” Weinberg (TheBardolator)

The Noticer
“One of the things that can happen with this kind of panic about a virus is xenophobia” - Verified Psychotherapist Robi Ludwig (drrobiludwig).

Be careful goyim, that ghastly Corona Virus might make you question immigration policies

12 March 2020
The Noticer
Who’s ready for a little blast from the past? #ThrowbackThursday
The Noticer pinned this message
The Noticer
“I deserve the Order of Canada [Canada’s highest civilian honor]...Now in this country, women are not in danger when having an abortion. This award means Canada has recognized my service to the health of women in this country” - Holocaust Survivor, Prolific Abortionist, Abortion Rights Champion, and the Man Responsible for Legalizing Abortion in Canada “Dr.” Henekh (“Henry”) Morgentaler

Henekh butchered our children and yet, we honored him

The Noticer
“Sixty years later I am still haunted by the images, the odours, the cries, the humiliation, the blows and the sky filled with the smoke of the crematoriums” - Holocaust Survivor, Feminist, First European Parliament President, Abortion Rights Champion, and the Woman Responsible for Legalizing Abortion in France Simone Veil.

I guess surviving a Holocaust makes you want to start another one

13 March 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 28.02.2020 06:20:36
It’s that time of the week again folks!
The Noticer
“Racial inequality doesn’t just happen, it is perpetuated, decade after decade, generation after generation and it up to us, comfortable white people, to understand the mechanics” - Yiddish Writer Rokhl “fellow white women, let’s be smarter about this” Kafrissen (RokhlK)

The Noticer
“All white people, myself included, have unfair white privilege. When we’re unaware &/or uncaring, we harm others simply by being” - Queer, Trans, Anti-Racist, Immigrants Rights Advocate, Feminist, LGBTQPIA Rights Activist L.C. “sick & tired of seeing fellow white people only accept people of color when it’s convenient for us” Zawaultsky (lczawaultsky)

The Noticer
“Dear fellow straight white dudes, ‘shut up and listen’ seems like a pretty solid strategy for the time being. We can reassess in a while” - Verified Author Brian “I’m ready to start racially profiling white dudes at this point” Heater (bheater)

The Noticer
“Dear White Women who approve of Trump, Wtaf is wrong with you? Sincerely, A White Woman who can’t fucking imagine how you can approve of anything coming out of his pie hole?” - “Fellow Caucasian” and Parent of LGBTQ Kids Barb (GrammaTrex)

Barb doesn’t even call herself a white person anymore folks. She’s a “pale person”

14 March 2020
The Noticer
“If white people didn’t kill an entire branch of my family because we aren’t white enough, I wouldn’t mind being called white” - Verified Jewish Journalist and Campaigner Against Antisemitism Lahav “Antisemitism: More viral than corona” Harkov (LahavHarkov)

She’s right folks: “antisemitism is the fault of antisemites. Period.” It has absolutely nothing to do with Jewish behavior!

The Noticer
“Wtf is wrong with white people? I am a white people, but seriously...WHAT THE FUCK” - Women’s Studies Teacher Mandy “I’d like to renounce my membership in the white women club. WTF?” Lampert (LampertMandy)

The Noticer
“I’ve been a loyal customer for five decades. No more! Down with white supremacists!” - Kvetching “White” Feminist Boycotter Maija “Tucker Carlson is a white nationalist and racist...I am your customer. Please stop your ads!” Rothenberg (MaijaRothenberg)

The Noticer
“This is pathetic: if you’re a white male from the middle class you should feel fucking BLESSED, not despondent cuz women won’t let you grope them without consent or cuz you can’t call people racial epithets anymore” - Complaining “White Person” Emily “is there a more iconic duo than white men and abuse of power? I’ll wait...” Nyman (EmSheDoesIt)

15 March 2020
The Noticer
“does anyone NOT think white man’s fascination with guns stems from fear of losing power?” - Verified “White” Anti-Fascist Rapper Phil “the only good Nazi is a dead Nazi” Mandelbaum (AWKWORDrap)

This “white anti-racist” is “so sick of white people”

The Noticer
“Making fun of people in power, particularly when people of that specific demographic have oppressed yours, is acceptable. It’s punching up. White people in the U.S. have much much much much more power than any other demographic, particularly white men and marginalized groups using social capital to hit back is acceptable. Whereas a white person taking a hit at another demographic, or a man taking one at women, when thy already have much more societal power to oppress that group and gain advantages by specifically oppressing those groups even if unintentional, because it’s something generally granted by society, is totally unacceptable because it’s not in any way a revolutionary act; it’s upholding a racist oppressive system from which they directly benefit. Does that make sense?” - Queer Writer Brianna “that conservative mentality re: voting with your husband is damaging as hell” Shrum (BriannaShrum)

The Noticer
“The new norm will not be the old prejudiced norm. We won’t let it. Whites are becoming a minority everywhere. So they better get used to it. Or we’ll deport their asses to Venus. Gets pretty hot there, 450 degrees” - Pornographic Goth Model and “Militant Jewish Bitch” Tiber “They will never stop us. Brown people. LGBTQ people, Muslim people, Jewish people. The invasion is on baby” Haifisch (Haifisch_Von)


They’re counting the days till your genocide folks

16 March 2020
Channel photo changed
The Noticer
“I fully acknowledge my white privilege, though ‘my people’ weren’t considered white until the 1920 census, and I use it to lift up people of color every opportunity I can (as we all should)” - LGBTQ Ally and Social Justice Activist Eric “apparently, the comfort of racist white people is more important than the celebration of people of color who stand against bigotry and injustice” Seader (SeaderForNJ)

We don’t take time off for global pandemics folks

The Noticer
“I’m so ashamed of being white 85% of the time” - “Thick Lips” Rachel (rafikiiiii)

Rachel: “I wish I was not white”

The Noticer: “Your wish has been granted”

The Noticer
“Hi! I’m Tif. Queer, cis, white Jew. She/her. I’m from Maryland. I’m a history teacher. My goals are to get away from the hegemony of the dominant/white narrative, so my students have mirrors, windows, & sliding doors, think critically, & learn accurate history” - History “Educator” Tiferet “all white people have racist thoughts and commit racist actions” Ani (tmalkaa)

Don’t worry folks, Tiferet is “working on revising [her] state standards” to “include marginalized narratives.” In time, your white kids will learn to hate themselves

The Noticer
#WhitePeopleAgainstRacism I’m a white person extremely against racism!! Have all different races as friends; I grew up in a project & it was never a problem, 45 yrs later we’re all still friends! What’s in a color? NOTHING! We’re ALL HUMAN! ✊🏽✊🏻✊🏾✌🏻” - Spiritualist Sher (Sher41864)

17 March 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 10.03.2020 05:11:22
It’s that time of the week again folks! #TransTuesday!
The Noticer
“PSA a trans person’s pronouns aren’t preferred, they’re required” - Queer Trans #AbolishIce Activist Rakhel “I have never been more conscious of my white privilege than when I got arrested [protesting ICE]” Silverman (rachbsilverman)

The Noticer
“we will continue to fight and continue to fight to dismantle white supremacy. We have to” - Disabled, Nonbinary Queer Woman Eliana “Reminder: you don’t know who in your life might be queer. Some people are out, some are not. Please be compassionate” Stinky (eliana_stinky)

The Noticer
“queer history: my great-uncle harry has a jewish run drag queen bar in like the 1940s in Brooklyn, New York and used to take my very young grandma to hang out with drag queens” - Queer Trans “Dude” with “HELLA problems with [‘his’] reproductive system” Andrew “WHITE PEOPLE MAY BECOME A MINORITY LMAO...WE’VE CONTROLLED SHIT FOR TOO LONG” Leob (andrewleob)

The Noticer
“I’m Jaz! I teach Judaism to kids as a day job, I make a queer Torah podcast Kosher Queers in my spare time, and I’m currently knitting a sparkly pink necktie” - “Trans Jewish Adult” Jaz “can we, idk, just strip mediocre white men of some confidence” Twersky (WordNerdKnitter)

Fam, “if you’d like to be supporting trans-media today,” rest assured “every member of [Jaz’s] team at Kosher Queers is trans!” So, give Jaz some money and tune in for they/them’s “hot queer takes”

18 March 2020
The Noticer
“Proud to march with my fellow Jewish activists declaring our hatred & opposition to White Supremacy” - Jewish Activist Elana “black, brown, Asian, white, all united for immigrant rights. #NoBanNoWall” Eichner (AlanaEichner)

The Noticer
“AHAHAHAHAH. This is a really good one [refering to video of Antifa punching Richard Spencer]. Nazi punching could be a sport...and this could be its Jock Jam” - Verified “White” and “Privileged as Hell” Journalist Mike “White supremacists and now-Nazis are apparently a thing here now. I’ll keep punching” Futter (Futterish)

The Noticer
“You promoted white nationalism and a eugenics-based ideology that ties ethnicity to worth. You referenced your European heritage as a clear signifier. Nowhere in this ‘apology’ did you actually address the human destruction caused by forces linking ethnicity and worth” - Verified Journalist Daniel “Democracy doesn’t die in darkness. It dies with a bunch of blindingly white dudes making some of the most boring, circular arguments imaginable” Moritz-Rabson (DMoritzRabson)

The Noticer
“So I bought an audio book about the history of white people and I thought it was gonna be about the desire to create systems of oppression. But it’s actually talking about ancient times and random groups of Europeans and I don’t care about this shit” - Chaotic Bisexual and Depressed Rabbinical Student Michaela “I’m sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of me CRUSHING THE PATRIARCHY INTO SMITHEREENS” Brown (MichaelaLangB)

The Noticer
We now have an entire division of Noticers, 10,000! Thanks for all the support fam. 👌🏻
The Noticer pinned this message
19 March 2020
The Noticer
MemeLab 18.03.2020 19:54:49
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Congrats on the milestone, king. @theenoticer six gorillion to go.
The Noticer
MemeLab 18.03.2020 19:48:18
@theenoticer about to make headlines
The Noticer
The Noticer 12.03.2020 04:59:24
Who’s ready for a little blast from the past? #ThrowbackThursday
The Noticer
“The end of the feminist revolution must be not just the elimination of male privilege but of the sex distinction itself; genital differences between human beings would no longer matter culturally” - Radical Feminist Author and Activist Shulamith “pregnancy is barbaric” Firestone

The Noticer
“My reaction [to a pro-life protester] was one of sadness. For much of my life, I have been subjected to similar denunciation. Until recent years, it’s focus was my stand in favor of birth control. Now that contraception is applauded, and used by virtually all Americans, I am condemned for my liberal stand on abortion” - Groundbreaking “Reproductive Health” (i.e., birth control and abortion) Champion, Former President of Planned Parenthood, and Early Sex Educator (penning the timeless classic, “Understanding Sex: A Young Person’s Guide”) Dr. Alan “the only avenue Planned Parenthood and its allies could travel to win the battle for abortion on demand is through sex education” Guttmacher

Thanks to Dr. Guttmacher, the West’s “reproductive health” has never been better! Birth rates down, degeneracy and STDs up!

The Noticer
“We are bringing women into politics to change the nature of politics, to change the vision, to change the institutions” - Trailblazing Feminist Congresswoman, Author of America’s First Gay Rights Bill, Founder of the National Women’s Political Caucus, and Ardent Zionist Bella “I spend all day figuring out how to beat the machine and knock the crap out of the political power structure” Abzug

20 March 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 28.02.2020 06:20:36
It’s that time of the week again folks!
The Noticer pinned this message
The Noticer
“Fellow white folks: if you’re complaining about how people keep calling you a racist, maybe you should stop complaining and try some self-examination” - Pro-Abortion, Anti-Fascism, Antisemitism-Battling, LGBTQ-Shilling Catholic Feminist Professor and Writer R.B. “I’m proud of our writers who take a strong stand against all white supremacy” Weiss (Prof_RBW)

The Noticer
“Note to fellow white people: being uncomfortable is not remotely as bad as being lynched” - “White Nerd” Attorney Paul “white people are racist and benefit from racism” Overbite (PaulOverbite)

The Noticer
“My fellow white folks—this may hurt a little bit. But let’s just rip off the band-aid. Our discomfort is nothing compared to the death, violence, mental health concerns, and illnesses people of color face as a result of white supremacy” - “White Person” Educator Jodi “I am trying to organize a book study on white fragility” Friedman (nyced4equity)

The Noticer
“Fellow white people: The burden is on us. It's not about the black community, the immigrant community, etc. -- all are as diverse as we are. Change begins and ends with those with the power and the willingness to cede it. #WokeEd” - Anti-Racist “Education Communications Specialist” Jeremy “racism is a sickness” Bond (JeremyDBond)

21 March 2020
The Noticer
“I’m reminding all my security guards and PD officers that the black people who come to our synogogue are congregants. They should be keeping an eye on the white people” - Rabbi Sarah “What could I talk about for 30 minutes with no prep? Judaism...White Fragility” Zober (RebbeSMZ)

They truly despise you folks

The Noticer
“I think the best way for Jews to keep ourselves safe is to fight on behalf of other marginalized communities, including Muslims and immigrants. We’re all safer when we dismantle extremism and white supremacy” - Leftist Soph (slamitjanet)

Soph and her horde of marginalized people are in it to win it

The Noticer
“This nation needs to take a stand and root out white supremacists and Nazis once and for all. There can be no quarter given for this hate!” - Rabbi Nathan “I will call out antisemitism” Farb (Gedaliyah)

The Noticer
“About a year ago my acupuncturist, who isn’t Jewish, told me she wanted to start working on my ancestral trauma. Jews, she said, have been conditioned to be ready to get up and go...Even though I’m a fourth-generation American Jew on both sides, I don’t know that I’ve ever felt fully settled where I live. Case in point: I feel like my family and I have been preparing for this pandemic [Corona] my entire life... I can’t help but wonder if that’s because, with no direct connection to the Holocaust, as far as I know, I still grew up with a father telling me to always be ready to go. I grew up preparing for the potential that I — as a Jew — might be rounded up for extermination at any moment” - Verified Poet Caroline “Seriously. White women...We need to do better” Rothstein (cerothstein).

Who knew that the key to surviving the Corona Virus was some good old fashioned “multigenerational & inherited Jewish trauma”?

22 March 2020
The Noticer
“Hey Nazis, I’m a Jew, I think white supremacy is a disease, I know how to organize, and there’s 🎶 noooooooooooothing you can do about it 🎶🎶 ps if you think your list is gonna scare me you should see my reading lists this semester oy vey” - Leftwing Activist and Illegal Immigration-Shill Becca “yesterday 36 Jews used our bodies to shut down a concentration camp” Lubow (be_ccahn).

Welcome to the list Becca!

The Noticer
“Neo-Nazis, look out! White supremacists, cower” - Writer, Alma Editor, and Mass Reporter Molly “Our Light Will Outshine Anti-Semitism” Tolsky (mollytolsky)

The Noticer
“White people: We need to step up. Start by acknowledging the things we’ve done and the unequal and unjust system we’ve created and benefited from, then it’s time we join the work to dismantle it” - “Privileged White Person” and Leftwing Activist Annie “Fuck off” Rosenthal (anniero2727)

The Noticer
“Hey JetBlue, one of your flight attendants just told me that the Coronavirus is spreading because of dirty Jews. I don’t remember ordering blatant and disgusting anti-Semitic rhetoric with my ticket. How will you respond?” - Traumatized Traveler Jen “I actually have respect for other human beings” Greenberg (jennygreenberg9)

The Noticer
“This summer, I wrote for Jewish Women’s Archive about my support for abortion activism aligning with my faith” - “White Woman” Abortion Champion Nina “abortion is normal” Henry (nina_ecarg)

Championing the slaughter of the unborn “reaffirmed” Nina’s Judaism folks. Me thinks God’s chosen people don’t put much stock in God’s commands. See Leviticus 20:2-3

23 March 2020
The Noticer
“My work on abortion access is also an expression of my Jewish values” - Abortion Champion and “White Privilege” Beneficiary Rebecca “Abortion providers are heroes” Barson (rdbarson).

Dismembering helpless children is an expression of her values folks

The Noticer
“I never understood why no-one will sit with the ‘white boy’ on the bus. I’m friendly, won’t bite, disease free, and I don’t own slaves :(“ - Queer David “Too many white people” Ceder (mrceder)

The Noticer
“Hey white people. I’m only going to say this once. You don’t get to decide what is and isn’t racist. That’s pure white privilege to think you get that right” - Gay Physicist Sean

The Noticer
“Racism has no place here. When it comes to fears related to coronavirus, we are all in this together and must do whatever we can to keep abreast of the facts. What we do know is that no one group is more or less likely to get or spread this illness. Please stay safe and respect your fellow Oregonians. Viruses do not discriminate and neither should we!” - Verified Abortion-Loving, Illegal Immigrant-Defending, Racism-Fighting Oregon Attorney General Ellen “we are a nation of immigrants” Rosenblum (EllenRosenblum, ORDOJ).

Remember folks, don’t you dare call a virus that originated in China the “Chinese Virus”—calling things what they are is “disturbing, racist language that fuels stigma.” You may die from Corona, but at least you won’t die a racist!

The Noticer
“Non-Jews: If you see one of these [a menorah] in someone’s window, it’s a signal to (((others))) about when to release the foreskin golem that will once and for all complete the mission of white genocide. Happy Hanukkah” - “Hetero/white/able male yoga instructor,” Twitter Comedian, and Communist Will (willchop).

Hahaha, what a funny guy

24 March 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 10.03.2020 05:11:22
It’s that time of the week again folks! #TransTuesday!
The Noticer pinned this message
The Noticer
“I absolutely hate most discussions of trans stuff with adults on the internet, but I absolutely love discussing trans stuff w the teens at my work. Always like, giddy to tell them all the stuff I know” - Trans Mystic Enbe Writer Ratna (ratdaughtr)

Fam, always make sure you know who your kids are working for and with

The Noticer
“not to like, put bad energy out into the universe, but there are a lot of white supremacists’ teeth I’m tryna knock out. shabbat shalom fuckers” - Queer Trans “Guy” Yitzcock (godisyougodisme)

Watch out for “testosterone boyyyy” folks, “he’s” on androgel

The Noticer
“Living with white people is...difficult” - Black Queer “Always thinking about race & Jewishness” Kendra (KendraElWa)

Sorry for the electricity, light bulb, running water, toilets, cars, trains, airplanes...Kendra

The Noticer
“All white people are inherently racially insensitive and do not fully understand the privilege our whiteness gives us” - The Nonbinary Communist (TheNBMarxist).

“They” is the second most popular “Jewish nonbinary Communist” on Twitter folks. Wow!

The Noticer
“My daughter is 11 and has been physically assaulted 4x this yr and I’ve had to pull out of two schools. My 14 year old trans son self harmed yesterday. We are about to be evicted. I am an anti bullying advocate with a FB grp of 2000 mbrs. We’ve only raised 50.00 on our gofundme 😭” - Bisexual Proud Mother of a Trans Son Lisa “please if everyone could just share share share. If we come up with the $ today we won’t be evicted” Richard (RoseGoldQueen9)

Using your mentally unstable, self-harming children as props to guilt trip others and milk money from them? Well done Lisa. You are a testament to your people

25 March 2020
The Noticer
The fact that this channel lost followers yesterday on Trans Tuesday is not a coincidence! It shows just how antisemitic, transphobic, and patriarchal our white supremacist society truly is. If you’re not comfortable with mutilated genitals, drag kids, estrogen blockers, bearded ladies, and mentally unstable sexually amorphous creatures, then you’re a racist, homophobic, transphobic, biphobic, xenophobic antisemitic Nazi! Know this bigots, your intolerance won’t shut down my Jewish appreciation channel! I will keep featuring the beauty and bravery of nonbinary asexual genderfluid queer trans theys every single Tuesday from now until the end of time #TransLivesMatter
The Noticer
“thank you for 1 million views on my coming out video! 🏳️‍🌈🌟 I’ve been able to donate so much money to LGBTQ+ charities with the ad money and I’ve grown immensely as a person since. Proud of myself☺️” - Verified Bisexual LGBTQ+-Promoting YouTube Star Jessie “Paege” Eisenberg (jessiepaege)

Don’t worry folks, Jessie is “sending love” to all the kids whose parents won’t accept their sexuality or gender identity. Yay!

The Noticer
“Hello! Hope your day is swell! Just a friendly reminder to check your privilege, and to be mindful of those who don’t share the same as you ❤️ Love, My hetero-passing, white, cis-gender self” - Verified Lesbian “White Person” and LGBTQ-Promoting YouTube Star Steph “white people, please learn how to decentralize yourself” Frosch (ElloSteph)

The Noticer
“Nowhere has Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s legacy been more visible than in the transformation of South Africa into a vibrant democracy” - Verified Diversity-Shilling, LGBTQ-Promoting, White Farmer Murders-Ignoring US Amassador to South Africa Lana “the US government stands with the activists fighting for LGBTI rights around the globe” Marks (LanaMarks)

The Noticer
“White European western culture has committed genocide against a number of cultures in my lifetime and I’m like, yeah, white people kinda have a lock on racism” - Verified “White Male” Podcaster Jay “it’s OK to jump in a wood chipper if you think racism against whites is a real problem” Gordon (jaydestro)

The Noticer
BOSS_HawG 25.03.2020 17:35:00
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03:57, 25.0 MB
Tribute to thee Best account on the
interwebs. t.me/theenoticer
even 60's Degeneracy push isn't
lil hat free. Hail Thee European Man
26 March 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 12.03.2020 04:59:24
Who’s ready for a little blast from the past? #ThrowbackThursday
The Noticer
“Sweet Boy, Gimme Yer Ass...lemme kiss your face, lick your neck, touch your lips, tickle tongue end, nose to nose, quiet questions, ever slept with a man before? Hand stroking your back slowly down to the cheeks, moist hair soft asshole” - Drug-Promoting Homosexual, Pedophile, NAMBLA Member, and Celebrated “American” Poet Allen “Like the whole labeling of pedophiles as ‘child molesters.’ Everybody likes little kids...Naked kids have been a staple of delight for centuries, for both parents and onlookers. So to label pedophilia as criminal is ridiculous” Ginsberg

The Noticer
“The immediate task of socialism shall be the intellectual liberation of the proletariat from the domination of the bourgeoisie as manifest in the influence of the nationalistic ideology” - Marxist Philosopher, Founder of the Communist Party of Germany, Socialist Revolutionary, Early Proponent of Open Borders, Internationalism, and Globalism, and Staunch Opponent to Nationalism “Red” Rosa Luxemburg.

Remember folks, the claim that Marxism is a Jewish philosophy is a wild antisemitic conspiracy theory!

27 March 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 28.02.2020 06:20:36
It’s that time of the week again folks!
The Noticer pinned this message
The Noticer
“Lexie, as a fellow White- this was totally unnecessary and excessive. It's really hard to acknowledge our privilege and internalized racism but doing that work is so important. And saying things like this does not help, it hinders. Reverse racism is not a thing. Prejudice? Yeah, sometimes. But not to the same scale that POC experience prejudice, nowhere near. And there is no deeply ingrained institutionalized racism in our society against white people. There is against basically everyone else” - Texan Actress Grace Keller Scotch (Dire_Unicorn)

The Noticer
“What The Fuck. There’s a new low, even for my fellow white women” - Comic Fangirl Fangirlsmash

The Noticer
“As white people we’ve got to OWN our actions & grow. Please stop trying to justify your negative impact with your intent. Your impact was an implication of racism and ignorance” - Queer Androgynous “Fellow White Folx” Activist Jake “we as white men control the dominant power in America’s politics” Cohen (jakecohenn)

Fellow White Friday or Trans Tuesday? Sometimes it’s tough to tell which day of the week it is folks

The Noticer
“[sees a fellow white] (at the same time) Him: Seig Hei-- Me: We’re terrib-- (awkward pause) Me: So you’re one of the other one’s huh” - Verified “Middle-Aged White” TV Writer and Children’s Book Author of “Santa’s Husband” (the classic tale about a black Santa and his sodomite white husband) Daniel “Moms, check out your sons’ internet histories. Ignore the weird porn and search for keyword, ‘The Jews.’ Have a discussion. Repeat” Kibblesmith (kibblesmith)

Black and gay? The subversion is off the charts on this one folks

The Noticer
Welcome back to the List, Rabbi Ruth!

Both tweets are real fam and neither is a parody. I couldn’t make this sh*t up if I tried
28 March 2020
The Noticer
“White people need to be more worried about ridding racism from our own behaviors than being told that our behaviors are racist” - Studier of Facism and Genocide Ethan Stone (EthanHStone)

The Noticer
“What will it take to get older, white, straight, rich cis men to understand that they need to step back to make room for those who have tremendous leadership potential but far less privilege?” - Progressive Feminist Rabbi Amber “all people are holy. Denying trans kids access to regular school bathrooms endangers & demeans them. It is morally wrong” Powers (RabbiAmber)

The Noticer
“Privileged white male talking about ‘men’s rights’ and racism towards white people...I want to throw up” - Writer Rivka “really sick of white people sticking their noses in places that aren’t their own (white as in white raised Christian/catholic American AF)” Yeker (rivkayeker).

Boy, she sure seems “scared,” doesn’t she folks?

The Noticer
“I grew up in a small town, and I always think it is weird and disturbing when people talk about small towns as if they are superior in, like, any way. My small town was very white. We had to import matzah and Chanukah candles for holidays. There was nothing to do so we were bored and just drank a lot in high school. My small town upbringing gave me a sheltered and distorted sense of the world. I’m so glad I left.” - Verified Executive Editor of American Independent Kaili “are you a white dude who suffers from being a white dude? Ask your doctor if shutting the fuck up is right for you” Gray (KailiGray).


Kaili: “The thing about being Jewish in America is that...no one knows you’re Jewish”

The Noticer: “Believe me Kaili, we knew...we all knew”

29 March 2020
The Noticer
“So this is where we are in America. Starting tomorrow, the Rhode Island law enforcement and the National Guard will knock on doors and stop cars to find New Yorkers [to stop the spread of Corona]. Pray tell us, will they give us stars to wear if they find us?” - Verified Feminist New Yorker Amy “White women - we’re going to have to rise and respect ourselves enough not to base our value on how we reflect off white men” Siskind (Amy_Siskind).

Guess what Amy, I’m keeping a List too!

The Noticer
“hello everyone. it’s time for personal/professional news twitter, which is to say: starting monday, i’ll be at the southern poverty law center as a senior research analyst, focused broadly on neo-nazism and white supremacy” - Verified SPLC “Hate Watcher” Hannah “I would love if I didn’t have a job because fascism and racism didn’t exist” Gais (hannahgais)

The Noticer
“Two years ago, I wrote my first self published piece on the rise of white supremacy and the dangers Jews face. Today, I wrote part of a soon to be published piece on the rise of white supremacy and the dangers Jews face. I am tired” - Fatigued Kvetcher Blair “Activism is the Most Jewish Thing I Do” Nodelman (blairnecessity)

Believe me Blair, we’re tired too

The Noticer
“I love it when straight white men cut in front of me cause they literally don’t see me” - Verified Actress, Jonah Hill’s Younger Sister, and Celestial Body Beanie Feldstein (BeanieFeldstein).

Sweetheart, they didn’t mean to cut in front of you, they just got caught in your gravitational field.

30 March 2020
The Noticer
“Jews and whiteness. How does the explicit extreme influence the quiet center?...How can we take advantage of the privilege we are truly given in order to fight white supremacy. It depends on the hate that exists in the centre. Are there structural barriers against us? I’m always confused about balancing the privilege and antisemitism” - Leftist Ethan Sabourin (EthanSabourin)

To play the “fellow white” card or not to play the “fellow white” card, that is the question

The Noticer
“One way of chickening out of this, is to pretend this isn’t a white problem. It is a white problem...It is a white problem...It is a white problem” - Verified Leftwing Activist and King is the Noticer Kvetchers Rafael “The N*ticer, a white supremacist with over 1,000 neo Nazis followers on telegram is actively creating a list and photos of Jews for targeted harassment” Shimunov (rafaelshimunov).

Say my name Rafael, say my name!

The Noticer
“This close call is real. It’s happening. As a Woman, as a Jew, as an LGBTQ rights Advocate, as a Permanent Resident, I am frightened” - Verified Broadway Actress Caissie “woke up to vile, threatening tweets directed at me as a woman & Jew but I refuse to retweet & give a voice to hatred & ignorance” Levy (CaissieLevy)

The Noticer
“If it seems a bit racist to you as a white british person with all that privilege imagine HOW racist public discourse seems if you aren’t” - Trans Ally and Labour Activist Emma “trans women and women of colour have it way worse than a white cis woman no doubt” Daniel (huxley06)

31 March 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 10.03.2020 05:11:22
It’s that time of the week again folks! #TransTuesday!
The Noticer
“Happy trans day of visibility!! btw I use she/her & they/them pronouns #TransResistance #transwomenarewomen” - Trans Activist Shoshana (shoshush20)

Shoshana and her friends “fucked it up at an ICE detention center.” Guess they haven’t gone into hiding yet

The Noticer
“As a Jew, it’s necessary for me to show up for migrants and undocumented folks because I carry with me the parallel trauma of my ancestors...As a trans person, I carry another history of targeted trauma, one that includes the Holocaust and extends far beyond it. I also carry with me the resilience of my people (Jews and trans folks and those of us in the cross currents), and all of the subversive creativity it takes for us to build a life outside of oppressive Western norms” - Trans Abolish ICE Activist and Editor in Chief of New Voices Magazine Daniel “gender euphoria is standing tall as a trans Jew and putting all my resources into the fight for justice” Holtzman (editor_holtzman)

“Subversive Creativity”? Hmmm... Nah, remember folks, the claim that Jews subvert is nothing but an antisemitic canard

The Noticer
“Why are cis white males such a whiny bunch? Their egos are so fragile and shatter like iPhone screens” - Trans Person Natsuko “if you actively rally against trans people you are a white nationalist supporter even if you’re not white” Chyan (Natsukochyan)

Do you understand how it works folks? Opposing degeneracy is white supremacy!

The Noticer
“5 months post op!! I thought I was going to scar so badly but they’re [i.e., they’s breasts] doing well and I can’t wait to show off my trans bod at the beach” - Trans Beachgoer Blake “fricking white people I am embarassed to be one” Martin (blkemrtin)

🤢 That’s all I can tolerate until next Tuesday folks.

1 April 2020
The Noticer
“I support reparations. Institutional racism, discrimination, injustice, and cruelty robbed generations of African-American families the ability to acquire economic wealth. We need to stop and repair the damage that’s been done” - Verified Billionaire and Ex-Presidential Candidate Tom “it’s our patriotic duty to push back on ALL the ways our political system maintains and ensures white supremacy” Steyer (TomSteyer)

“Hatred of Jewish people is on the rise”? Hmmm, why do you think that is, Tom?

The Noticer
“It’s [white nationalism] basically white supremacy only it’s exactly like white supremacy and not at all different” - Verified Times of Israel Journalist (who was born in Philadelphia and now resides in Jerusalem) Judah “The Jewish people’s 2,000 year-old quest to reestablish their holy city was finally realized on December 5, 1949...not when some goy acknowledged that decision” Gross (JudahAriGross).

The white goyim aren’t allowed to have their own countries folks. That’s “white supremacy”

The Noticer
“Hi white men who keep giving jobs to other white men. You are not race blind. You are engaging in patriarchal white supremacy. Sincerely yours, Dana” - Feminist Socialist Writer Dana “teaching postcolonialism to my all white philosophy class” Mills (DanaNaomyMills)

The Noticer
“White people: this world is stronger to all when we stand together and that means holding the differences between us #blacklivesmatter” - Leftist Activist Sarah “White men are not neutral because they are white and male” Brammer-Shlay (SarahBtotheS)

The Noticer
The noticing never ever ends
2 April 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 12.03.2020 04:59:24
Who’s ready for a little blast from the past? #ThrowbackThursday
The Noticer pinned this message
The Noticer
Hundred-Handers 02.04.2020 05:28:07
Edmonton, Canada. Say what you want about antifa but they take good pictures.
The Noticer
“The first requisite for the happiness of the people is the abolition of religion” - The Father of Communism (an ideology that led to the slaughter of 100 million) and the Son of Rabbis Karl “the working men have no country” Marx

“Great social changes are impossible without feminine upheaval” - He was an original feminist folks

“Democracy is the road to socialism” - 🤔

The Noticer pinned this message
3 April 2020
The Noticer
MemeLab 02.04.2020 22:09:52
The Noticer
“The Religious Right’s Hostility to Science Is Crippling Our Coronavirus Response” - Verified Atheist Journalist Katharine “The dark side of home schooling: creating soldiers for the culture war. The Christian homeschool subculture isn’t a children-first movement” Stewart (kathsstewart)

Never underestimate just how much they despise those who follow the messiah they killed

The Noticer
Oy vey, Antifa Gwen, cool it with the rank antisemitism. I can’t believe you would claim that the 1600+ Jews celebrated on this channel behave in ways that “fit the Nazi narrative.” How dare you insinuate that the Nazis told the truth!?!
The Noticer
“I stand in solidarity [with Black Lives Matter] as a white woman w/ a psych disability who lives w/ the trauma of police brutality #solidarity” - Anti-Racist Leah “it’s textbook white fragility” Harris (leahida)

The Noticer
“In a powerful show of defiance of corona virus scare, huge crowds gathering in NYC’s Chinatown for Lunar New Year parade...If you stay away, you are missing out!” - Verified White Supremacy-Fighting New York City Counselman Mark “You can help fight back against this prejudice. Dine and shop in Chinatown!” Levine (MarkLevineNYC)

Don’t be a bigot goyim, eat the bat soup!

8 April 2020
The Noticer
“I’m calling for a complete and total shutdown on white men buying guns until we can figure out what the hell is going on” - Democrat Operative Zach “we just kicked out two mediocre white men and replaced them with principled women of color” Weinstein (zwstein)

The Noticer
“Check out the second episode of my new podcast - White power and violence with the leading expert” - Verified Harvard Law Professor and Trump Impeachment Expert Witness Noah “Trump has committed impeachable high crimes and misdemeanors” Feldman (NoahRFeldman).

The Noticer
“White people, we are a cancer on the body politic” - “white queer man who wears his grandmothers gold earrings” Sam (celloshots)

The Noticer
BOSS_HawG 06.04.2020 11:05:33
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t.me/theenoticer The Hottest Channel on Telegram.
9 April 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 12.03.2020 04:59:24
Who’s ready for a little blast from the past? #ThrowbackThursday
The Noticer
Meet Annas son of Seth. As the co-High Priest of the Jews during the life of Christ, Annas had his hand in just about everything. He was a key conspirator in the plot to kill Jesus, hired Judas Iscariot to betray Jesus, and had the honor of being the first man to question Jesus during the sham trial that condemned him to death. Annas wore many hats folks: spiritual leader, hypocrite, coward, murderer

The Noticer
“Why do we need any more witnesses? [tears clothes] You have heard the blasphemy!” - Kvetching Co-High Priest of the Jews Joseph “It is better that one man die for the people than that the whole nation perish” Caiaphas—the man who hatched the plot to murder Christ and conducted the sham trial that condemned Christ to death. #NeverForget

10 April 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 28.02.2020 06:20:36
It’s that time of the week again folks!
The Noticer
“WHITE WOMEN. WTF. FELLOW WHITE LADIES, PLEASE COME ON, NOW” - Writer Jessica “I’ve never felt unsafe with immigrants in my sanctuary city. I DO feel unsafe with white supremacists marching around” Fleitman (FleitWrite)

The Noticer pinned this message
The Noticer
“You have a lot to learn about structural and systemic racism, how words are used to punch up or punch down, and about life in general. As a fellow white person, I am begging you to stop representing us so poorly” - Coffee Aficionado Rebekah Jacob (rebekahcoffee)

The Noticer
“Fellow white people — imagine having to think about the color of the face mask you’re wearing so you don’t look too menacing” - Journalist Stephanie “Ugh. Sometimes I get sad when stores only have one shelf dedicated to Hanukkah” Goldberg (steph_goldberg)


The Noticer
“I am again so utterly disappointed in a large majority of my fellow white, male Americans” - Swede Alex “white fragility is going to be the downfall of us all” Schwartz (alexbschwartz)

The Noticer
“Being a white dude means we have power and privilege. And - there’s a set of default behaviors associated with power and privilege that can be pretty toxic...So this weekend, join me in trying something different. Make your ORD Camp about listening instead of talking...at ORD camp two years ago I was in a session on underrepresentation in tech. Most of the attendees were underrepresented people in tech. Most of the words were spoken by white dudes. It was embarrassing. Fellow white dudes, let’s not be those dudes” - Verified CEO of Glowforge and Champion of “Diversity” in Tech Dan “Hi, I’m a white dude” Shapiro (danshapiro)

11 April 2020
The Noticer
“For some people, white is all they’ve got. It’s the ‘at least I’m white’ syndrome. If you have no education, no achievements, a crappy job, no better future to offer your kids, you retreat to ‘at least I’m white.’ As if it were an accomplishment” - Ethnic Jew and recent “convert” to Judaism (you can’t make this stuff up folks) Judith “I supported bussing [desegregation]” Pakosinski (JayPako)

The Noticer
“Gun control alone won’t save us — it’s disproportionately applied and ignores state perpetrators. A systemic dismantling of white supremacy (and its siblings ableism, sexism, etc.) is the only thing that will end white supremacist violence” - Queer Disabled Latina Gabriela “proud to protest today with other disabled poc. The disabled community needs to unlearn racism, xenophobia, and oppression” Rossner (gabiruthrossner)

The Noticer
“Finding our that someone you thought was cool and understood things believes that racism against white people is real...Is this group of people ever anything other than disappointing? You might be subjected to systemic bullshit, but it’s not BECAUSE you’re white” - Atheist Israeli-American who drinks the “Tears of Fragile White Men” and “damn[s] privileged white people” Ayelet (babbybadman)

The Noticer
“When will this end? Is it safe to assume that these neighbors are white? I’m so sick and tired of, and embarrassed by, this racism” - Secular Humanist, Atheist, Feminist Attorney Merry “SPLC is far, far from extremist. Rather, they go AFTER extremists, such as white supremacist groups. I donate to them every year” Kogut (Herronisland)

The Noticer
Never forget just how much they despise your Lord and Savior. Never forget what they did to him.

Matthew 27:25
12 April 2020
The Noticer
Fam, on this sacred day, as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, let us not forget who crucified him and who despise him to this day.

From my family to yours, Happy Easter. He is risen! He is risen indeed!


“He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God” - John 1:11-12
The Noticer pinned this message
13 April 2020
The Noticer
“I’ve know these guys since HS: snickering & smirking is the lingua franca of the over privileged, arrogant, sexist, racist white male” - Genocide Professor Steve “insecure men probably ARE feeling ill at the very real decline of their white male privilege” Gorelick (sgorelick)

The Noticer
“The GOP is now a full-blown white supremacist party. Anyone who associates with this party has *got* to be considered a racist. One has to be living under the universe’s largest rock to be ignorant of what the GOP has become” - Verified “Right-Of-Center Libertarian” Blogger Pejman “of course a white supremacist would support Trump” Yousefzadeh (Yousefzadeh)

The Noticer
“I’m so happy about this! Remember during Rogue One I was super disappointed during the scenes with the Rebel Alliance because while the main cast was full of people of color there was literally only one or two POC in the extras and the rest were all white and mostly male” - Legal Separated Easy Target Selene “if you think me supporting diversity in Star Wars is a ‘yikes’ feel free to unfollow” Jade (_selenejade)

14 April 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 10.03.2020 05:11:22
It’s that time of the week again folks! #TransTuesday!
The Noticer
“My fellow white people and people living in proximity to/benefiting from whiteness - we must do better for black people and other POC” - Gay Trans “Man” Sasha/Sahar “white supremacy is terrorism. White supremacy is at the core of the foundation of this country” Gooen (FTSGooen)

The Noticer
“I’m super white so if anyone ever sees me being an ass or not checking my privilege plz tell me!!!!!” - Straight, Bi, Pan, Gay, Enby, Trans, Queer Goblin who “draws gay stuff!!!” Danny (RancidRussian)

How are these people real?

The Noticer
“Dear uneducated white people, ethnicity is NOT connected to skin color” - “White Genocide? OH lawrd...please stop while you’re ahead” - Trans Woman of Color Ben Seni Severim (theturkishdlite)

OH lawrd indeed

15 April 2020
The Noticer
“Such a sad story about young children whose first experience of America is being taken away from their parents” - Verified Guilt-Tripping, Immigration-Pushing Mother Jones Editor Aaron “this is truly the saddest and most twisted story we’ve published about US immigration system” Wiener (aaronwiener)

He’s a whiner alright folks

The Noticer
“I’m sickened by the astounding amount of transphobia and hatred directed at trans women by white cis women” - First-Generation American Ariel “as a Jew, People of Color and Immigrants ARE MY PEOPLE” Galant (QueenCityNative)

The Noticer
“I cannot continue to be a member in the face of the Romance Writers of America’s resistance to healing the damage it has caused to members of marginalized groups. Racism, Anti Semitism and Homophobia are not the kind of values I wish my professional organization to possess” - Romance Writer Stacey “I want to be part of the diversity committee” Agden (nystacey)

16 April 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 12.03.2020 04:59:24
Who’s ready for a little blast from the past? #ThrowbackThursday
The Noticer pinned this message
The Noticer
“Who was I now—woman or man? That question could never be answered as long as those were the only choices; it could never be answered if it had to be asked” - “Butch Lesbian, Transgender Activist, Communist, and Author” who “laid the groundwork for much of the terminology and awareness around gender studies and was instrumental in bringing these issues to a more mainstream audience” (that’s straight from Wikipedia folks) Leslie “like racism and all forms of prejudice, bigotry against transgendered people is a deadly carcinogen” Feinberg.

Trans Tuesday? Throwback Thursday? Sometimes it’s tough to tell which day of the week it is

The Noticer
“If gays and lesbians are second-class citizens, what was I as a single transgender person?” - Renowned Transgender Activist and the First Trans Member of the Democratic National Committee Barbra “time for trans people to stand up and show up” Siperstein

“‘They didn’t call me that again,’ she laughed, dryly.” Oy vey!

17 April 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 28.02.2020 06:20:36
It’s that time of the week again folks!
The Noticer pinned this message
The Noticer
“How can you tell people who have experienced racism essentially their entire lives how they should feel? I’m white, it’s certainly not my place. I try to understand empathize with non white friends but I will never truly experience what they have gone through” - “Fellow White” Jenni (Jennicuti)

Her blood ain’t white folks

The Noticer
“Fellow white women, it’s not our job to tell poc who’ve been catastrophically wronged by biden’s policies what to do” - Selfie-Taking Sarah Heilman (sarashea_)

The Noticer
“We white people don’t have a great track record with treating other cultures respectfully. And at this point in history, I think it feels a lot like colonialism for us white ladies to take inspiration from other cultures because we don’t know the deeper meaning behind the beauty” - “Fellow White” Sarah (solidbee)

She’s “the whitest white lady in Whiteville” folks

The Noticer
“Can my fellow white men, including Congress (62%), Military Officers (varies but all >76%), Police (65.7%), Judges (59%), & Corporate Leaders (Fortune 500: 66% board seats/91% executives) stop abusing our disproportionate control over every institution of power in America?” - Democratic Universalist and IBM Consultant Jon “I’m sickened of seeing injustice so frequently” Munitz (MyLifeIsMunitz).

I couldn’t agree with Jon more. It’s time for “fellow white men” to “stop abusing their disproportionate control over America”

The Noticer
BOSS_HawG 17.04.2020 08:14:21
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All HaiL t.me/theenoticer
(((They))) love using NAZI
They call us White SUPREMACISTS
While promoting their own.
Eyes on Fire
18 April 2020
The Noticer
“Neo-Nazi radicalization (in the US) is grounded in ‘defending’ the baseline assumptions of normative mainstream American family: white, hetero, x-ian, nuclear, the man as breadwinner, the woman in the home. Until we fix that as our basic assumed, nostalgic, norm, we can’t fix them” - “White Dude” Rabbi Andy Kahn (rabbiandykahn)

They don’t even try to hide the ball anymore folks. Rabbi Andy and his tribe won’t rest until everything that you love (your family, your faith, and your people) is destroyed

The Noticer
“Great panel on Hate Crime...More training for law enforcement. More attention to social media responsibility. More select use of direct lawsuits” - “White Supremacist”-Suing, Censorship-Advocating ADL Attorney Michael “there is no ‘white genocide’ in South Africa & race-based killings of white South African farmers are a myth” Lieberman (ADLWashCounsel)

The Noticer
“The first LGBTQ kiss in the [Macy’s] Parade’s history. We here at The Prom Musical have never been so proud. So proud. So thankful” - Verified Gay Broadway Singer Josh “Shame on Covington Catholic for allowing their students to harass people...Shame. Shame. Shame” Lamon (JoshLamon)

19 April 2020
The Noticer
“Just watched Chelsea Handler’s documentary on Netflix ‘Hello White Privilege It’s Me Chelsea’ w/ my daughter. We thought it was really good. I have been talking about white privilege w/ our girl since she was very young. My grandpa taught me. White people need to have these conversations” - Podcaster and Radio Producer Lisa “I’ve experienced antisemitism. Brother beat up starting at age 4. Mailbox filled w/bees. Multiple hate crimes against my family. I am still scared of white teenage boys” Davis (lisadavismph)

Beating up 4 year olds and putting bees in mailboxes. We white goyim can be pretty damn terrible, can’t we folks?

The Noticer
“I love it when while people find new ways to pretend they are victims” - “White Folk” Member of an Orthodox Synagogue and Yeshayahu Leibovitz Zionist Jordan “murderous, ideological, violence against Jews is coming from the right...white Christian nationalism” Hirsch (tromyam).

Yep, ol’ Jordan’s as “white folk” as they come folks

20 April 2020
The Noticer
“Every white supremacist neo-Nazi in this country should be quaking in their fucking boots. They thought Jews were a threat before? Woo boy. The combined anguish and fury of American Jewry, the force of young Jews organizing for justice will blow them out of the fucking water” - Jewish Socialist Jay “we’re Jews against white nationalism” Taubes (jaytaubes)

21 April 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 10.03.2020 05:11:22
It’s that time of the week again folks! #TransTuesday!
The Noticer pinned this message
The Noticer
“Confused... what diversity is this white guy supposed to represent? (Photo shows an ad ‘you belong in Boston tech. If you’re passionate about diversity in tech...’ alongside a white man)” - Queer Gender Nonconforming “Kitty Parent” Gabriella Spitzer (gabriellaspitz)

The Noticer
“Cis ppl are so dumb...literally I’ve gotten so much more transphobic bullshit since growing my hair out a little!” - Trans Gay Communist Musician Emily “I love working at a women’s center which is mostly trans folks!” Dombrovskaya (businessgoth)

Watch out lads, they/themily “could totally steal your girlfriend”

The Noticer
“Stop making excuses for your privilege and learn about intersectionality 2020. Accept that you have certain privileges over others if you are white, thin, Christian, able bodied, cis, straight, so we can dismantle the systems of oppression together” - Queer Genderqueer Rabbi in the Making Eliana “I’m just tired of straight white dudes having all the fun” Kayelle (elianakayelle)

22 April 2020
The Noticer
“I call them concentration camps because the U.S. is the wealthiest nation in the history of humanity. If we detain refugees in deplorable conditions, we further the cycles of violence which prompted WWII concentration camps to become death camps. See something, say something” - Community Organizer Sagie “we must unapologetically use the language of uprising and revolution” Tvizer (SagieTvizer)

The Noticer
“White ppl, we created ghettos in urban inner cities thru discriminatory housing, loan, policing policies” - Writer Jess “whiteness WILL NOT SAVE US” Schwalb (jschwalbie)

The Noticer
“I’m a white upper-middle-class US male, privileged out the wazoo” - Queer Evan (silby)

“I am Jewish...there’s people to whom that’d be obvious and people who’d never notice.” Yep, and that pretty much sums up why I do what I do folks

24 April 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 28.02.2020 06:20:36
It’s that time of the week again folks!
The Noticer
“psa to fellow white people can we stop saying ‘qwhite interesting’ etc, as it has the effect of distancing ourselves from our whiteness and the damage whiteness does” - Gay Trans Nazi Scalp Collector Kai Asher (kaiasher96)

The Noticer
“To my fellow white women: STOP IT” - Academic Caroline “I as a white woman should support jr scholars of color” Schroeder (ctschroeder)

The Noticer
“Fellow white people, get your shit together. Immediately” - Privileged “White Person” Web Developer Lori (mctclover)

A trend is starting to develop folks

25 April 2020
The Noticer
Dallas, Texas. Well done lads! https://t.me/TheHundredHanders
The Noticer
“We need to talk about predators - predominantly white gay men in power - in the queer community...this isn’t a queer issue. This isn’t a women issue. This is about egomaniacal white dudes in power. Let’s keep focus” - Verified Writer and “Your Queer Dream” Eric “denounce your white supremacist supporters” Eidelstein (ericeidelstein)

The Noticer
“Hi so reminder that I’m queer and I also am in love with a cisman and if you think that’s weird then 1) that’s your problem not mine 2) don’t attack him about it and 3) examine your internalized biphobia!!!!!” - Queer Activist, Feminist, and Condom Lover Lily “Dear 12-year-old...yes, it is a good idea to check out a book from the library about questioning your sexuality” Gomberg (LilyFish_)

The Noticer
“What can white people do? For starters: Read, listen, empathize, recognize we’re not fulfilling America’s promise” - “Embarrassed White Lady” and Defender of Her Fellow Single Mothers Rebecca “I say this as a white woman who happens to be Jewish” Britton (rebeinstein)

26 April 2020
The Noticer
“This is what emboldened white supremacy looks like. It’s sickening, vile, and the product of a society that stopped standing up for its ideas in favor of regressive attempts at homogeneity” - Queer Internationalist Drew “police are extremely white, armed, and talking about Stalingrad. We need reform” Perkoski (drew_perkoski)

The Noticer
MemeLab 26.04.2020 12:54:54
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02:29, 44.7 MB
@theenoticer it's really like you said
28 April 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 10.03.2020 05:11:22
It’s that time of the week again folks! #TransTuesday!
The Noticer
“Yesterday I joined Children’s Phila to celebrate the 5th birthday of the Gender and Sexuality Development Clinic. The important clinic offers psychosocial and medical support for gender variant, gender expansive and transgender children and youth” - Verified Pennsylvania Physician General and Trans Dr. Rachel “proud to participate in today’s Rally for Trans Existence and Resistance” Levine (SecretaryLevine)

29 April 2020
The Noticer
“White people have been more offended by being called racist than they are ashamed of their racist acts for decades” - Historian Carly “America’s founding colonial principles — a stolen place run by st8, white, het men (built on the backs of stolen people)” Lucas (leoramatana)

The Noticer
“Organizing direct action works! #ShutDownICE” - Anti-ICE Protestor Olivia “the Gadsden flag was created by a white slave owner and has a racist history!” Lawrence-Weilmann (olivialw_)

She’s just “unpacking intergenerational trauma” folks

1 May 2020
The Noticer
“A white cishet guy just asked me to explain toxic masculinity because the term is ‘extremely broad & demeaning’ ... sorry that the idea that you might participate in an oppressive system hurts your feelings” - “Queer Disabled Person” Sabrina (SabrinaTessEp)

The Noticer
Please give my boys a listen fam. Great content 👌

2 May 2020
The Noticer
“White culture is literally just hating everyone else and fucking your cousin why is that something to be proud of??” - Buzzfeed-Celebrated Tweeter Melissa “fucking white people” Paige (melissapaige313)

The Noticer
“Nothing about the West is inherently white. In fact, a crowning achievement of Western thought has been to conceive of nationhood that unites all people...The gospel’s spiritual claims override our demographic differences. That is what enabled classical ethics to merge with Judeo-Christian theology and create the true West: a multi-ethnic, intergenerational civilization. Western tradition is the exact opposite of ‘blood and soil.’...The alt-right drastically misunderstands: precisely because America is essentially Western, it is not essentially white” - Conservative Writer and Academic Spencer “It’s Impossible for Western Civilization to be White” Klavan (SpencerKlavan).

Fam, you have no idea how truly weary I am. I am so very, very tired of noticing

4 May 2020
The Noticer
“Awwww I’m not worshiping your whiteness. I must be such a RACIST against white people like you, that are so historically marginalized. Poor sad white man” - “Fucking white people” Scott (ScottCarSick)

5 May 2020
The Noticer
BOSS_HawG 04.05.2020 15:23:51
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03:34, 25.7 MB
(((They))) are the Plague of the World.
tribute to a KING t.me/theenoticer
Someone has to keep them on their toes. HAIL VICTORY
7 May 2020
The Noticer
“The high rates of infection and death within our African-American population from COVID-19 is staggering and horrific. It further establishes how AA’s are treated like garbage...Every one of us who serves in government must double-down our commitment to do right by the African-American communities...I just can’t hear about one more black health care worker, police officer or bus driver die while getting a barrage of complaints from white folks outraged because they can’t go golfing” - Verified Lesbian Michigan Attorney General Dana “I don’t have a penis” Nessel (dananessel)

8 May 2020
The Noticer
>”I’m white...I am white. I’m ethically Jewish, but I’m wit racially. At the very least, I’m white passing, and I am privileged for the fact I’m white passing”

>”Yes, white passing Ashkenazim have white privilege UP UNTIL they show any sign of their religion”

- challahsnob

They are “white” and have “privilege” until they decide to guilt trip actual whites. Do you see how it works folks?

9 May 2020
The Noticer
“if u can genuinely be a racist to me, a white person. if u can genuinely say something racist to me I will concede [that you can be racist to white people]. i literally dare u to find systemic oppression towards me in regards to my race” - Lesbian Zionist Chelsea

10 May 2020
The Noticer
“The real anti-Semitism on college campuses is that I can’t focus on finals because Trump keeps promoting white supremacy” - Terrified College Student Mayan “[Trump’s] a believer in what, white supremacy?” Arad-Neeman (matanarad)

11 May 2020
The Noticer
“When people say ‘normal Americans,’ or ‘normal America,’ ‘normal’ is not being used statistically, but normatively. And when the norm is Christian white people living in small towns, that use evokes a problematic history of white Christian supremacy” - Renowned Yale Philosophy Professor and Author of “How Fascism Works” Jason “I’m as white as it is possible to be” Stanley (jasonintrator)

13 May 2020
The Noticer
“White people: we are the problem” - Verified Feminist Attorney, Defender of Women, and Convicted Rapist Harvey Weinstein’s Personal Lawyer Lisa “attorneys represent a lot of distasteful people” Bloom (LisaBloom)

15 May 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 28.02.2020 06:20:36
It’s that time of the week again folks!
The Noticer
“We as white people need to turn to our own (racist) family and community members and bring them along. It can’t be left for POC to handle the problem of white racism. It’s our trash, we gotta take it out” - “Fellow White” Queer Therapist Sanjerina

The Noticer
“The white supremacy in this country is strong. The white supremacy in the mainstream is strong” - “Fellow White American Liberal” Academic NS “if you still belong to the Republican party, you’re racist. Yes, you” Dolkart (N_S_Dolkart)

16 May 2020
The Noticer
“It took social media uproar to get a couple of white terrorists who literally stalked and gunned a man down in cold murder arrested. Get me tf out of this sh!thole country” - Actress Samantha “the worst and most dangerous terrorists on US soil are white men” Acampora (littlesammi)

They always complain about our nations and our people, but they never, ever leave

The Noticer
These white supremacist lists on Telegram are out of control! Oy vey!
17 May 2020
The Noticer
“Dear white people- let’s get this straight. You can’t be victims of racism. Racism means that the whole culture, society, economy and much of what is considered law is against you because of your race. All of those things support white people. So stop claiming it, ever. Period” - Verified Filmmaker and Director Josh “White. Male. Terrorists” Fox (joshfoxfilm)

18 May 2020
The Noticer
“We are a nation of immigrants - Dreamers make California and the entire nation stronger” - Verified Gun-Grabbing, LGBTQ-Promoting, Abortion-Loving, White Male-Bashing US Senator Dianne “thrilled to see marriage equality” Feinstein (SenFeinstein).

We pass around the plate at church to help the poor and needy, Dianne and her people pass around the plate to pay for abortions. Doesn’t that just say it all folks?

The Noticer
It would be a real shame if people were to submit Noticer profiles to the ADL as evidence of “bias” and “discrimination.” A real, real shame

The Noticer pinned this message
19 May 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 10.03.2020 05:11:22
It’s that time of the week again folks! #TransTuesday!
The Noticer
“Trump rally, white supremacist rally, same thing” - Disabled Autistic Queer Immigrant Rights Activist Kayla “white supremacy is a disease” Neumeyer (kay_neu)

The Noticer
“Hate to do this but I couldn’t work last week and I have exactly enough money for tuition & nothing else. Please support my trans-led work making museums more equitable for trans people ✌️🌱”” #TransCrowdFund” - Queer Trans Beggar and Museum Volunteer Johanna (son_of_berl)

They’s writing their thesis “about trans visitors’ experiences in museums!”

The Noticer
Handa's Love Shack 19.05.2020 14:26:47
I made this poster to tribute https://t.me/theenoticer. One of, if not, the most important channel on this service. Hail Victory!
20 May 2020
The Noticer
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11,000 and still going strong! Our power is growing with each passing day. Thanks for all your support fam (and to Hawg for the video)
The Noticer
“We have a white supremacist problem. We have a gun problem” - Verified Anti-White, Gun-Grabbing, Diversity-Shilling Hawaiian US Senator Brian “white supremacy does not deserve a voice in any national conversation” Schatz (brianschatz)

One time at a bus stop, Brian witnessed this evil, drunk white male screaming “go back to your country” at an elderly Filipino woman. Then Brian and everybody else at the bus stop, shouted that evil racist down. That like totally, totally happened folks.

21 May 2020
The Noticer
>”The rise of white nationalism is a threat to every marginalized group in the country, and we must stand united against it if we are to defeat it”

>”No matter how difficult things may look right now, I will never give up on Israel as a secure, democratic homeland for the Jewish people”

- Verified US Congressman Andy “fighting white supremacy isn’t fighting America—it IS America” Levin (RepAndyLevin)

No double standards here folks

The Noticer
Oy vey! Trump commented on a black thug beating up a defenseless white senior citizen!?! We can’t have that, diversity is our strength. 25th Amendment Now!

David’s already on the List for a reason
22 May 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 28.02.2020 06:20:36
It’s that time of the week again folks!
The Noticer
“Come the fuck on, fellow white men” - Zack “Suck it, white people!” Teibloom (ZackTeibloom)

“hehe” indeed

The Noticer
“The only way to be free of our gendered oppression is, for those of us who are white, to betray whiteness. Whiteness only alleviates our gendered oppression at the expense of colonized people without liberating us from it. Whiteness truly is a wage, one that we mustn't accept” - “Fellow White Trans Woman” Danielle Scarlett (daniellesb_)

Scientific realities (e.g., there are only two genders) equal “whiteness”?

How are these people even real? I ask myself this question every single day

24 May 2020
The Noticer
“I’m going to be honest here. I am looking forward to less White people in House and Senate in 2020” - Democrat Operative Jesse “I don’t want my Christian friends to go to church” Lifson (DoYouEvenLif).

A rare moment of honesty, and the entire immigration racket is explained. Your dispossession is just the beginning folks

The Noticer

Watch out fam, Vincent James is a “fucking nazi.” Yep, that’s right. What’s the proof, you ask? Welp, Vincent shared my content and, as everyone knows, I’m a network of “violent antisemites...connected to hardline accelerationist neo-nazis” that “doxxes” Jews.

Yep, Vincent and I are pretty despicable alright. How dare we share publicly available tweets that Jewish individuals proudly posted on Twitter (one of the most visited websites on earth)!?! How dare we notice!?! #fuckingnazis
25 May 2020
The Noticer
Happy Memorial Day Goy! Your military celebrates white supremacy

It never ever ends
The Noticer pinned this message
The Noticer
EuropaWave 25.05.2020 15:21:23
26 May 2020
The Noticer
“My whole career I’ve really tried to be a champion of diversity” - Verified “White Cis Male” Pagan Animist LGBTQ and Non-White Character-Shilling Comic Book/TV Show Creator Greg “diversity has always been a priority for me” Weisman (Greg_Weisman)

The Noticer
“These [confederate] monuments are the result of the marriage of white-led civilian terror with official power. If white historians can contribute to dismantling the myth and it’s monuments, shouldn’t they? People of color shouldn’t have to clean up all of our messes” - Historian Alex “narcissism run wild, paranoia, infantilism...just a run of the mill white male” Green (lalexgreen)

They won’t stop with toppling confederate monuments folks.

27 May 2020
The Noticer
“They wants race war. We’ll give them a race war. I am with #BlackLivesMatter. We will win” - Verified Actress and Proponent of “Taking Guns Out of White Supremacist Hands” Frances Fisher (Frances_Fisher)

They want to disarm you for a reason folks

The Noticer
“The black community deserves justice” - Verified “Diversity”-Loving “White” Minneapolis Mayor Jacob “Minneapolis’s success is built by immigrants and refugees” Frey (Jacob_Frey).

Jacob will let them riot, loot, and burn down Minneapolis for George Floyd folks. After all, they deserve “justice”

The Noticer pinned this message
28 May 2020
The Noticer
“George Floyd was as killed before our eyes — and we have every reason to be angry, to cry out for justice, to say never again. Angelenos should follow their conscience in response to the pain and senselessness of this horror” - Verified LGBTQ-Shilling, Black Panther-Praising, “Diversity”-Pushing Los Angeles Mayor Eric “diversity is our strength” Garcetti (MayorOfLA)

If your conscience tells you to riot, loot, burn, and smash police cars, then you must follow your conscience

The Noticer
“I’m a real middle aged, city living, white lady and I’m disgusted and offended with many other white people” - Department of Defense Employee Sue (sueinphilly).

She’s “tired of white people being shmucks”

The Noticer
“ANTIFA, a largely white group made up of members of the media, is framing Black Lives Matter for these riots. Folks I have followed this scene for years, and this isn’t the authentic BLM in action. This is ANTIFA framing black folks for their crimes. Wow!” - Verified “Right Wing” Provocateur Mike “rioters/looters in Minneapolis are not the Black Lives Matter protesters” Cernovich (Cernovich)

Don’t believe your eyes goy, the looters and rioters aren’t black, they’re white

29 May 2020
The Noticer
“The slaughter of #AhmaudArbery sickens me. This same week, armed white men stormed State Capitols, unscathed. Yet unarmed black men can’t even jog without being gunned down by racists. We have a sickness in this country and I’m not just talking about COVID. #BlackLivesMatter” - Gay Leftwing Activist Jeremy “White people: people of color and other targets of vicious hare are not indebted to you for calling out the bigotry” Rosenberg (JeremyR1992)

30 May 2020
The Noticer
Mia reenters the List with a strong entry.

Can you guess who runs CNN?
The Noticer
“Anyone who doesn’t think the current iteration of law enforcement isn’t inherently racist, or doesn’t understand why black people are disproportionately targeted, assaulted, and killed, should look up the history of the word patrolman/pattyroller. This shit isn’t new” - Verified Actor (who doesn’t understand double negatives) Armie Hammer (armiehammer)

Yep, you guessed it folks. His dad was a communist

The Noticer
“Demonstrations are a manifestation of justified outrage caused by systemic racism and injustice. Free speech is part of Oakland’s DNA and we will create a safe space for people to voice their anger and demand justice” - Verified “Diversity”-Shilling, Illegal Immigrant-Protecting, Looter-Loving Oakland Mayor Libby “we celebrate our diversity and choose inclusion in Oakland” Schaaf (LibbySchaaf)

Libby’s creating a “safe space” in Oakland for you to loot, riot, burn, and kill. Very cool!

The Noticer
“Update: Investigative journalists in Minnesota analyzed the records, and one of those arrested out-of-state had a Facebook page with clearly identifiable support of white supremacy” - Verified “White Supremacy”-Obsessed Reporter Adam “I’ve been interviewing academics and researchers on US domestic terrorism, particularly attacks linked to white supremacy” Klasfeld (KlasfeldReports)

These white supremacist youths are destroying our cities!

31 May 2020
The Noticer
“WHITE FRIENDS. Do not just retweet and instastory this, Donate to a bail fund. Support George Floyd Protests Nationwide” - Verified Socialist Model Genevieve “Damn, White women. We are our own worst enemy” Angelson (GenevieveAngel)

Donate to the people destroying your cities goyim, er, I mean, fellow white people

The Noticer
Welcome back to the List Julia (juliaioffe)!
The Noticer
“Just donated, please donate if you can! Los Angeles bail fund for protesters” - Verified Producer Ben “some white supremacists failed cop school so now they harm black people as a hobby instead of as a career” Bram (thebenbram)

We need to let the “protesters” out of jail so they can continue the “peaceful” “protests”

The Noticer
“My Grandpa Max survived the Holocaust and came to Minneapolis as an immigrant with literally nothing. $0. He worked 3 jobs, 1 of which was at his neighborhood liquor store. After many years of saving, he eventually bought that liquor store. Tonight that liquor store is on fire. Grandpa Max, like most holocaust survivors, was a huge civil rights advocate, and seeing his life’s work burn to the ground is incredibly upsetting. But not as upsetting as the fact that A MAN WAS MURDERED BY THE POLICE 3 DAYS AGO, (ON CAMERA!) AND NO ONE HAS BEEN ARRESTED YET! I don’t know how to fix any of this, or how to heal the pain and anger we’re all feeling these days. But I do know that if my Grandpa Max were alive, he‘d agree that electing a better president, one that doesn’t divide us, would be a YUGE step in the right direction #VoteHimOut” - Verified Director Todd Skylar (ColonelSklar)

I thought you could use a feel good story in these dark times fam

1 June 2020
The Noticer
“America’s history is so fundamentally based on white supremacy that it’s still the basis for most of our culture and our politics” - Verified Washington Post Sportswriter Neil “99%” Greenberg (ngreenberg)

The Noticer
“Let’s be clear, this far right infiltration of George Floyd protests is the direct result of Donald Trump’s racism & encouragement of white nationalist violence that has been the centerpiece of his political agenda” - Verified Former Pentagon and House Intelligence Insider Adam “Wasn’t there another world leader who hid in a dark bunker defending white supremacy as the capital city around him burned? Blickstein (AdamBlickstein).

Blickstein’s already on the List (#1150), but these tweets were just too good to ignore. I mean, blaming white supremacists for the actions of “youths” and throwing in a Hitler zing to boot. A truly remarkable talent folks
The Noticer
“Is it just me, or does it look like most folks bashing windows here are white while most of those pleading with them to stop are black?” - Verified Sportsball Podcaster Josh “it’s the white supremacist terrorists who are causing problems much more so than any anti-fascists” Martin (JoshMartinNBA)

It’s those damn white Nazis, yeah that’s it

The Noticer
“What! [the white people] start shooting [when BLM protesters come to burn down white neighborhoods]? good thing for the homeowners the protesters would have no idea they were gonna do that and did not bring their own weapons. Good thing. 🙃” - NYU Journalism Student Rebecca “I am white and I agree with reparations” Cohen (abeckycohen)

Never forget just how much they despise you

The Noticer
“Tonight in #Snohomish I am ashamed of my town. These people flex open carry & flash white power while PoC get beaten and tear gassed. This is white privilege meets white nationalism.” - Snohomish Man Neal “White nationalism needs to stay out of my town” Manegold (NealManegold)


Manegold: “My fellow Snohomish, ethno-nationalism is bad”

Also, Manegold: “My family is from Israel”


The Noticer
“It was homicidal...What we found is consistent with what people saw. There is no other health issue that could cause or contribute to his death...George Floyd was in good health” [completely ignoring fentanyl] - Celebrity Forensic Pathologist who conducted George Floyd and Michael Brown’s “Independent” Autopsies and Testified in Defense of Murderers Phil Specter and OJ Simpson Dr. Michael Braden

2 June 2020
The Noticer
“Dear White People: We are the ones that need to change. This is not one man's story. This is almost every black man's story. Which is why the problem is ours. We need to find OUR way to change what we do. There is no quick fix. It's a moral imperative” - Verified Billionaire Mark Cuban (mcuban)

Nailed it!

The Noticer
- Great time to listen.
- Great time to boost black voices.
- Great time to donate as much as you can, to as many places as you can.
- Great time to call elected officials and demand action/sanity.
- Bad time to share opinions, imho.”


Verified Actor Griffin “I wish all these white people would stop moving into my neighborhood. Sincerely, A white person” Newman (GriffLightning)


“Bad time to share opinions,” he says while sharing his opinion. Opinions for me, not for thee

The Noticer
“tonight at the boston protest i located black organizers at every turn and deferred to their leadership: chants, directions, conduct. when the police showed up it was belligerent whites who were first to get confrontational and escalate despite reprimand from the organizers. White allies: show up, listen, then act. read the room. It is our imperative to fight for our black siblings but only ever in their terms. don’t be fucking dumb :)” - Verified Trans Model Hari “that’s why i’m so powerful” Nef (harinef)

Don’t worry folks, I didn’t forget about Trans Tuesday

Channel photo changed
3 June 2020
The Noticer
“Trump called protesters terrorists & threatened citizens with the military. His words and actions incite more violence, and show he has no interest in tackling systemic racism” - Verified Immigrant-Loving, “Racism”-Fighting, “White Supremacist”-Censoring New York Congressman Eliot “If I didn’t have a primary, I wouldn’t care” Engel (RepEliotEngel)


>”I am very pleased he unambiguously stated that Israel is a Jewish state and the homeland of the Jewish people”

>”White nationalism should never be normalized in this country [USA]”


The Noticer
“I pray that those of us who are white Christians repent of our own prejudices, and do the urgent work of becoming better allies to our brothers and sisters of colour. For those of us who are white Christians, I pray that we reflect and pray deeply and honestly on what it means to follow the teaching of Jesus to ‘love your neighbor as yourself’” - Verified Racism-Fighting, Refugee-Loving Archbishop of Canterbury Gavin “Jesus was a refugee” Welty (JustinWelby) -

Fun Fact: After receiving some publicity for being the first Jewish Archbishop of Canterbury, Welby unexpectedly discovered that his father was actually some random British guy. Wow, what an amazing coincidence!

To voice your support for this man of God, here’s a link to his my fellow white Christians tweet https://mobile.twitter.com/JustinWelby/status/1267806096997130242

The Noticer
“Systemic racism infects too much of our nation including police departments” - Verified Singer and Actress Barbara “what happened to George Floyd is a modern day lynching” Streisand (BarbaraStreisand).

“You mean 6 million Jews don’t count?” 😭

The Noticer
Nothing to see here folks. Remember, the assertion that Jews are trying to fundamentally transform America is a ludicrous, offensive, and wildly anti-semitic conspiracy theory.

The Noticer
“White people: PLEASE HELP FIGHT THIS GOOD FIGHT. The black community NEEDS YOU!!!! EVERYONE needs you. I’m terrified that the streets will burn and run with blood until we ALL do our part. Our people fucked this up: THIS IS NOT ON THE BLACK COMMUNITY TO FIX!!! WE need to make this right. NOW!!!!!” - Verified Singer Demi “to scared or uncomfortable white people...ask yourself why you’re uncomfortable, check yourself because there’s probably a deeper reason you’d choose the side of the oppressors, then educate yourself, stop talking or posting ignorant content on your socials for once and LISTEN” Lovato (ddlovato)

DISTANT ANCESTRY is ALL it takes folks

4 June 2020
The Noticer
Oh how exciting! The Nation is calling for the abolition of the traditional family unit because it’s “an anti-queer factory for producing workers, rife with power asymmetries and violence.” Hmmm, I wonder who runs this amazingly progressive publication? Yes indeed!
The Noticer
“I know we live in a racist country. Our criminal justice system is systemic racism...Until this is change, we cannot asset that there are equal rights in the United States. Because our POTUS and his administration are white supremacist sympathizers, their policies are intended to further degrade POC, strip POC of basic human rights. And, the closeted racist Americans have come out into the sunlight...i am sorry if with my white privilege--which i fully acknowledge and am trying to own--that i implied that the civil rights movement "fixed" blatant racism. I know that is far from the truth. I also recognize that it is because my rights are being threatened, for the first time, it feels worse t o me, but that POC have had to deal with this threat their whole lives” - Verified Actress Debra “my white privilege protects me” Messing (DebraMessing)

Channel photo changed
The Noticer
“I think the important things for white parents to keep in the front of our mind is that if black children in this country are not allowed innocence and childhood without fear of being killed by police or marginalized in some other way, then our children don’t deserve innocence...if black children can’t be innocent, we don’t get to be innocent” - Verified Anti-Racism Activist Tim Wise (timjacobwise)

Welcome back to the List Tim!
The Noticer
“Progress! [in response to statues of your white ancestors being torn down]” - Verified Deputy Chair of Open Society Foundations, Founding Chairmen of Jewish Action, and Son of Billionaire George Soros Alexander “help combat institutionalized racism” Soros (AlexanderSoros)

He’s just a chip off the old block folks

The Noticer
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As his city burns, Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey delivers one of the most impressive displays of kvetching that I have ever seen. The blended knee, the shaking body, the stifled sobbing, the clasping hand, the covered face, the streaming tears. A nearly flawless performance folks. This is why I do what I do. God’s chosen people are truly remarkable
5 June 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 28.02.2020 06:20:36
It’s that time of the week again folks!
The Noticer
“White people in this nation aren’t very good at knowing when to take ourselves out of things and when to put ourselves in. Maybe we’ll never have the level of awareness required to strip out the optics and act morally for morality’s sake alone. Today, we may not even understand what morality even looks like... All this gives rise to a far from radical idea: Maybe instead of thinking all the time about what we could do or what we could say or how we could participate loudly, we should try to participate a little more quietly. Maybe we should listen — by reading what black people have written and are writing; by paying attention to what black people are saying about what helps and what doesn’t. Only by shutting up for a second will we learn when we should shut up” - Verified Washington Post Journalist Molly Roberts (mollylroberts).

Shut up and listen she instructs her fellow white people...in a Washington Post op ed. Communication for me, not for thee

The Noticer
“Nice white people wringing their hands about systemic racism but not suggesting policy changes that fundamentally alter the economic gap between blacks & whites is still refusing to tackle the primary moral issue. We need to pay reparations for slavery now” - Verified Spiritualist, Former Democrat Presidential Candidate, and Author of Prayer of Apology to African Americans Marianne “we stole this country from Native Americans to begin with. WHITE PEOPLE WERE THE ILLEGALS” Williamson (marwilliamson)

White people wringing their hands? Hmmm🤔

The Noticer
“This is a nice intro to my fellow white people about privilege and what to do with it” - Verified Astronomer Phil “as a middle-class white man I’m in no position whatsoever to tell black people what to think” Plait (BadAstronomer)

You know Phil, as a middle-class Jewish man you’re also in no position whatsoever to tell white people what to think. Just saying

We’re on an impressive streak fam, 13 verifieds in a row!

The Noticer
“I can’t believe this even needs to be said but DO NOT LOOT FROM SMALL BUSINESSES! ESPECIALLY THOSE OWNED BY BLACK AND POC FOLX! I’M MOSTLY TALKING TO YOU, FELLOW WHITE PEOPLE” - Verified Lesbian YouTube Star Steph Frosch (ElloSteph)

Welcome back to the List Steph
6 June 2020
The Noticer
“Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen”
The Noticer
“To all my folks: LGBT, Muslim, Black, undocumented, crip, Latinx, and more--I love you. Time to ride. Fascism must not win #FreedomNow” - Verified Marxist Feminist Co-Founder of Black Lives Matter Alicia “White supremacy and capitalism are the underlying causes of state-sanctioned police orchestrated violence” Garza (aliciagarza)

“Stop using Black folks as props” Lol

The Noticer
“Also we need to stamp out #WhiteSupremacists in Los Angeles they found out many of the looters were from out of state and come from a white supremacy faternity. were professional in the looting. They put loads of bricks at every store to encourage peaceful protesters to throw it” - Verified Millionaire Matchmaker, Reality TV Star, and Plastic Surgery Survivor Patti “Listen racists karma will get you, you can’t run or hide. Your day will come!” Stanger (pattistanger)

Don’t let her disguise fool you

The Noticer
“They’re all sons of bitches”

#NeverForget just how much they despise you

“They’re all sons of bitches” - Holocaust Survivor Joyce “Love is always stronger than hate” Wagner

The chutzpah is off the chart folks

The Noticer pinned this message
7 June 2020
The Noticer
“All white people are casually racist. It takes work, daily work, to unlearn what our society has taught us” - White Passing Queer, Disabled Latina Yael (righteous_femme).

She doesn’t have an onlyfans right now, but don’t worry folks, you can shoot her a DM for nudes 🤢

The Noticer
“Trump’s Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews”? Oy vey! Blatant antisemitism from Haaretz. What exactly is Ari suggesting? That Antifa—a communist domestic terrorist organization—is Jewish!?! Say it ain’t so!

The Noticer
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Yesterday, “self proclaimed Marxist” Jew and Black Lives Matter Co-Founder Alicia Garza was featured on the List. Today, Wikipedia removed the reference to Garza being a Marxist and her “personal life” section entirely. Hmmm... We may be on to something folks
The Noticer
“Antifa is just a term for anti fascists. It’s not a group. It’s anti fascist. Those ‘terrorists’ are racists, like yourself, posing as protestors, trying to discredit the movement. You know it. Fuck off. Hashtag your garbage back at your white pride echo chamber” - Verified Fall Out Boy Guitarist Joe “fuck off Nazis. Also fuck neo-fascism and white nationalism” Trohman (trohman)

Sugar, we’re going down swinging indeed

The Noticer pinned this message
8 June 2020
The Noticer
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UPDATE: some truth seekers re-added BLM Founder Alicia Garza’s heritage and Marxist roots to her Wikipedia page after this information was removed “for safety.” This is a good lesson lads. We still have some tools to uncover and broadcast the truth. Don’t give up
The Noticer
“Bizarre that people can respond to the murder of George Floyd by saying, ‘This is not America. This is not who we are.’ It’s exactly America. It’s exactly who we are. And it needs to STOP. Denying the existing of systemic racism smacks of ignorance and gross white privilege” - Verified Variety Magazine Editor Malina Saval (Malinasaval)

“what a shanda!”

The Noticer
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Last week was one hell of a week folks.

As always, thanks to https://t.me/HawGa for the video
The Noticer
“I’m not sure defunding police is the answer....But I’m a white guy. WTF do I know. Seriously WTF do I know. I don’t get pulled over and shot. #BLM” - Curator Seth “I know I’m in a place of privilege being White. And until you know my last name you have no idea I’m Jewish” Goldstein (sethgoldstein)

Think just how impressive Seth’s shapeshifting would be if his last name wasn’t Goldstein. Wow!

The Noticer
Meet Nelle Cohen, the Black Lives Matter-supporting wife of Mississippi State University Athletic Director John Cohen. 26 years ago, Nelle—a white Christian southern girl—married John—a Jew. Today, Nelle‘s “Jewish by choice, proud parent of a transgender son, [her] daughter’s boyfriend is black, and [her] son’s girlfriend is Muslim”

Looks like she’s assimilated nicely folks

9 June 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 10.03.2020 05:11:22
It’s that time of the week again folks! #TransTuesday!
The Noticer
“I’m a disabled transgender woman but I have privilege as a white person, educating and living in a developed nation” - Disabled Feminist Transgender “Woman” Belinda “I’m trans and preparing for surgery next June so I guess my [pelvic region] is Work in Progress” Zipper (BelindaZipper)

The Noticer
“all white people are racist because they have white privilege, so they technically benefit from racism. the best a white person can do is FIGHT that and be anti-racism” - “White” Queer, Trans, AFAB Vinny (maccha_fog)

The Noticer
“I am non-binary, specifically genderflux. My pronouns are He/They. The majority of the time I prefer They/Them pronouns, but there are times while I prefer He/Him pronouns and there are other times when I’m fine with both He/Him and They/Them pronouns. #PronounsDay” - Visually Disabled, Gay Non-Binary Nazi Puncher Theo (jewish_activist)

“White goyim please just stop”

The Noticer
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I’m white like you goyim just more empathetic, but I’m totally white
10 June 2020
The Noticer
“When I first heard #defundthepolice, I have to admit my first reaction was fear. My whole life, the police have made me feel safe. But that’s exactly the center of my white privilege: the police make me as a white woman feel safe, while my black friends, family, and neighbors feel the opposite: police make them feel terror. And for good reason...I’ve gotten to the age in my life, where if my gut feels uncomfortable, I take the situation as wrong. But this concept initially made me uncomfortable because I was wrong. Because the system that makes me feel comfortable is wrong. #defendblacklives #defundthepolice” - Verified Actress and Israeli Citizen Natalie “Defund The Police” Portman (natalieportman)

No dual loyalties here folks

The Noticer
“Listen closely. One of my biggest learnings from all of this and I was embarrassed that it has taken me 25 years to realize this: It is not enough to ‘not be racist.’ You have to be anti-racist. Condemn those who feign superiority because of the color of their skin. Friends—hold friends accountable. Hold your family accountable. Hold yourself accountable. And most importantly, we must hold our authorities accountable—police officers, politicians, policymakers. As Killer Mike said, Bully the politicians at the voting booth. Make your voice heard. Attend a protest. Speak up against injustice. If you're white, if you look like me, use your privilege. And for those who do not think that white privilege exists, you are fucking blind. You are delusional and you are part of the problem” - Verified Degenerate YouTube Celebrity Logan “America is racist” Paul (LoganPaul)

The Noticer
“To be absolutely clear, neither I nor anyone in our group was engaged in any looting or vandalism. For context, we spent the day doing our part to peacefully protest one of the most horrific injustices our country has ever seen, which led to us being tear-gassed for filming the events and brutality that were unfolding in Arizona. We were gassed and forced to keep moving on foot...I do not condone violence, looting, or breaking the law; however, I understand the anger and frustration that led to the destruction we witnessed” - Verified “Peaceful Protestor” and Degenerate YouTube Celebrity Jake “gimme my charges and let’s put the focus back on George Floyd and Black Lives Matter” Paul (jakepaul)

“We were gassed”? Oy vey!

The Noticer
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Mark, quit being so defensive, you’re already on the List. Seriously, take a little break bro
11 June 2020
The Noticer
“If it’s a free for all on tearing down racist statues, I still have a bone to pick with... [proceeds to list dozens of “antisemitic” historical European leaders]” - Verified Journalist Eylon “Auf Wiedersehen, Martin Luther! He called Jews a ‘base, whoring people...’”” Levy (EylonALevy)

Hmmm, I wonder why so many historical European leaders were so antisemitic? I’m sure it had nothing at all to do with Jewish behavior

The Noticer
The Noticer 12.03.2020 04:59:24
Who’s ready for a little blast from the past? #ThrowbackThursday
The Noticer
Meet civil rights activist, socialist reformer, and racial integration champion Henry Moskowitz. In the early 1900’s, Moskowitz—concerned ‘white’ person that he was—co-founded the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).

No justice, no peace! Am I right, my fellow white people?

The Noticer
“Reform can be accomplished only when attitudes are changed” - Early Suffragette, Champion of Racial Integration, and Founding Member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Lillian Wald

God’s Chosen People are experts on changing attitudes

The Noticer
Meet early Nation Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) chairman (1913-1919), treasurer (1919-1930), and president (1930-1939) Joel Spingard. This influential “liberal Republican” and “ally of African America” did all he could to ensure racial integration in all areas of life, civilian, familial, and military. What a truly progressive, racially conscious guy!

Seriously fam, we could spend weeks on the Jews of the NAACP

12 June 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 28.02.2020 06:20:36
It’s that time of the week again folks!
The Noticer
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“For the record, fellow white ppl...going out of your way to follow and support black authors and chefs and scientists and activists, etc. isn’t hard hard homework. It will make you and your life more interesting, intelligent, effective, and delicious. It’s wins all around” - Verified Actress Rebecca “I’m not white to him” Metz (TheRebeccaMetz)

Welcome back to the List Rebecca!
The Noticer
“I’ve been listening to/reading a lot of stories of the history of policing that make me so angry, make me cry, are so painful to hear. Please don’t run from these stories and from this anger and pain, fellow white people. We should ALL be uncomfortable right now. It’s necessary” - Verified Singer Claire “White people, we HAVE to do better” de Lune (ClaireMPLS)

The Noticer
“I remember telling a fellow white parent that I spoke openly with my child abt social justice issues, inc but not limited to what a pice brutality. They were shocked, asking didn’t I think 7 was too young? Not of black 7 yr olds are getting taught to be wary of cops at that same age” - Anti-Racist Educator Helana “I am committed to antiracism, educating myself abt racism (instead of putting that labor onto ind POC), and raising my white children in keeping with these values” Darwin (HelanaDarwin)

I’m sure Helana is raising her “white children” right!

The Noticer
“oh my god this is disgusting. fellow white people: could we please just not” - Communist Butch Lesbian They/Them Jae (jkap)

The Noticer
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The “Fellow White” Charade
Starring Verified Writer Dana Schwartz (danaschwartzzz)

>call on “fellow white folks” to donate to BLM and anti-racist groups
>get called out because you’re Jewish, not white
>take the name of Jesus Christ in vain
>feign victimhood
>run crying to Twitter, calling for censorship
>label those who didn’t fall for your charade “legit nazis”

This is the song that never ends folks
13 June 2020
The Noticer
“Holocaust Survivors Rejected Jewish Victimhood”
The Noticer pinned this message
The Noticer
“Today I updated the YouTube community on the events of the past few months. We’re committed to amplifying Black voices, including a new $100M content fund, and to examine how our products and policies work for the Black community” - Verified “White Supremacist”-Banning, “Hate Speech”-Censoring, Black Content-Promoting YouTube CEO Susan “YouTube is working to tackle abuse & hate speech online” Wojcicki (SusanWojcicki)

That’s a $100M smile if I ever saw one folks

The Noticer
“For those in the black community, we know you carry an extra burden right now and 23andMe stands in solidarity with you. Our company is based on the foundation that all of us are linked by a shared thread - DNA - that we are genetically 99.5% the same. We share so much in common, yet black and brown skin means you will disproportionately experience injustices and prejudice that can put lives on completely different trajectories. I feel awful and overwhelmed by the events going on...As a leader who really cares, I feel the responsibility to not just talk about Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, but to make meaningful changes and contributions through my own actions and how we operate at 23andMe” - Verified Founder of 23andMe (worth nearly $700M) and Sister of YouTube’s CEO Anne “This is what needs to change [commenting on post complaining that whites having too much power and wealth]” Wojcicki (annewoj23)

Anne’s right folks. (((This)) is what needs to change

Also, please don’t give Anne your DNA

14 June 2020
The Noticer
“Our country has a long & fraught history of systemic oppression & anti-Black racism that we have shamefully not yet come close to overcoming. Police brutality, disproportionate incarceration, income disparity, the opportunity gap, & the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on Black and other minority communities, are only a few of the symptoms of this crisis. Recent events, starting with the brutal murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor & Ahmaud Arbery, have made racial injustice something that we must deal with immediately as a society. The senseless loss of Black life occurring over and over in our country, and particularly this latest scene of horrific racist abuse of power, have left me feeling disgust, outrage and deep sadness...we will launch a new free searchable attribute that will give businesses a way to identify themselves as Black-owned, and make it easy for users to find and support Black-owned businesses on Yelp” - Yelp CEO Jeremy Stoppelman (jeremys)

Support black businesses goyim!

The Noticer
“Let the revolution begin.....” - Verified LGBTQ-Promoting, BLM-Worshipping President of Nickelodeon Brian Robbins (BrianRobbinsTV)

Remember goyim, asserting that Jews are trying to brainwash your kids is an antisemitic trope. Now kindly turn the TV back on, your kids are going to love the gay characters, racism PSAs, and diversity!

The Noticer
Public Service Announcement from the Noticer: Fam, please be careful when sharing tweets. Directly quoting Holocaust survivors can trigger “apoplectic rage” and “a lot of intergenerational trauma” leading to insomnia in young Jews, especially tranny Jews. Remember, noticing is antisemitism per se. Please act accordingly.
15 June 2020
The Noticer
Bread Pilled [O Come O Emmanuel Edition] 14.06.2020 20:16:59
Hey at least you've achieved the same status as God for them. They won't spell it out either.

G-d, N-ticer. Same energy
The Noticer
“One summer, when I was in college, I was stopped by police for smoking pot. I ended up with a ticket for littering...If I were Black, I probably would have been arrested, thrown into jail, and ended up with a criminal record...The reality is there would never have been a Ben & Jerry’s. And I know that if George Floyd’s skin color was the same as mine, he’d be alive today. Who has power in this country? White people, rich people, politicians, and big business. Until the people with power in America use it to end this affront to our alleged values of fairness, equality, and justice, we will continue to be a nation of hypocrites. I am a member of some of those powerful groups. It is up to us to change this corrupt system. He who is silent consents” - Verified Co-Founder of Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Ben “#BlackLivesMatter” Cohen (YoBenCohen)

Fun Fact: Jerry Greenfield—Ben & Jerry’s other co-founder—is also “white”


#1732 & #1733
The Noticer
“I have been overwhelmed with anger and disappointment over the killing of George Floyd. Today, Chattanoogans came out to express outrage at systemic racism and the destruction it brings. I appreciate everyone who showed up, spoke out, and peacefully said what needs to be said” - Verified Holocaust-Shilling, Diversity-Loving, Racism and Hate-Fighting Chattanooga Mayor Andy “Chattanooga opposes white supremacy in any form and under any name” Berke (AndyBerke)

The Noticer
MemeLab 15.06.2020 09:58:49
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02:06, 70.7 MB
The Noticer is your friend.
Edit by Mind Farmer.
The Noticer
“I’m writing a book on the history and future of tomboys, from cisgender tomboy girls to nonbinary and/or trans tomboys, & everybody between. Got tomboy takes to tell? Contact me! Help me make it a gloriously complex (& totally accessible) book celebrating gender diversity!” - CNN Journalist Lisa “White people committed so much terrorism in the U.S...White people have been committing criminal & immoral acts against brown people from the moment they stepped foot on this continent” Selin-Davis (LisaSelinDavis)

✔️ pushes “gender diversity”
✔️ hates white people
Nothing conditional here folks

16 June 2020
The Noticer
“Beginning this week with deep sadness, introspection, and determination to actively confront institutionalized racism that must be expunged from our nation before we can even begin to believe in E Pluribus Unum. Committed to constructive conversations. #BlackLivesMatter” - Verified Shack Shack Founder and CEO Danny Meyer (dhmeyer)

The Noticer
The Noticer 10.03.2020 05:11:22
It’s that time of the week again folks! #TransTuesday!
The Noticer
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“I transitioned...I was misgendered at birth. I identify as male, and I am proud that I have had a transgender experience — a transgender journey” - Verified Trans Kids Show Actor/Actress Michael “❤️❤️❤️ thank you for reminding LGBTQ+ youth that it does get better. I am here and fighting for you!” Cohen (michaeldsee)

Fun Fact: Michael’s Nickelodeon character came out as trans too!

Another Fun Fact: Michael and the dude who runs Nickelodeon are in the same tribe

The Noticer
“fellow white ppl: there is a phase in radicalization where u feel confused, guilt-stricken, and need to spend time unlearning all the lies youve been taught. ive been there. it's hard! but it's also not productive! the best way to ameliorate that guilt is to just start doing shit. if u feel guilty about ur money, give it away! if u feel sad that your parents rich and that gave u an unfair advantage, then hit them up for money to send to radical causes and trans people's fundraisers. if u feel guilty about ur whiteness protecting u, then get on the streets! i think it's unrealistic to expect white people to not feel this guilt, this confusion, etc...these feelings are a symptom of growing up in white supremacy” - Communist Trans Journalist and Author P.E. “The Case Against Free Speech” Moskowitz (_pem_pem)

Trans Tuesday, or Fellow White Friday? It’s easy to get the days confused around here folks

17 June 2020
The Noticer
“The rallying cry ‘Black Lives Matter’ should be understood as more than a powerful slogan. It is a call for rehumanisation in a world that seems in danger of forsaking it’s humanity. While the shocking and tragic murder of George Floyd and the resulting protests across the world are currently making the headlines, the racism and dehumanisation that they have exposed is not new. We cannot stand idly by as it takes hold of our societies. However, it is also not enough for us to simply join in with a superficial chorus of disapproval. Real change calls upon us to find the courage to challenge racism wherever we come across it: on social media, in the streets, in our communities and in our hearts” - Verified Refugee-Loving, Antisemitism/Islamophobia/Racism-Fighting Chief Rabbi of England Ephraim “urges the community to dig deep in support of refugees” Mirvis (chiefrabbi)

The Noticer
“White supremacy is a cancer that festers in the heart. When it manifests physically, it is scary and dangerous. But when it’s weaponized by the people we give guns and badges to, it’s a National Nightmare. We must stop the hate now!” - Verified Actor Ron “The white privilege that has been ingrained in our souls for over 400 years will not die quietly” Perlman (perlmutations)

“White Inferiorists are insects and need to be stomped out of existence”? “Trump created a movement of outraged, white, angry, stupid people”? Boy, Ronny sure is putting a stop to all the hate, isn’t he folks?

The Noticer
“The STRENGTH of people of colour. Seriously. I’m white and honestly I don’t know how you don’t just punch every single racist you come across. Just found out my neighbour basically is. He is of the “WHAT white privilege do we have?” Camp. And now I want to punch my neighbour” - Crying Marxist Rachel “I’m white. You are racist. The end” Horwitz (horwitzpolitics)

The Noticer
“We must hold one another accountable. We (non-black people) must get to work. We must educate ourselves on the history of oppression and discrimination and how it continues today so we can be better allies and advocate for a better future. We can and must do better” - Verified Billionaire Steve “My number one message to any white people is there’s an invitation that is clear now and a call to action, which is to try to be an ally of these causes” Ballmer (Steven_Ballmer)

I agree with Steve, we do need to close a “racial economic gap”

18 June 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 12.03.2020 04:59:24
Who’s ready for a little blast from the past? #ThrowbackThursday
The Noticer
Meet Zionist zealot, Rabbi Stephen S. Wise. This influential rabbi spent his entire adult life fighting for the Jewish people and the establishment of a Jewish state. He founded the American Jewish Congress, was president of the Zionist Organization of America, and pressured FDR (Wise’s personal friend) to support Jewish causes. Somewhat surprisingly, in 1914, Rabbi Stevie found the time to co-found the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).

Hmmm, I wonder what pushing for racial equality, integration, and miscegenation in America had to do with helping the Jews?

It’s another Jews of the NAACP Throwback Thursday folks. Buckle up

The Noticer
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“I have accepted the Presidency of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People with mixed feelings of humility and pride...The treatment which America accords its minority groups is the real test of democracy in a world in which democracy is being seriously endangered. I trust that as long as I shall be it’s president, the NAACP will never in the slightest degree swerve from its courageous, militant, and intelligent struggle to obtain for the Negroes of this country their full manhood rights” - Former NAACP President Arthur Spingarn

Is it the NAACP or the NAAJP? Hard to tell, ain’t it folks

19 June 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 28.02.2020 06:20:36
It’s that time of the week again folks!
The Noticer
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“Fellow white people! Perhaps this is the first time you’ve ever heard of Juneteenth. This is not for us. STFU” - Tina (Nice_White_Lady)

Hooray! With a handle like that, you knew Tina’d earn herself an encore
The Noticer
Happy Juneteenth, my fellow white people!
The Noticer pinned this message
The Noticer
“To my fellow white parents: it’s important that on this Juneteenth we talk to our kids about race and structural racism” - “Fellow White” SEIU Union Leader David “we white Americans must do better” Broder (Broder512)

The Noticer
“my employer has made Juneteenth an official holiday. I feel a bit uncomfortable benefiting from this move, so if you’re Black and could use a few extra bucks this week, reply with your cashapp/Venmo/whatevs. I’m gonna give top priority to trans Black folx, queer Black folx, and Black folx I have personal relationships with, but if that’s not you, leave your info anyway and hopefully I’ll have enough to go around. And fellow white folx: feel free to jump in and send some personal reparations in celebration of Juneteenth!” - Trans Seminarian Emmett “Trans people win this decade thing for sure” Altsman (TruthBoutEmmett)

The Noticer
“Fellow white, middle class tech workers, If you work for a company that has taken the step to make Juneteenth a company holiday, what are you going to DO with that? Do something that matters” - White Middle Class Tech Worker Matt Beck (mattbeck)

The Noticer
“Dear fellow white people, a lot of you are learning about Juneteenth for the first time. HOWEVER, your personal feelings about how to observe it are 100% irrelevant. Plenty of people have been celebrating it for years, let’s take cues from them” - White Ally Jason “fellow white people, your dogs, no matter how cute are not welcome at protests. There is a very real, very visceral history associated with dogs at protests...NO DOGS allowed” Ridder (ridder3)

The Noticer
“my unemployment money finally came in! on a related note, fellow white people, a good way to celebrate juneteenth might be helping to finish the looooong job of abolishing slavery. join me in donating to http://bailproject.org or another org getting people out of jail today!” - Ari the Joke Killer (O_Speed_Wagon)

Careful fam, don’t drop your hilarious Auschwitz joke around Ari

The Noticer
“For Juneteenth, fellow white people, read this article on why we struggle to discuss racism and admit it benefits us” - “Fellow White-Skinned” Freelance Editor Rochelle “we are fortunate enough not to fear being mistaken for criminals and shot while out with our masks on” Broder-S (RochelleBroder)

20 June 2020
The Noticer
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“Anti-Semites Enlist Cicero Against Anti-Racism.” I just stumbled upon this glowing review from Vassar College’s official website (link below). This piece does not disappoint folks, as it contains every anti-Noticer trope in the book (claims my List encourages violence, calls me “anti-Semitic” and “racist,” says I’m targeting “anti-racism” Jews, etc.). Sadly however, the aspiring journalist who wrote this didn’t take the time to investigate my timeline. If they had, they’d have discovered that I chose Cicero because of his “treason from within” speech, not his “O tempora, O mores” one. Psh, what is this? Amateur hour? #FakeNews.

21 June 2020
The Noticer
“I’m horrified at the disgusting act of killing a (maybe) innocent black man. How long will the world deal with such baseless hatred? I just wanted to say sorry to everyone who knew George Floyd and I hope that horrible policeman gets what he deserves. #JusticeForGeorge. I just want to know how that can happen. Isn’t America supposed to be a free country? What has the world come to. White privileged men killing a black man. Footage showed that he didn’t resist arrest and was obedient” - Antisemitism-Fighting Israeli Artist Rina “I, as a Jewish person strongly relate to being killed out of baseless hatred” Michaels (RinaMichaels9).

Be sure to donate to Rina’s cash app fam. Together we can end all this totally inexplicable “baseless hatred”

The Noticer
“America isn’t full...The case for more immigration as a response to the crisis of depopulation...Immigration is the answer here, not the problem...Immigration makes America great....America has no greater advantage than the millions of people who want to come here” - Verified Vox Co-Founder Ezra “White threat in a browning America” Klein (ezraklein)

Remember folks, the claim that Jews want to replace whites is nothing but an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory

22 June 2020
The Noticer
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It didn’t take long for this trans communist to make it’s way back on the List. Well done P.E. (_pem_pem)!

Although I must say, deleting this hot take after just a couple of hours might be misconstrued as pretty damn “effeminate”
The Noticer
“Is it just me or is reggae the most inappropriate music they could have picked to open up the show Cops? You can’t slap reggae over police brutality footage and call it a day...The intro to cops is like...[pretends to be cop and starts screaming] You’re under arrest you unarmed, innocent black teenager [pretends to punch fictitious black teenager]...*starts singing reggae*...[pretends to be cop and starts screaming again] Kiss my boots, you disenfranchised, transgender prostitute [pretends to kick fictitious prostitute]...*starts singing reggae*...[pretends to be cop and starts screaming yet again] This is a system invented by rich white heterosexual businessmen. And if you don’t match that description then it is my job to subjugate and oppress you, motherfucker! For I am your judge, jury, and executioner! [pretends to murder fictitious oppressed minority]” - Verified Comedian Eric “comedy kind of comes out of tragedy. That’s why Black people and Jewish people dominate at comedy” Andre (ericandre)

The Noticer
“Black people are shot in the streets simply for existing and there are white people running around screaming about being oppressed because they have to wear masks at Costco. GTFOH with this shit” - “Official Spokesperson for White People” Matt “Dipshit white people need to stop telling black people what they need to do” Soffer (matthewsoffer)

The Noticer
“White men. - were the reason slavery existed in the first place. - were the reason women didn’t have the right to vote for so long - were the Nazis - “white privilege” is not a myth - “male privilege” is not a myth. Shut the f up” - Cheerleader Ainsley “oh you poor little emasculated privileged white boy who has never experienced any real sort of prejudice” Brown (AinsleyBBrown)

She’s a real peach

The Noticer
“There isn’t an honest argument to be made that America is not undergirded by a racist system that rewards white privilege and penalizes Black and brown people. This is obvious. If you don’t understand that American is inherently racist then we don’t have much to talk about” - Verified Former MSNBC Host (fired for sexual harassment) and “Oppressed Victim” Touré “FUCK THE WHITE GAZE” Neblett (Toure)

He’s the spitting image of “Africanoid” Jesus folks

23 June 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 10.03.2020 05:11:22
It’s that time of the week again folks! #TransTuesday!
The Noticer
“‘Whiteness’ as an identity is just the sum of the people not historically racialised and oppressed by white supremacist states. ‘Whiteness’ as an identity is taking pride in having historically and presently been oppressive” - Trans, Lesbian, Non-Binary, Polyam, Communist, Anti-Fascist, Possibly Neorodivergent Aleks (MxHeckinCommie)

“A bullet to the head is guaranteed 100% efficient cure for white nationalism.” Hmmm, I wonder if that “cure” works for communism?

The Noticer
“The Torah includes one really genderless character, and that’s God. Because despite the male pronouns, God doesn’t have a body. And when I was a kid, that was a very powerful, not really articulated sense of connection that I had because I had male pronouns, but I didn’t feel like I had a body” - Trans Orthodox Jewish Professor and Author (e.g., “Through the Door of Life: A Jewish Journey Between Genders,” “The Soul of the Stranger: Reading God and Torah From a Transgender Perspective,” etc.) Joy “Don’t underestimate your desire to cross the line” Ladin (JoyLadin)

“Ain’t [Joy] A Woman?”

The Noticer
“Not finding ‘conclusive’ evidence regarding the ‘object’ found in Bubba Wallace garage doesn’t undermine that racist attacks happen” - Gary (WinnerofWinners)

Oh boy, looky there, “another White Privileged Male saying what is RIGHT” and “using his white privilege to say Black Lives Matter”

In reply to this message
“Who could have predicted this insanely predictable development”.

Welcome back to the List Benji!
24 June 2020
The Noticer
“Thank you for some tools to help address dismantle systemic racism and white supremacy...We need to be accountable and take action to affect real change” - Verified Singer and Actress Mandy “we MUST unite together as a global community to combat this unending destructive rhetoric of white nationalism” Moore (TheMandyMoore)

“Wanna make it right?...donate to LGBTQ, migrant rights, and women’s rights organizations”

The Noticer
“I saw the rope and I started screaming...And I see the attacker, masked and he said, ‘This is MAGA country, nigger.’ Punches me right in the face...It’s not necessarily that you don’t believe that this is the truth, you don’t even want to see the truth” - Verified Gay Actor and Hate Crime Hoax King Jussie “Trump and all his white hooded cohorts are a national disgrace” Smollett (JussieSmollett)

Bubba Wallace did his best folks, but nobody can dethrone Jussie. The staged attack, the Nigerian brothers, the noose around his neck, the bruises, the tears, the interviews, the showmanship. He’s in a class of his own

The Noticer
“[Mel Gibson making “anti-Semitic” remarks] stirred up a lot for me in a time when I’m already pretty stirred. It’s disgusting. It’s sad. And yet not a surprising or unique experience of the white supremacy and bigotry that pervades our country and industry at all” - Verified “WHITE Woman” Actress Emmy “I heard a call for us (white folks) to recognize that we have never feared for our lives because of the color of our skin” Rossum (emmyrossum)

Emmy’s so right, white supremacists pervade and control Hollywood! It’s a truly sickening situation

25 June 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 12.03.2020 04:59:24
Who’s ready for a little blast from the past? #ThrowbackThursday
The Noticer
“The goal of Brown [v. Board of Education] was far more than school integration. It was basically to break up the entire racist system” - Revered Civil Rights Attorney (responsible for desegregating schools) and Former Director-Counsel of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund Jack Greenberg

Another Throwback Thursday featuring the Jews of the NAACP!

The Noticer
“Criminal cases must be fully investigated before a prosecutor considers charges. Justice demands it [explaining away why he has yet to charge black man who violently assaulted white man in Macy’s] - Genessee County Elected Prosecuting Attorney David “honored to celebrate and speak at the official Flint Juneteenth celebration” Leyton (dsleyton)

Sorry for the slight detour on Throwback Thursday, but this fearless prosecutor’s profile just couldn’t wait

The Noticer
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“I am very active in the N.A.A.C.P. and head up along with Dr. Mays the Life Membership drive and I am enclosing herewith one of our FIVE IMPORTANT BENEFITS pamphlet as well as our INVEST IN FREEDOM pamphlet, as well as other Life Membership pamphlets, and I hope that in your travels from time to time when you do run into important people, both White and Negro, who can afford to make an investment in freedom, that you will have our Life Membership drive in mind...We prefer the cash, but we do accept payments over a period of either, two, three, five or even ten years at $50 a year” [letter to MLK Jr.] - Former NAACP President Kivie Kaplan

Good ol’ Kivie signed up over 53,000 members! Niiice $$$$$$

26 June 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 28.02.2020 06:20:36
It’s that time of the week again folks!
The Noticer
“Dear White People, If you’re shocked by what you see on the news, it’s time to come to a sobering reality: you haven’t paid enough attention and you don’t know enough. If you were and you did, you wouldn’t be shocked. It is impossible to understand the history of America and your reaction be shock. While none of us can fully understand the experience of what it is like to be a person of color in America, we can understand how we got to this point and every lever of the system that exists. You can understand and you should... Privilege is not really about us or anyone else that looks like us taking advantage of the system. It is about people who don’t look like us being destroyed by it. Privilege is not having to deal with the burdens of the system. At its core, it’s people of color not being seen as a full human life. It is the idea that when someone looks at us, they see a human being” - Verified Sportsball Commentator Craig Hoffman (CraigHoffman)

The Noticer
“Dear fellow white people: Stop. Asking. POC. To. Explain. Racism. To. You. It is not their job. Read a book, Google that shit, and watch a fucking documentary” - Verified Novelist Natania “technically half” Barron (NataniaBarron)

The Noticer
“Fellow white people — it’s time to report any neighbors/coworkers/family we recognize destroying minority communities” - “Fellow White” Unicorn-Lover karawink

The Noticer
“Things I’d love some of my fellow white allies to think about: is antisemitism really the look you want to be featuring for summer? Why are you piting marginalized groups against each other? Maybe let’s not?” - “Fellow White Ally” Grace “This is how you white ally” Kane (MissGraceKane)

Cool it with the antisemitism my fellow white people

27 June 2020
The Noticer
“As a Jewish person I’m concerned that wildly popular people like Robin DiAngelo are ACTIVELY ENCOURAGING whites to view themselves as a unified collective without a moment’s thought as to how reviving this scientifically asinine and historically disastrous idea could backfire. I am not aware of any historical instance in which whiteness has been taken seriously as a concept — as in, yes, whites share some important essence — and in which Jews have not suffered as a result. This is all alarming to me. It’s an exceptionally dangerous game” - Verified Journalist Jesse Singal (jessesingal)

Oy vey! Don’t ENCOURAGE white people to become a unified collective! SHUT IT DOWN!!! This is bad for the Jews!


The Noticer
BOSS_HawG 25.06.2020 20:36:04
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02:48, 20.2 MB
The best account on telegram.
The Noticer
“Dear Trumpsters: Everything that wall represents — the bigotry, the racism, the ignorance, the paranoia is already in your heart. The wall has been inside you the whole time” - Verified Comedian and Founder of “Kid Love Productions” Bill “With Debra LaFaye screwing her 14-year-old boy student, the crime is that we didn’t get it on videotape” Maher (billmaher)

Just call him the “Pizza Man” folks

28 June 2020
The Noticer
“We [Jews] are white/get privileges of being white, but also a minority/have a history of oppression & will always be a ‘Jew’ so we can use those white privileged to help lift other minorities up & give them a voice...[someone responds by arguing that Jews are wealthiest group in America and thus, not an oppressed minority]...What does wealth have to do with the definition of what a minority is? Also, dude I’m done” - Oppressed Minority and Gay Writer Dillon Diatlo (DillonDiatlo)

“For those who don’t ‘count Jewish people’ as a diverse, marginalized people bc we’re white passing, good work you fucking idiots, your choice invalidates our experience, the aggression/hate we face literally to this day, & perpetuates these hate crimes”


It doesn’t matter if we control all your institutions and wealth, we’re still oppressed minorities! Quit oppressing us goyim!

The Noticer
“I think this picture [of white male US senators] illuminates the problem for the country just now - and more so, for the GOP in the long run. And to be clear, I have no problems with cantankerous old white guys, being one myself. It’s just that this really doesn’t quite look like America, if you know what I mean” - Former State Department Counsel under Bush and Current John Hopkins SAIS Dean Eliot “The staff of SAIS is, on the whole, quite diverse...It is a more diverse faculty with respect to gender and ethnicity than it was when I first came here” Cohen (EliotACohen)

“We have so far to go in curing the ills of systemic racism and bigotry” folks, but thankfully “attitudes towards interracial marriage” are progressing! Yay!

29 June 2020
The Noticer
“From spitting to shooting to running people over in their cars scared angry racist white people are doing their thing. As usual. Be careful. #Spitting #Shooting #WhitePeople” - Verified Comedian and Seinfeld Writer Larry “GOP diversity? I count 45 of 45 white people...the GOP represents the old dying America” Charles (larrycharlesism)

“Beware. The white man standing next to you at the George Floyd protest may be trying to start a race war. #Boogaloo2020.” Yikes, watch out fam!

The Noticer
“For all the White Privileged idjiots who still don’t get it. #BlackLivesMatter” - Arizona Resister and Proud Lib (proud2bLib)

She’s got “proof” that “the rioters are White supremacists.” Wow!

The Noticer
“Been noticing today that the white supremacist agitators seem to be less prevalent and protests seem to be less violent. What a surprise, it’d almost as if the Black Lives Matter gatherers weren’t actually the problem...” - Liberal Bisexual Rebecca “we’re seeing videos videos of white people causing major damage” Gold (jewbecca)

Poor Rebecca, despite being a liberal bisexual and brainwashing her son in the ways of global homo, he still isn’t an “anti-racist child.” What can she do? You really hate to see it folks

The Noticer
“Thrilled to be on this list of books offering diversity in sexuality & gender along with my talented cousin” - Verified Bisexual Author of “Diverse” Books Ellen “Dear White People [especially my beloved fellow-second generation Americans], something to chew on” Kushner (EllenKushner)

If it weren’t for Ellen and her amazing cousins, our books wouldn’t be nearly diverse enough

30 June 2020
The Noticer
“I am a Jew; it [America] is my own nation” - “The Jew who Financed the American Revolution” Haym Salomon

Meet Haym Salomon, one of America’s first bankers. This wealthy free mason Jew helped the American colonies procure enormous loans from the French government. When the broke colonies predictably defaulted, the French monarchy was driven to the point of bankruptcy—which led to the French Revolution, the Reign of Terror, secularism, and democracy. Fantastic!

Hello my “fellow citizens”

1 July 2020
The Noticer
Our power levels continue to grow. There’s no stopping us now fam
The Noticer
“Just saw that less white people are voting this year. Hooray we kind of suck sometimes!” - Verified Comedian Sean “On behalf of white people I apologize” Kent (seankent)

The Noticer
“Given that the creators and stars of superhero movies have historically been white men, it’s hardly surprising that so few reckon with issues of systemic racism—let alone sexism, homophobia, transphobia and other forms of bigotry embedded in the justice system or the inherent biases these superheroes might carry with them as they patrol the streets, or the universe... If Hollywood is to do better in telling these stories, more creators of color need to be given the reins to tell them.” - Verified Feminist Writer and Journalist Eliana “we may have to burn the whole system down” Dockterman (edockterman)

2 July 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 12.03.2020 04:59:24
Who’s ready for a little blast from the past? #ThrowbackThursday
The Noticer
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Less than 70 away from another power up. Let’s hit 12,000 today and make this a #ThrowbackThursday to remember. Thanks for all the support fam
The Noticer
“The Pioneers of Liberty were definitely anti religious. They eschewed religious tradition while retaining their secular Jewish identity”

Let’s take a look today at some of America’s first anarchists
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The Noticer
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“Hated are we, and driven from our homes, Tortured and persecuted, even to blood; And wherefore? 'Tis because we love the poor, The masses of mankind, who starve for food. We are shot down, and on the gallows hanged, Robbed of our lives and freedom without ruth, Because for the enslaved and for the poor, We are demanding liberty and truth...You cannot kill it, tyrants of the earth! Our spirit is a plant immortal, fair...You may destroy us, tyrants! 'Twill be vain. Time will bring on new fighters strong as we; For we shall battle ever, on and on, Nor cease to strive till all the world is free!” - Anarchist Poet, Journalist, and Revolutionary and Editor of Fraye Arbeter Shtime (the Yiddish-language Anarchist newspaper) David Edelstadt

Good ol’ David was hated because he loved the poor. It had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that he advocated for the violent overthrow of America’s social and political institutions

The Noticer
“I consider anarchism the most rational and practical conception of a social life in freedom and harmony. I am convinced that it’s realization is a certainty in the course of human development” - Early Anarchist Writer, Bolshevik Supporter, and Domestic Terrorist Alexander “[Bolshevism] is the expression of the most fundamental longing of the human soul” Berkman

Back in the good old days, we deported Bolshevik traitors #MAGA

The Noticer
“Patriotism...is a superstition artificially created and maintained through a network of lies and falsehoods; a superstition that robs man of his self-respect and dignity, and increases his arrogance and conceit” - Early Anarchist Writer, Feminist, Birth Control Champion, Bolshevik Revolutionary, and Domestic Terrorist Emma “I demand the independence of woman, her right to support herself; to live for herself; to love whom ever she pleases, or as many as she pleases” Goldman

“Anarchism stands for the liberation of the human mind from the dominion of religion; the liberation from the dominion of property.” They didn’t call her “Red Emma” for nothing folks

3 July 2020
The Noticer
“Tearing down statues of traitors to the nation is a service to this nation not a crime. #TearThemDown” - Federally Charged Antifa Statue Smasher Jason “you can’t be racist against white people” Charter (JasonRCharter)

Yes, Jason will smash your statues and piss on your ancestors’ graves, but at least he believes in open borders for Israel. #GlassHalfFull

The Noticer
The Noticer 28.02.2020 06:20:36
It’s that time of the week again folks!
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The Noticer
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“Please stay in this fight, fellow white people. Protesting for social justice and Black lives can not be a trend, it has to become part of the fabric of your life until systemic racism is defeated, and that’s going to take a long time” - Verified Sex Expert Stefanie Iris Weiss (EcoSexuality)

Congratulations Stefanie! You made it back on the List!

I’ve been thinking A LOT about you too
The Noticer
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“This is transparently bullshit but I’d like to invite my fellow white guys to just generally shut the fuck up forever about losing work/struggling to find work because of your whiteness. You sound like an idiot. You sound whiny and stupid, every time” - Verified Hollywood Writer and Directer Ben Mekler

Yet another strong encore performance folks
The Noticer
12,000 Noticers and still going strong. Thanks fam!
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The Noticer
“As a white person who covers theater, I must hold myself accountable for calling out the systemic racism that is foundational in our industry. I need to do better. BLACK LIVES MATTER, and I can’t imagine what theater would be without them” - Verified “Fellow White Progressive” Theater Critic Casey “can we PLEASE take away all twitters belonging to cis het white men because I’m exhausted” Mink (Casey_Mink)

The Noticer
“Fellow cis-het white dudes in tech, now’s the time to use some of that unearned privilege” - White Tech Dude David “we white people need to clean our own house” Bishop (gnuconsulting)

The Noticer
“My goal is to delve deeper into these crucial chapters of American history than most white people usually do. I believe that history offers a way to become honest with ourselves; my aspiration is to be of service to others who, like me, are grappling with contemporary issues of race and racism” - “A White Historian Reads Black History” Susan “As a fifteen-year-old white girl, I stood on the National Mall in 1963 and heard Martin Luther King describe a dream that I understood as mine, too” Strasser (StrasserSusan)

The Noticer
No, no, no, my misguided friend. My celebration of the Jewish people will end when everyone on earth knows just how amazing the Tribe truly is. Equipped with this knowledge, mankind will finally be able to adequately repay our debt to God’s chosen people for all the goodness and joy they have bestowed upon us. Hopefully, this global awakening will occur long before we hit 6,000,000.

4 July 2020
The Noticer
“Some scholars celebrate the global impact of the US Declaration of Independence. Channeling Frederick Douglass, I ask: what to the colonial world was the 4th of July? Marking the spread of white supremacy, it was a day to mourn. Read my Wash Post piece!” - “Historian of White Violence” and Washington Post Journalist Elizabeth “after 1776, the United States remained part of an extended global system of white supremacy” Kolsky (ElizabethKolsky)

Sure they despise our ancestors, traditions, and celebrations, but don’t you dare “resort to personal insults” by identifying their ethnicity

The Noticer
“happy birthday amerikkka. you were built by arrogant, racist white men and you will fall that way. there never has been and never will be ‘liberty and justice for all’. happy birthday amerikkka” - Haunted Girl Morgan

“um hi” 👋

The Noticer
“I know now ‘we’ didn't all have the luxury of participating in the obligatory patriotism of American childhood: while my white peers & I were permitted to daydream about a more perfect union, our Black classmates were forced to reckon with the racist reality of American life—often from birth...As we grew up, the roadblocks of structural racism...grew larger and more pronounced, until finally, in the pandemic-rocked summer of 2020, the police killing of unarmed Black man George Floyd in May sparked a nationwide racial reckoning that shows no signs of slowing down as we approach July 4th.... As Independence Day approaches, I'm keenly aware that pride in one's country must be earned: the protestors I've seen fighting for Black liberation on the streets of New York have earned it a thousand times over, & their role in bringing about the change that America so desperately needs cannot be overstated” - Vogue Journalist Emma “That Mattered to Me” Specter

Emma & her “white peers” aren’t very patriotic folks

5 July 2020
The Noticer
“In June 2020...1. 36 Confederate monuments removed 2. NASCAR bans the Confederate flag. 3. Navy and Marine Corps bans Confederates symbols 4. Mississippi votes to change state flag (all but certain). What a month. The list will be complete if we can get rid of that Confederate monument in the White House in November” - Verified Historian Kevin “The Confederate flag is certainly the most potent symbol of the long history of racism and white supremacy in the United States” Levin (KevinLevin)

I wonder if Kevin advocates for the destruction of monuments to Jewish supremacy? 🤔

The Noticer
“White femininity is a profoundly jacked racist patriarchal formation we would do well to devote ourselves to dismantling immediately (and I speak from intimate knowledge)” - Feminist “Dyke” Anti-fascist Professor and TV Scholar Sarah “please donate to provide housing for formerly incarcerated Black trans people” Kessler (moveablejaw)

The Noticer
“Let’s cancel the 4th of July this year. As America reckons with its shameful past and piteous present, perhaps we should just skip the fireworks and hot dogs of our most patriotic holiday and commit to doing better...Juneteenth, has scarcely been acknowledged by more than a whisper on the national stage until just this year, when the date arrived precisely as white America bothered to learn it exists. Now that Juneteenth is on its way to becoming a federal holiday, it feels rather tone-deaf to put on the usual Macy’s-sponsored hullabaloo two weeks later for the other Day of Independence. A year of noting the Fourth with a somber tweet instead of a patriotic bacchanal might help put in perspective the disparity between how we’ve historically regarded the two holidays” - Verified Journalist Joe “Tucker Carlson is a whiny white nationalist” Berkowitz (JoeBerkowitz)

Just call him Patriotic Joe

The Noticer
“White babies are the ugliest babies. Yeah, I said what I said. Why do they almost always look like deformed potatoes? Why? They look like Voldemort, crossed with a shih tzu, crossed with a 13th century depiction of white baby Jesus, which is historically inaccurate ‘cause Jesus was not white, but also is kind of helpful ‘cause now we at least kind of know what 13th century white babies looked like. Regardless, white babies are the ugliest babies” - “Former Ugly White Baby” Comedian Caitlin “I’m punching up” Cook (thecaitlincook)

They despise us from the very beginning folks

6 July 2020
The Noticer
“We were at a crowded party with one of my good friends. And Mel Gibson was smoking a cigar, and we’re all talking and he said to my friend, who’s gay, ‘Oh am I gonna get AIDS?’ And then something came up about Jews, and he said, ‘You’re not an oven dodger are you?’” - Actress and Convicted Felon Winona “it is a painful and vivid memory for me” Ryder

Fun Fact: Winona’s real last name is Horowitz. Changing your name sounds like a pretty dodgy thing to do, just saying

The Noticer
“Joining colleagues in the history dept at UD to disavow the views of our white supremacist colleague” - Historian of “White Supremacy” and Sexual Degeneracy Rebecca “some exciting personal/professional news: I am writing a 400-year history of sex and sexuality in America” Davis (historydavis)

Don’t worry fam, Rebecca and her fellow historians are protecting academia from those ghastly “white supremacists”

The Noticer
“I had an ounce of weed and a giant bong in my trunk and, and I got away, and I walked away thinking, ‘you know cops are really thoughtful, nice,’ I’ve had great experiences with the police. But now I find myself wondering if the color of my skin was different how would those situations have played out?” - Verified YouTube Star and Millionaire Ethan “If you need proof that racism even exists, all you have to do is look in the comment sections...What country is this? I don’t recognize it...It blows my mind when people respond to ‘Black Lives Matter’ with ‘All Lives Matter’” Klein (h3h3productions)

Hmmm, I wonder if Ethan’s buddy Susan (who just happens to be YouTube’s CEO and on the List, #1728) helps promote his videos and channel?

7 July 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 10.03.2020 05:11:22
It’s that time of the week again folks! #TransTuesday!
The Noticer
“My coming out, both to myself and others, cannot be traced to any one specific moment or experience. When I first met my partner, I came out to him in vague language, unclear even to myself what I meant. He understood because he himself is trans and nonbinary. I hadn’t yet full accepted myself, but his support was one of the main reasons I’ve been able to be open and brave as a nonbinary person in all facets of life.” - Nonbinary Social Justice Warrior Ze’evi “immersing in the mikveh helped me affirm the beauty and validity of my gender, strengthening me for the days when the misgendering becomes so overwhelming I want to cry” Berman.

Ze’evi “lives and breathes Judaism and social justice activism”

8 July 2020
The Noticer
Western Masculine 07.07.2020 22:09:37
Team White People = Team Karen
The Noticer
“This week in white men cant be bothered to even try to adhere to social distancing rules [posts picture he secretly took of two white guys sitting across from each other at a table, outdoors in a park]” - Sportsball Fan “Screaming About Police Racism” Shosh “if you can’t understand the difference between protesting for human rights, and wanting to hang with your buddies; you’re exhibiting a very advanced case of white people problems [defending BLM protestors breaking social distancing rules]” Agus-Kleinman (ShoshEAK).

Social distancing for thee, not for me

The Noticer
“Just had a FaceTime call w
@deseanjackson10 & @michaelgrubin DeSean apologized for his hurtful comments. As Chair of the @phillyholocaust memorial, I offered to host him for an education session & tour of the plaza & he accepted. Confident we can turn this into a positive together” - Verified Millionaire Real Estate Investor and Holocaust Museum Chair David Adelman (david_adelman)

It’s the strangest and most “alarming” thing fam, inexplicably anti-Semitism always seems to be “on the rise.” 🤔 I guess that’s why “Holocaust education has never been more important”

The Noticer
“I am heartbroken and repulsed. There are no words strong enough to describe the horrific deaths and injustices that the black community continues to endure. We as a human race are valiantly struggling in our fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Here in our country, we have been battling a relentless social pandemic for our entire history. Systemic racism, discrimination, violence and oppression of minorities - it has been our past and our present. It remains who we are...We are part of the solution...It is our shared responsibility to address the pain and combat systemic racism” - Billionaire Owner of the Philadelphia Eagles Jeffrey Lurie

Don’t worry fam, Jeff spoke with DeShaun Jackson about the dangers of antisemitism, and a penitent DeShaun now sees just how “offensive, harmful, and absolutely appalling” his social media posts were

9 July 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 12.03.2020 04:59:24
Who’s ready for a little blast from the past? #ThrowbackThursday
The Noticer
Remember how swell the Cold War was? Korea, Vietnam, the Cuban Missile Crisis, fears of a nuclear holocaust... Yep, good times.

Today, let’s turn our attention to the commie spies who sold out America and helped the USSR obtain nuclear power.
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The Noticer
Meet celebrated KGB spy Morris Cohen, AKA “Peter Kroger.” Despite being born and raised in the United States, Morris’s love of communism caused him to betray America and steal nuclear secrets for the Russians. Thanks to Cohen’s subversive efforts, the USSR was able to develop the atom bomb just a few years after America—which set off a global arms race and fears of a nuclear holocaust. After being convicted of espionage, Cohen eventually made his way to the USSR in a prisoner exchange. Once there, he received numerous awards, a sizable pension, and the privilege of training the next generation of KGB agents.

Don’t you dare accuse this Russian hero of dual loyalties folks

The Noticer
“I have never intended any harm to the United States. For I have always steadfastly considered that first and finally I am an American citizen. This is my country and I love it” - Soviet Spy Harry Gold.

This patriotic American delivered top secret atom bomb plans to the Soviets. He literally “gave the Soviets [America’s sworn enemy] the atom bomb.” I couldn’t make this sh*t up if I tried folks

10 July 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 28.02.2020 06:20:36
It’s that time of the week again folks!
The Noticer
“I’m sorry I was born white and privileged. It disgusts me. And I feel so much shame” - Verified Actress Rosanna “Frankly, I’m ashamed to be white” Arquette (RoArquette)

Whenever you call the Noticer, I’ll be there.
Whenever you want the Noticer, I’ll be there.
Whenever you need the Noticer, I’ll be there,
I’ll be around...

The Noticer
“Denying systemic racism = fuel f/ Alt Right. White men (like me) need to face reality so we can help stop this before it gets worse. It can” - Verified “Fellow White Liberal” Atheist Humanist Author (best known for his book, “good without God”) Greg “if anyone is looking for a good example of white male privilege may I submit my own blissful ignorance” Epstein (gregmepstein)

Without his “white, male privilege,” Epstein “might have never” become a journalist

The Noticer
“Yes, BLM has said very anti-Israel & anti-Semitic things before. Yes, we will need to deal with that at some point. NO, that time is not now. NO, you cannot use that one slice of the BLM platform as an excuse to abandon your moral obligation to fight racism & white supremacy” - Verified “Fellow White” Actor Jonah “WAKE UP, WHITE FOLKS. COME OUT OF YOUR BUBBLES AND DO SOMETHING” Platt (JonahPlatt)

Believe me folks, Jonah and his “fellow white people” will soon “deal with” BLM’s antisemitism

11 July 2020
The Noticer
“Proud to have made this video for Jewish Action! They are doing very important work in 2020 to make sure Republicans are held accountable for cozying up to white nationalists” - White Nationalism-Fighting Video Maker Sam “us ‘white’ people losing that identity [i.e., whiteness] would be far more productive than blacks giving up the N-word” Eilertsen (SamEilertsen).

So...black people saying “Nigger” > white people having an identity and culture, and saying “all lives matter” is “upholding white supremacy”? Hmmm, seems like this “white” guy isn’t on our side folks

The Noticer
“It’s not just white nationalism that should scare us. It’s the passive support of institutionalized racism and segregation that make this possible” - Verified Doctor, Yale Professor, and Democrat Strategist Howard “we have had and continue to have a white supremacist problem!” Forman (thehowie)

Word to the wise goyim, if you are “celebrating whiteness, you are NOT a patriot.” Listen to Howie, he knows all about what it takes to be a “real patriot”

The Noticer
“I think the best day will be when we no longer talk about being gay or straight. It’s not a gay wedding, it’s just a wedding...It’s not a gay marriage, it’s just a marriage” - Verified Pop Singer and “Underappreciated Gay Icon” Alicia Beth Moore, aka Pink (Pink).

Pink doesn’t want any “racists” or “sexists” following her folks, because she’s on a mission to “Make America Gay Again”

The Noticer
“Watching tv and caught a glimpse of the rally in new hampshire just long enough to see a young boy giving the white power sign to trump as he walked out—grinning. gleeful. I’m fighting back tears” - Kvetching Author Megan “that comment hasn’t terrified me until today” Margulies (meganmargulies)

Megan’s fighting back tears, I’m fighting back laughter

12 July 2020
The Noticer
“Big day for me as I officially just dropped my bills on antisemitism and Holocaust education with over 81 cosponsors. We did it y’all now stay tuned on the next steps as we move through the legislative process...TODAH RABAH!!!” - Verified Arizona State Representative Alma “THIS HAPPENED YESTERDAY IN TUCSON Arizona IN MY COMMUNITY...THESE IDIOTS THINK ITS OKAY TO DO #Nazi SALUTE...help me identify them and make sure their employer knows” Hernandez (almaforarizona)

She’ll dox you, she’ll punish you, and then she’ll “educate” you

Clearly Alma’s “for Arizona” folks. I mean, what’s more important to the interests of the average Arizonan than learning about a historical event from 80+ years ago that has absolutely nothing to do with Arizona?

The Noticer
“This week on Backstory Radio, the women of white supremacy. Fascinating interviews — and really open and interesting conversation between Brian, Nathan, and I at the end. Give it a listen!” - Verified American History Professor at Yale Joanne “I believe in more—not less—diversity” Freeman (jbf1755)

I wonder if Joanne “wears a big Jewish star” while she teaches her students about “the difference between ‘extreme’ white supremacy and more ‘mainstream’ white supremacy”

The Noticer
“Climate Change, Not Border Security, Is The Real National Emergency” - Verified Secular Feminist Socialist Journalist Kate “white supremacy is a structural principle of American society” Aronoff (KateAronoff)

Don’t worry about being invaded, dispossessed, replaced, and genocided, the climate is warming, er, changing, er, something

The Noticer
tfw you run a Jewish appreciation channel and #JewishPrivilege is trending

They’re making this way too easy folks
The Noticer
“Hey fellow southerner—yeah no, it’s not the Bible. It’s a flag [referring to Confederate flag] deeply rooted in white supremacy. This is what change looks like and America is in desperate need for change” - PR Specialist Samantha “white supremacy is evil” Weiss (samanthapweiss)

What do you say my fellow southerners, are you ready to throw 10-20 on the List tonight?

The Noticer
“I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: We need to move out the white, cis, straight, older male critics and bring in a new, diverse generation. The theatre needs to move forward, but if the same critics stay on forever, we’ll never evolve” - Theater Aficionado Jackie “punch a Nazi” Leibz (BroadwayDork23)

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The Noticer
“The Christian Taliban would happily tattoo 666 on themselves and claim it was a blessing if it meant they could still wear their red hats on their white heads” - Journalist Larissa “every time a white supremacist cries an angel gets her wings :)” Alexandrovna (larisa_a)

Look out folks, she’s horny

The Noticer
“The dumbest thing is when people who say there is no white privilege get all offended at the demand for equality!! Why else would Karens freak out unless they already knew they had the upper hand and felt like they were going to lose their majority status??? THE CAUCASITY” - Feminist Master’s Student Megan (mwarrenbrand)

“And I have to say, it looks and feels like 1930’s Germany. Same propaganda, same suppression of minorities, same far right white supremacy support” - Marketing Consultant Andrew “the white supremacist scum are out of control” Statterley (StatterlyAndrew)

The Noticer
>”To me there are no black or white people - there are people. I love them all ❤️”

>”Today, it’s important more than ever to support the existence of the Jewish nation...Israel is the only Jewish state in the world - you can’t hate Israel without hating Jews too” - Israeli “Peace” Advocate Hananya “Israeli Jews...help Syrian refugees in Greece. This is Israel!” Naftali (HananyaNaftali).

Wait wait wait, if there are no distinctions between people groups then why do the Jews get their own homeland? Heck, why does Hananya even acknowledge the existence of Jewish people?

The Noticer
“White people have benefited from systemic racism for many years without serious advocacy for equal treatment of minority groups. If you continue to say that white people are not in the wrong, you will not be seen on the right side of history” - Sportsball Fan, College Student, and Anti-BDS Campaigner Joshua “I refuse to live in the South. I cannot in good conscience surround myself with morons and racists” Zalk (JZalk)

The Noticer
“I’m a member of Women in AI Ethics. An all white panel is unacceptable...Do better” - Verified PhD and “Diversity” in Tech-Pusher Julie “how can you have a discussion about ethics in AI without panel diversity?” Carpenter (jgcarpenter)

Let’s all applaud Julie’s bravery fam. She’s survived “a million microagressions”

The Noticer
“Tucker Carlson is a demonstrated white supremacist and anti-Semite, but ok. Never understand why they hate being called what they are 🤷🏻‍♂️ He’s the best performer of fake outrage and is earning every bloody hate penny he makes for the network” - Verified Journalist and Tucker Carlson Anti-Fan Kevin “He’s going full bore white nationalist now” Baron (DefenseBaron)

The Noticer
“Being offended by addressing white privilege...shows just how blind you are to your white privilege” - Verified Actress Emma “Fucking white people” Lahana (emmaklahana)

Emma’s more than happy to guilt trip you about your “privilege,” but don’t you dare call her on hers

Welp, that’s enough noticing for one day folks. That Jewish Privilege hashtag isn’t going anywhere

13 July 2020
The Noticer
“Mothers are frankly supporting this toy” - Billionaire MGA Entertainment CEO and Creator of the “Underdressed and Hot,” LGBTQ-Promoting, Multiracial Bratz Dolls Isaac Larian.

Psh, get over yourselves prudes, there’s no harm in sexualizing children

The Noticer
“I’m just saying, we fly over those states that voted for a racist tangerine for a reason” - Verified “White and American” Twitter Head of Site Integrity and Fact Checking Yoel “Extremely Fucking” Roth (yoyoel)

Yoel and his friends banned my humble Jewish appreciation channel from Twitter. What type of person wouldn’t want others to see the full unfiltered glory of God’s chosen people? Clearly Yoel’s a raging antisemite!

The Noticer
“Medicine grew out of an explicitly white supremacist culture” - Verified Doctor and Academic Michelle “how often will those of us with white privilege use it to defend BIPOC colleagues?” Cohen (DocMCohen)

Hmm, why oh why are Michelle and her people “forever one step away from another genocide”? Totally inexplicable.

Switching subjects, preach Michelle! Yeah, f*ck white people and their [shuffles deck, takes card] medicine

14 July 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 10.03.2020 05:11:22
It’s that time of the week again folks! #TransTuesday!
The Noticer
I’ve stumbled upon the mother lode fam. Buckle up!
The Noticer pinned this message
The Noticer
“The idea that kids can’t know they are transgender is so... Disgusting? The idea that you can deny children think they are transgender, and then FORCE them to go through puberty, just so they can REALLY hate themselves and prove they are transgender, is...gross. Disgusting. I hate it...parents often think they know best or some bullshit they give themselves. Idk...I grew up in a middle class white family, where many members are outright wealthy AF... I grew up, wishing every day that I would wake up a girl. Being silently upset I wasn’t BORN a girl. But I didn’t know being transgender was possible, so I thought I was a guy” - “White Person” Trans Lady Salia “GIVE. KIDS. EDUCATION. ABOUT. LGBT. PEOPLE...Don’t fucking make them wait. Don’t force them to be their assigned gender. and for god’s sake, don’t make them go through puberty“ Paialthe (IzzyBunBop)

Hey you transphobe bigots, don’t make your kids go through puberty!

The Noticer
“I was almost murdered when I was 19. I couldn’t make sense of any of it and my early attempts to are what lead me down such a massive rabbit hole. Systematic failures to me are a particular point of interest because my attacker should have NEVER made it to that point. But because he was white, cishet, male, and affluent, his absolutely abhorrent behavior up until that point was a matter of an eye roll or a sharp sigh and then chocking it up to youth or the nature of being a young man...And I was dating him” - “White AFAB” Neutrois/Voidgender He/They Survivor of Attempted Murder Umbral Ros (RosHollow)

Apparently, dating a cishet white male is dangerous when you’re secretly a neutrois, voidgender AFAB person.

The Noticer
“I’m a fat trans person with an eating disorder. I /need/ to get bottom surgery, but the pressure to loose the weight I’ll need to loose to get the surgery means I end up relapsing almost every time I think about getting to actually feel comfortable in my own skin” - Enby/Trans Woman Luci “TERF ideology is specifically informed by colonial perception of gender which is inherently racist” Sekai (lucisekai)

The Noticer
“Every identity that isn’t a white cis christian man is inherently political because the seat of power rests in white cis maleness. They shouldn’t be. But due to society’s oppressive nature and the marginalization of populations, they are because the fight for rights is ongoing” - “Gay Trans Woman in STEM” who works at the “Women’s Center” Autumn “I am going to be the first openly trans person in space” Cook (SeasonIncarnate)

The Noticer
“Sometimes I remember that I have a fiancé (he’s a nb boy), a gf + a few other trans and queer casual partners and realize: being a polyam gay is a game that I’m definitely winning” - Polyam Gay Queer Intersex Trans Mixed Genderqueer Artist Maxime (bakkh0s)

They truly are God’s chosen people, aren’t they folks.

15 July 2020
The Noticer
“I wanted to stay silent because I thought my voice wouldn’t matter and that all these ‘white ally’ posts were all a ‘don’t forget about me’ thing. I was wrong. It’s not about me...a few people need to be reminded of a few things. The first being that ‘Black Lives Matter’ means ‘Black Lives Matter, too’...Trying to argue that all lives matter distracts from the point that the black community feels a need to remind us that they ALSO matter...I encourage anyone seeing this to seek out political candidates that have a legitimate policy statement and a desire to help tear down government institutions that have long kept minorities and the impoverished down...To my black friends specifically: if you needed to see the thread above to know I’m your ally and that I’m here for you...I’m sorry that I wasn’t more obviously an ally and a better friend. I’ll use what little voice I have to keep fighting for a better world for you” - White Ally Kevin Parker (KParkour)

Boy, I’m sure glad Kevin didn’t stay silent

The Noticer
“This is my daughter’s school photo, she’s the one circled in red. Ok? Now listen to me, reverse racism is NOT a thing and no you WON’T be jumped just for being white in a black neighborhood. Shut up, you sound stupid” - “White” Woman who “walks home from the bus in Newark at off hours of the night” and “nothing happens” Leyla (BabyBlomsMomma)

Go ahead my fellow white people, send your kids to black schools and walk home through ghettos in the middle of the night. Nothing happens...

Just a quick FYI fam, this is not me. I don’t endorse this individual, nor do I even know him/her or the channel he/she is posting in. It’s pretty damn subversive and sad to pretend to be someone else for clout or whatever he/she’s after.

That said, if you have any tips for future profiles feel free to send them to my @. I always do the best I can with the suggestions you submit. However, be advised that my back log is literally endless because EST

Alright, if you’d excuse me, I’m going to get back to noticing

The Noticer pinned this message
The Noticer
“Dude, no [don’t defund PornHub]. Masturbation is healthy, self love is healthy. PornHub gives safe platforms to sex workers--to say nothing of the artists who got kicked off Tumblr--and generates revenue for them. Are there issues with the industry? Absolutely. Is going after PornHub the answer? No.” - Social Justice Necromancer and “white *CisHet” Writer Xach “Without racism, white culture is literally just raisins in potato salad and other food atrocities” Fromson (_mythogenesis_).

Keep cooooooming goyim, for your health

The Noticer
“The moment that I realized my name was going to be in the same sentence as children and sex, that’s really intense...I never did [think my photo collection of naked kids and teenagers was a bad idea]. I wasn’t really thinking to myself, ‘wow this is my creepy, weird stuff that I shouldn’t be collecting. It’s not titillating. It’s not something I used for any kind of sexual purpose...I think some of it is erotic. Some of it is sensual. It seems so innocent to me...It depends upon what one sees in those images...One thing I want to make very, very clear, I don’t want anyone for a second to think I am titillated by images of children. It’s not me.” - Verified Comedian, Former Children’s Show Star, and Convicted Masturbating Possessor of Obscene Child Porn Pee Wee Herman, aka Paul “I’m right-handed, and the police report said I was jerking off with my left hand...Proof that it couldn’t have been me” Reubens (peeweeherman).

Don’t think he’s a pedophile folks...he’s definitely probably maybe unlikely not

16 July 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 12.03.2020 04:59:24
Who’s ready for a little blast from the past? #ThrowbackThursday
The Noticer
Time for Soviet Spies Round 2

The Noticer
Meet Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. Despite being born and raised in the United States, this communist combo led a Soviet spy ring (comprised almost exclusively of their fellow tribesmen). Thanks to the Rosenberg’s treasonous efforts, the USSR obtained the atom bomb and the Cold War was kicked into hyperdrive. Thankfully, the Rosenberg’s treachery eventually caught up to them and the couple was convicted and executed for espionage—but not before the damage had already been done.

Fun Fact: For years, the Rosenbergs’ children alleged that their parents were innocent. However, the declassification of federal grand jury evidence in 2008 and the near death admission of co-conspirator Morton (((Sobell))) in 2015 led the junior Rosenbergs to finally admit the anti-Semitic truth. Oy vey!

#1832 and #1833
The Noticer
Meet David and Ruth Greenglass. This happy commie couple betrayed America and helped the Soviets obtain the atomic bomb. At the behest of David’s brother-in-law and sister, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg (#1832 and #1833), Ruth recruited David—who was working on the Manhattan Project—to steal nuclear secrets from the United States. David then passed these secrets to fellow tribesman Harry Gold (#1799), who delivered them to the Soviets. When America finally became wise to the Greenglass’s treachery, David and Ruth cut a deal and sold Julius and Ethel down the river. David got 15 years, Ruth got off scot-free, and the Rosenbergs got the chair. Not bad.

#1834 and #1835
17 July 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 28.02.2020 06:20:36
It’s that time of the week again folks!
The Noticer
“As a liberal gay white man I feel uncomfortable in all white towns (i.e., WASPY, insular, generally racist and anti-gay)” - “Fellow White Dude” Engineer Newtman

“Sooner old racist white people die, better off US will be.” No commentary needed folks

The Noticer
“Pussy for President. Flip the Senate. I wanna drown in the tears of old white men tonight” - “Fellow White Lady” Filmmaker Kim “white ciswomen are racist and sexist and anti-queer AF” Boekbinder (KimBoekbinder)

The Noticer
“Hey, fellow white people especially fellow white people in English speaking countries, please be respectful & actually listen to people talking about why Adam’s whole schtick of ‘Yuna broke up with me because she was tired of speaking English’ is insensitive” - Sensitive Hannah (gwendalsflow)

The Noticer
“To my fellow WP: A white NY liberal Democrat who donated to Obama. Who when challenged by a black man to follow a leash law did not hesitate to weaponize her whiteness. Who knew the system would protect her. She offers us an opportunity, to look inward. How are we all #AmyCooper?...She should be in jail for attempted murder. This is how Emmett Till was killed. She knew what she was doing with her fake tears and false accusations. Nothing was being threatened but her white privilege. This monstrous behavior must be swiftly and publicly shamed and punished” - Writer David “Old White men love to shout. Because they’re dying off” Goldsmith (Davelyrics)

Goyim, er, fellow white people, calling the cops on a black person is attempted murder

18 July 2020
The Noticer
“So weird these guys won’t wear a mask when they had no problem wearing a much larger white hood. And carrying fire. And having small dicks” - Verified Comedian, Divorcee x2, and OnlyFans Prostitute Adrienne Airhart (craydrienne)

The Noticer
“How did we get to a place where white Christians act like the aggrieved party in this country?” - Verified “White Male” Sportsball Journalist Ethan “Don’t blame me. It was the other white people” Skolnick (EthanJSkolnick)

Man, those other white people are the worst!

The Noticer
“As a white man, I have literally never felt racism or sexism against me, ever, in my entire life. And I live in one of the most liberal areas in the country. I HAVE seen poc and women upset about how they're treated by OTHER white men, so I try to listen and not get butthurt” - “Straight White Dude” Video Game Programer Aaron “Heh, I’ve worked with a few people who were genuinely difficult to work with and sowed discontent. They were white men” Nemoyten (nemo10)

Boy, those white men sure are terrible. No wonder Aaron “strongly believes in diverse teams”

19 July 2020
The Noticer
Josef Bosch: The White Dissident Dissident 18.07.2020 16:18:04
Whenever I read The Noticer’s noticings I’m low key panicked that my eyes will skip ahead to the Jew-reveal before I’ve read all of the prelude tweets.

The struggle is real.
The Noticer
In reply to this message
“It’s Time for White NFL Players to Take the Knee” - Verified Sportsball Journalist Dave “Tear Down The Statues, Change The Names” Zirin (EdgeofSports).

Welcome back to the List Dave. Your last few articles deserve some special recognition
The Noticer
“There is racism in my field...Even white people cant get heard regarding how racism manifests. Racism BENEFITS us. There’s no personal gain to speak up about this, so why would I lie? No, really, there’s no benefit. Some white people get mad at me for basically being a race traitor. Some black people get mad at me because I’m white and I’m automatically complicit. The smartest thing to do is just shut up. But...I just can’t” - Verified Canadian YouTuber Liana “Stupidest think about all this xenophobia is that white people aren’t native to N. America. It is not OUR land more than a brown persons” Kerzner (redlianak)

Liana just can’t shut up folks. That’s how she ended up on the List

20 July 2020
The Noticer
“The terrorists are within our borders. They are white, they are male, and Donald Trump is their leader. #BlackLivesMatter” - Prolific Leftwing Tweeter Liddle’ “let’s build a wall around all white male Trump supporters who own guns” Savage (littledeekay)

21 July 2020
The Noticer
In honor of the 51st anniversary of white men stepping foot on the moon, I’ve got a very special profile for you lads today.

I know how much everyone on here appreciates God’s chosen trannies, but Trans Tuesday will just have to wait till next week.
The Noticer pinned this message
The Noticer
“You can't blame your porn addiction on jewish produced porn. You can't blame your opioid addiction on Sackler produced drugs. You can't blame your debt on them if you took their loans. You can't blame the degradation of culture upon them if you paid for their movies....I don't even think ‘It's the jews’ anymore. It's the Whites, voluntarily accepting the poisons offered by the jew...Stop taking shit from jews & then bitching about how they control you...” - Fellow Catholic, Milo BFF, Fandom-Chaser, Jewish Culpability-Downplayer, White People-Blamer, Moon Landing-Denier, Pointless Conspiracy-Promoter, Black People-Lover, Statue-Hater, Drama-Stirrer, Everything is FAKE & GAY, Everyone I Don’t Like is a FAGGOT, and DO SOMETHING-Larper Alt “Plz no gas” Skull

He’ll tell you to DO SOMETHING, to “stop fucking larping,” & that you’re a “race traitor” who isn’t doing enough to save the white race...from his keyboard, while he sits in Japan, surrounded by his Japanese wife & kids


The Noticer pinned this message
The Noticer
The Noticer
>name Skull
>get attacked by a pedophile-defending sodomite Jew

If anyone needed an explanation for my decision today, here it is folks



Alright, enough with Skull and his “fellow Catholic” Milo, there are 1843 other Jews on the List and we’re just beginning to scratch the surface.
22 July 2020
The Noticer
Meet “Diversity and Inclusion” Guru Howard J. Ross. Over the past several decades, Howard has “implemented D&I programs in 47 states in the United States and more than 40 countries.” He is also a top consultant for the US federal government—having “conducted at least 17 trainings for federal agencies” just since Trump took office. According to Howard, “virtually all white people contribute to racism,” which is why white employees must “struggle to own their racism” and “white managers” must create “safe spaces.” One would think that a “white man” as dedicated to “diversity” as Howard would lead “diversity” workshops and implement “diversity” programs at next to no cost, out of the goodness of his heart, but that’s not how Howard operates. Indeed, over the past decade, Howard has banked millions (yes, millions) from corporations and taxpayers to push “diversity.” I guess you could say, as Howard does, that “it became a ‘family business’ to become an activist”

The Noticer
“As a white person, I have the privilege of the colour of my skin never being a barrier for me in my life. As an ally I must acknowledge my privilege and continue fighting alongside black voices for equity. Black Lives Matter Everywhere” - “White Ally” Ashley “we, as white people, need to do better” Noble (_AshleyNoble)

The Noticer
“There was a girl who I flirted with ALL NIGHT and then at some point announced that she had assumed I was a gay man. And I was like uhhhh no? She positively INSISTED that I was. I explained to her, no, I'm non-binary. I'm pamsexual on some level but I mostly like (cis or trans) girls and femme-ish non-binary folk.
And she insisted that I was lying and that I'm gay. And I'm like ‘Uh, no.’ We had had such a good vibe up to that point. She even claimed to be "bisexual". But when it was clear that I was attracted to HER she dropped me like a hot rock. That part's nbd. Good riddance (even though I did think she was genuinely cool). But fuck. The cisnormativity” - “White” Non-Binary Pamsexual EM “Just ban white people from voting, period. I’ll give that up if I have to, for the greater good” Bray (Iguananaut)

Fam, I heard some of you were disappointed that Trans Tuesday got cancelled yesterday. Hopefully, “believe it or not” EM will tide you over until next Tuesday.

23 July 2020
The Noticer
“The events that have transpired over the last few days have made it clear that I have work to do. I realize more than ever how being a white, privileged woman has put me far ahead of so many, and in particular those in the Black community. And while I can't change the past, I can do my part to do better in the future...I remain more committed than ever to support anti-racism efforts and will do everything in my power to right this wrong” - Verified Celebrity Stylist and Meghan Markle BFF Jessica “any person who uses their platform to raise awareness of the atrocities of Holocaust is doing great work” Mulroney (jessicamulroney)

Backstory: Jessica got in a spat with a black stylist about BLM. The black stylist cried racism. Jessica got canned. Jessica pretended to be white and apologized for her “white privilege.” Now Meghan Markle is ignoring Jessica’s calls. Oy vey! The Kangs have turned on poor Jessica

Don’t worry too much about Jessica though fam. She’s still married to a millionaire

The Noticer
“We [Meghan Markle and I] met in Miami during Art Basel...And we sat down and we started, actually, right from the get-go, talking about a shared passion for equality, women’s empowerment and our love of dogs” - Fashion Designer, Meghan Markle BFF, and the “Matchmaker who Brought Harry and Meghan Together” Misha “A woman’s place is in the boardroom 🙌” Nonoo (mishanonoo)

Thanks to Misha, the British royal family is finally diverse

The Noticer
“Let's assume all white people are huge secret racists. Tired of pretending to be surprised. #RacistUntilProvenOtherwise #BlackLivesMatter” - Verified Founder of Fight and Flight Fitness Todd “Plan of Action. Photograph and document all white supremacists. Create searchable data base. Give employers free access” Fenton (AguynamedTodd).

“I can't choose my heritage just like you can't choose the color of your skin [speaking to black celebrity]. Hating people for something beyond their control is prejudice. Fuck you”

Lol, okay Todd

The Noticer
“Mr. President, stay out of our cities” - Verified Philadelphia District Attorney Lawrence “I’m grateful to all who came out to take a knee for George Floyd & for racial justice in our city & country today & for all who joined us to celebrate the Rizzo statue’s removal” Krasner (DA_LarryKrasner).

Let the rioting and looting, er, I mean protesting and social justice continue!

24 July 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 28.02.2020 06:20:36
It’s that time of the week again folks!
The Noticer
“I’m going to stereotype all white males right now by saying please ban all of us from owning guns. We’re the problem. It’s a dick size issue, need to overcompensate with bullets and shit. Just keep them away from us. I hate guns, but I recognize the real issues at hand here” - “Fellow White” Small Dick Accountant Ari “as a white man, I don’t trust white men to save us” Goldstein (ari_goldstein)


The Noticer
“Seriously, fellow white people, can you not *hear* yourselves? Don't you see how fuckin ridiculous you look yelling about white people getting arrested and *released unharmed* when this all started because of police *murder of an innocent Black man*?” - Doctor “white people are so awful” Wishbone (DoctorWishBone)

Careful fam, she doesn’t wear the T shirt

The Noticer
“Dear Fellow White Male Professors, Get your learners' names 100% correct. Ask. Listen. Practice. Work at it. This is esp. true for PoC, who have likely endured years of people mispronouncing and/or mocking their name. Naming is super powerful. Get it right. Thanks, Daniel” - Attorney and Ethics Professor Daniel “sometimes you have to fight” Goldberg (prof_goldberg).

Goyim, er, I mean fellow white people, don’t you dare mispronounce ShaNay-Nay-Niqua’s name!

“Naming is super powerful.” I couldn’t agree more Professor

The Noticer
“White people we've got work to do... I hope you are calling your family. I hope you are calling your friends. I hope you are having the hard conversations. Because it is PAST time this stopped. Even if you like me feel like you've been yelling into a void for decades...Never stop” - Verified “Fellow White” Reality TV Star Angela “like stop fellow white folks just STHAAAP” Rockstar (Mrs_ARockstar).

She definitely has that “fellow white” air about her, doesn’t she folks?

25 July 2020
The Noticer
“Can I say just, fuck the poor fucking white people? Like, literally, fuck them. White people have had everything handed to them in this country since the 1500s, before it was a country. I don't care if the white people are dirt poor, they still have privilege. excuse me if I don't cry and lose sleep over their factories closing and someone forgetting about "middle America." Let them walk a fucking day in a minority's shoes and then get back to me. Fucking, hell. At the end of the day, they're still fucking white” - Dalton State College (Georgia) History Professor Seth “I don’t politicize teaching. I pride myself in not doing it...I once had a student write on an evaluation that I hated white people” Weitz (sethaweitz).

Boy, I can’t believe Seth’s students think he hates white people. There’s a crazy anti-Semitic conspiracy theory if I ever heard one

The Noticer
“I’ll leave it you with this: when is the last time you heard about a non citizen do anything close to what these monstrous white citizens have been doing over wearing a god damn mask? Yeah, I mentioned race. It’s white people who are to blame for us continuing lockdown. Stay the fuck inside. Wear a god damn mask, you gross ass heathens. Whoaaaaaaaaaa transition to current events” - Tattooed E-Girl Pornographer Pulp “white people actually suck” Fictionally (plopfictionally).

Stay the fuck inside goyim and send me money

The Noticer
“If I see one more white Person who has never been oppressed use the phrase ‘Independence Day’ [referring to Brexit] I’m gonna start making a purge list” - “Hate Speech” Censorship-Advocate Cammie “Unmarked. Unidentified. All white. All male. Ready to attack. This is FACISM” Yahel (CammieYahel).

“Why do Jews keep to themselves? Why do Jews have their own communities? Because when shit goes down you lot stay silent...#nospaceforjewhate.”

Good questions Cammie. Here’s some for you, why does “shit” always seem to go down with regards to Jews? Why is there so much “Jew hate” out there? I’m sure it has nothing at all to do with Jewish behavior

26 July 2020
The Noticer
“Now more than ever it’s vital to stand with Israel. The Democrats are looking more and more like the modern day Nazi party with their vile Jew hatred...We must stand with Israel, sound the alarm on Jew hatred” - “Right Wing” Provocateur, Congressional Candidate, Milo BFF (301 mentions on her channel), and Poor Oppressed Jew Laura “loyalty is the most important thing in the world” Loomer (loomeredofficial).

>reporting on Jewish pedophiles fleeing to and being welcomed by Israel = Jew hate

>banning one psycho Jew = Jew Hate

Everything is Jew hate!

Hmmm, if “Twitter hates Jews” so much then why‘d it verify so many of them (640+ verifieds on the List thus far folks)? And why’d Twitter put a Jew in charge of suspending and censoring accounts and content? Very strange thing for Nazi Twitter to do.

The Noticer
“There’s no such thing as white nationalism. That’s the irony, what is white nationalism? White’s a race...How could you be a white nationalist when there’s no white nation?...So this notion, ‘oh if the president of the United States mentions something about nationalism it’s something about white supremacy,’ that’s absurd. The whole point of American nationalism is that it contains people of every race. Nationalism ends race. It doesn’t celebrate race. It celebrates nation, and it’s a beautiful thing to have a national identity...People of every different race and every different religion united in one nation, what could be more beautiful?” - Verified “Conservative” Commentator Dennis “Jews are not only a religion. They are also a people or a nation” Prager (DennisPrager)

Prager: “America stands for...the ‘melting pot’ idea”

Also Prager: Israel is a “Jewish State”

“The day America abandons Israel will be the beginning and the end of America as we know it.” Dang, that kind of sounds like a threat

27 July 2020
The Noticer
“I fully acknowledge my white privilege being an educated white woman in America. That means I have the ability to speak up to people that more marginalized people aren’t able to or don’t have access to, in safety” - “White Woman” with “a Distinct Preference for Brown Men” Stormi (bullcitystorm)

“White women are a plague”? “White people cannot experience racism”? Yeah, she’s as “white” as she is skinny

The Noticer
“If you’ve heard the phrase ‘white privilege’ and didn’t know what it meant, this is a great example: You can be a White man, show up to a government buildings armed to the teeth, and have nothing happen to you. Or, you can be a Black man, accused of forgery, who did not resist arrest, and die in the street with a cop’s knee on your neck. This is White privilege” - Bankrupt Erin “it’s always a good day when a racist, xenophobic, homophobic, transphobic idiot with a significant following gets PERMANENTLY banned from Twitter” Campbell (OriginalOestrus)

The Noticer
“we can’t control the biases we have, we can only be aware of them and do everything we can to dampen them until they’re as minuscule as possible. I’m white. I’m racist. I will always be racist...I will never understand what it’s like to walk this earth as a Black person. I can only do what I can as a white person to not be a danger to Black people, and try to convince other people to not be a danger as well” - Racist “White Woman” Lauren (knittykitty)

“...for real if any white person would like an actual constructive conversation about racism and white privilege, my DMs are open.” Wow Lauren, that sure is a generous offer

The Noticer
Oy vey, poor oppressed verified Jewish celebrities, journalists, and millionaires are boycotting Twitter en masse to fight “anti-semitism”? How will I be able to generate new content? Is this the end for my Jewish appreciation channel? Oh wait, they’re only doing it for 48 hours, and half of them are continuing to tweet during the boycott? Whew, that was a close one folks
28 July 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 10.03.2020 05:11:22
It’s that time of the week again folks! #TransTuesday!
The Noticer
“Gf, trying to talk dirty: Ah yeah take it... you....
Gf: you uh
Gf: Ari what’s your gender today
Me, dick still in my mouth: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Gf: Good slut”

- Non-binary Genderfluid Femme Lesbian Ari “I’m ANGRY, and I’m here to tell you it’s NOT okay to be white!!! And yeah! I’m white! I’m rich! And if the Revolution happens and you want to kill me???? No hard feelings!” Faerie (fennecfaerie)

I think I’m gonna be sick folks...no hard feelings! 🤢🤮

The Noticer
“fck it. all my characters in my writings are going to be trans queer and not subject to any harassment because of their identities. fck everything and everyone that make it a nightmare to even imagine it” - Non-Binary, Pansexual, Polyam Writer Moenigin

“Goddamn it I hate white capitalist supremacy.” Don’t worry Moenigin, white capitalist supremacy hates you too

The Noticer
“started doing drag...and grew up so fast. from shy teenager at their first drag show to a full adult being outgoing and expressing themselves!” - Non-binary Drag Queen Staci (FUTUREISFLUID)

“get into it the future is fluid”

The Noticer
“this [show about autistic people dating] is lovely and important representation...but *of course* all the couples are het, LGBTQ+ people on the spectrum can fall in love too, dammit...this is why all my queer romances are about neurodivergent people falling in love. people can be on both spectrums and find happiness” - Non-Binary Lesbian Playwright Hayley “another play by a white man starring a white man produced by the same fucking white man as always? I’ve never been so tired in my life” St. James (hayleystjames)

And Hayley thinks they’s “tired”?

29 July 2020
The Noticer
“The president gins up white nationalism and targets minorities with racist insults and official brutality. Arms manufacturers bribe Congress to regulate guns like cheap toys instead of lethal tools. Flood society with weapons and hatred, and the result will be violence” - Verified US Senate Candidate (Georgia) Jon “Nazism & white supremacy require forceful, explicit, unequivocal denunciation” Ossoff (ossoff)

“Senator Perdue’s digital attack ad distorted my face to enlarge and extend my nose. I’m Jewish. This is the oldest, most obvious, least original anti-Semitic trope in history.”

Oh nose! Poor Jon

The Noticer
“I want to see more LGBTQ rep of all sorts! But as a MG [i.e., middle grade literature, ages 8-12] writer I’m particularly interested in seeing queer rep in MG. There’s much more now than there was just a few years ago, but it’s still lagging behind YA quite a bit” - Bisexual Middle Grade Literature Writer Sarah “it’s necessary to identify gender and race [when creating book characters]. Otherwise, people default to white (or neurotypical, heterosexual, etc.)” Kapit (SarahKapit)

Sarah‘s working hard to ensure that your kids never again default to white or heterosexual

The Noticer
“Dear White Men: PLEASE GO FUCK YOURSELVES BECAUSE NOBODY ELSE IS EVER GOING TO AGAIN” - “White” Creator of Netflix’s Baby-Sitters Club (a show for teenagers that promotes transgenderism and features a “transgender child actor”) Rachel “Trans women are women. Trans men are men. Non-binary people are non-binary. It’s not that complicated” Shukert (RachelShukert)

The Noticer
In reply to this message
“White people aren’t real. Racial identity is meaningless and superficial tribalism...I’m Jewish” - Verified “nonbinary, bioandrosexual, polyethnic, Jewish male-presenting, HIV+...ginger...conservative” Writer Chad Felix Green (chadfelixg)

Welcome to JQ 101 fam, and back to the List Chad
The Noticer pinned this message
30 July 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 12.03.2020 04:59:24
Who’s ready for a little blast from the past? #ThrowbackThursday
The Noticer
In reply to this message
Soviet Spies Round 3.

I had to update the graphic folks. I missed that Theodore Hall was born Theodore Holtzberg. Even some shapeshifters slip by my detection upon first glance. Well done Holtzberg, well done

Final count: 13/16 (81%) of the top Soviet atomic spies were from the Tribe. Nothing to see here folks. Just another crazy Cohencidence
The Noticer pinned this message
The Noticer
“I decided to give atomic secrets to the Russians because it seemed to me that it was important that there should be no monopoly, which could turn one nation into a menace and turn it loose on the world as Nazi Germany developed. There seemed to be only one answer...The right thing to so was act to break the American monopoly” - Celebrated Mathematician, Soviet Spy, and “The Boy Who Gave Away the Bomb” Theodore Hall

Fun Fact: Hall’s original last name was Holtzberg, but he changed it “to avoid antisemitic hiring practices.” In those days, bigoted Americans wouldn’t knowingly hire communist spies. The antisemitism was pretty intense. Because he “d[idn’t] look like a Jew,” Hall’s little name trick worked wonders and he was able to procure a job on the Manhattan Project. Although Hall never served a day in jail for his treason and died of natural causes at the ripe old age of 74 after a long career in academia, I’m sure he faced plenty of horrible, terrible, really mean antisemitism throughout his life.

The Noticer
Meet Harvard-educated Soviet Spy Saville Sax. This weaseling looking fellow turned out to be a weasel in real life too. Sometimes you can judge a book by it’s cover folks. Despite being born and raised in New York, Sax’s loyalties lay with the Bolsheviks. With Sax’s help, fellow (((Bolshevik))) Theodore Hall [#1871] was able to deliver nuclear secrets directly to the Soviets. Thanks to Sax, Hall, Rosenberg, Gold, and Greenglass’s efforts, the Soviets acquired the bomb and the world was never the same again.

31 July 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 28.02.2020 06:20:36
It’s that time of the week again folks!
The Noticer
“Hi fellow white ppl: Here’s a low stakes suggestion for how not to be part of the problem: Don’t call the police.” - “Fellow White” Humanities Professor (Rice University) Zoe “if you, like I, are white in the US and eating peanuts...remind yrself that u would not have peanuts w/o the violence of slavery nor w/out Black practices and traditions” Wool (zoewool)

Eat your peanuts in shame my fellow white people

The Noticer
“Dear fellow white people, Do not expect praise or validation for caring about Black Lives Matter, prison reform, defunding the police, etc. Caring, donating, posting, showing up, and calling people out is what we’re supposed to do. We don’t get awards for acting like we should. If you’re doing any of this and expecting praise and thanks, you are a performative ally. You are not a real ally to begin with” - Real Ally and Video Editor “No more WHITE PEOPLE” Molly (challahbvck)

The Noticer
“What can white people do to help make our society more equal and fair? (BIG THREAD)...1. LISTEN TO BLACK FOLX...2. LEARN FROM BLACK FOLX...3. ADVOCATE FOR CHANGE...4. DONATE $$ FOR CHANGE...5. NEVER GIVE UP THE FIGHT. Us white people are not centered in this fight, but we MUST be in it” - Pansexual, Queer, Polyam, and Genderqueer Megan “My fellow white people: this is why YOU DO NOT call the cops on a black person” Cohen (thewritingMC)

The Noticer
“For my fellow white journalists: offer to do tangible things to help your Black colleagues. You may not be able to donate or protect protestors, but you can use your clout to advocate for better policies in your newsrooms” - Verified Queer Disabled Journalist Shira “I just don’t understand straight white men and their culture” Stein (shiramstein)

“Fellow white journalists...” This one was entry level noticing fam

1 August 2020
The Noticer
“Upward-thrusting buildings ejaculating into the sky...Glass ceilings and phallic towers. Mean streets and dark alleys. Road names and statues of men. From the physical to the metaphorical, the city is filled with reminders of masculine power. And yet we rarely talk of the urban landscape as an active participant in gender inequality” - Mount Allison University Director of Women’s and Gender Studies Leslie “White women, we gotta STOP this utter nonsense” Kern (LellyK)

Beyond parody folks

The Noticer
“Should’ve built a wall hundreds of years ago before white colonizers got a chance to ‘discover America’” - Pink-Wearing “White Girl” Emily “house of representatives & senate should represent the american population & frankly old white men ain’t it” Parker (emilyyypaaarker)

The Noticer
“I hope everyone knows that [Trump’s 4th of July] event is a rallying cry for racists and white supremacists...the purpose is to show Mount Rushmore as representative of all statues that will never come down mixed with celebrating on land that was completely stolen from Native peoples” - Verified Pro-Kneeling Anthem Protest Sportsball Commentator Peter “any average person with a white face can get rich being a talentless hack” Rosenberg (Rosenbergradio)

Speaking of talentless hacks...

2 August 2020
The Noticer
“White people used tuberculosis to settle the Southwest...If there’s any hope of addressing our country’s racist legacy, it’s imperative to reckon with all the ways in which the United Stated was built on harming and disregarding the bodies of Black and Indigenous people” - Journalist Jordana “it doesn’t matter if your racist meme is a ‘joke’” Rosenfeld (rosenfeldjb)

Damn white people and their *shuffles deck, takes card* diseases

The Noticer
“I’m white, white folks have always been crazy when it comes to racism & sexism. Progress is when a lot of white kids see & recognize what racism does & help out” - Nurse Peggy “I’m white & I’m tired of white people” Smith (peggynysom)

Are you for freaking real, Peggy?

“I'm white and I don't trust my people to vote blue. They are holding onto every last 💧 of whiteness b/c they know their time in the majority is up.”

They can’t wait for us to go extinct folks

The Noticer
“I’ll say this again: Our country was founded as a melting pot. A place for immigrants and refugees. We celebrate our differences” - “Very Privileged White Guy” Video Producer at Yale School of Medicine (his work promoting trans people is truly powerful. Stunning and brave) Noah “a truck driver and devoted dog owner. Randi’s story of transition is amazing. Check it out” Golden (NoahTheGolden).

Shockingly he’s single. Try to contain your excitement ladies

3 August 2020
The Noticer
If Hitler tried to murder all the Jews, then why are there so many survivors? And if the Holocaust was so horrific, then why do so many survivors live to be 100? Very strange indeed.

I guess that’s why we call them God’s chosen people folks
The Noticer
Western Masculine 03.08.2020 08:11:20
The Noticer pinned this message
The Noticer
“White supremacy is bad for the Jews. Let’s be bad for white supremacy...The way to protect ourselves and each other is to reject the bad bargain of whiteness. The pledge in word and deed is this: We will not sell out our cultures and our comrades, the people whose experiences resonate in our own hearts and the ones we have to struggle to understand, in favor of the false sense of security that comes from temporary proximity to power. We align ourselves with our ancestors and our allies. We side with Black people and Black lives. We side with immigrants. We side with queers and outsiders. We side with Muslims and Sikhs. We side with people who have disabilities and chronic illnesses” - Lesbian with a Chicana partner Jen “I don’t remember learning about the Holocaust. I don’t remember not knowing” Margulies (jen_margulies)

In Jen’s world, it’s Jews and everyone else versus whites. Jen lives in the real world folks

The Noticer
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Welcome back to the List Jennifer!
4 August 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 10.03.2020 05:11:22
It’s that time of the week again folks! #TransTuesday!
The Noticer
The Noticer 14.07.2020 05:50:35
I’ve stumbled upon the mother lode fam. Buckle up!
The Noticer
“im a guy but I love and wear makeup on a daily basis but whaa? dont u wanna be masculine?? bruh who said makeup cant be masc it doesnt mean im not trans im transmasc nonbinary!!!” - Transmasc Nonbinary Man, Ostracized by Cis Gays, potatocasserole.

He/They thought he/they was prepared for top surgery, but he/they was “not prepared for phantom titty.” Phantom titty can be a real bitch folks

The Noticer
“Hey there! I’m a nonbinary parent and attorney working in trans advocacy. I provide transition-related legal services like name/gender marker changes, health insurance assistance, etc in NY and am happy to be a linkage to resources everywhere!” - White, Upper Middle Class, Able-Bodied, Masculine-Presenting, Queer, Trans, Nonbinary Parent and Lawyer Charlie “it’s be ridiculous of me not to acknowledge the privilege of being white” Arrowood (ch_arwood)

The Noticer
“White supremacy is something that only really white people can do. same thing with racism. prejudiced; absolutely! but to inherently be racist would also to assume that you’re white; bc it was born out of white people. especially the current systemic racism that’s in place” - Trans Punk Rocket Sierra “white people AROUND THE WORLD has ISSUES” Sativa (sierrasativa420).

They/them/theirs are “*so* over white beauty boys”

The Noticer
“Jesus says: Don’t break quarantine to go to Easter services. Don’t break quarantine to go interrupt Passover with antisemitism” - Jesus-Impersonating, Multi-Gender-Drifting, Neurodivergent, Queer “Fellow White” Xe/Xem Zachary “if I am being victimized by someone who is not an able-bodied, cisgender, neurotypical, white person, I am extremely hesitant to call the police” Yaro (ZMYaro).

What do you folks think, should xe just kill xeself now and spare xeself the gas chamber?

5 August 2020
The Noticer
“At Waxman Strategies, we recognize systemic racism pervades our society. It impacts our personal biases and prejudices. And it impacts our institutions. The answer is not going to come from striving for color blindness, but from embracing and respecting our differences. And we must not lose sight that white privilege exists and has existed since the dawn of the republic” - Verified Lobbyist, Former Congressman, and Architect of Obamacare Henry “Jewish values are synonymous with American values” Waxman (WaxmanClimate)

The phenotype checks out

The Noticer
“I am a white anti-racist queer femme applied developmental psychologist, sexuality educator, and community organizer” - Nazi-Fighting Queer Suffolk University Professor Mimi “menstruation does not signify sex or gender” Arbeit (MimiArbeit)

She checks all the boxes folks
✅Nazi fighter
✅community organizer
✅sexuality educator specializing in “adolescent sexuality”

The Noticer
Oh no, “antisemitism is on the rise”...yet again...in Germany...in the UK...in America...worldwide...among the left...and the right...among whites...and blacks...

Always ”rising,” “exploding,” magically, mysteriously, inexplicably, illogically, for no reason. It truly is the eternal conundrum. We’ll never be able to comprehend this sinister phenomenon, but we do know this: antisemitism has nothing whatsoever, like, at all to do with Jewish behavior.
The Noticer pinned this message
6 August 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 12.03.2020 04:59:24
Who’s ready for a little blast from the past? #ThrowbackThursday
The Noticer
Soviet Spies - Round 4

Today will conclude the Noticer’s special feature on the (((Soviet))) Spies

The Noticer
Meet Iowa born and raised Soviet Spy George Koval. As a young adult, George relocated to Communist Russia with his parents. After receiving training in espionage from the Bolsheviks, George returned to the United States and entered the army. During his first years in the army, George received technical training in electrical engineering. He then used this training to weasel his way into America’s top secret nuclear program. Once inside, George funneled nuclear secrets to the Russians. Indeed, good ol’ George is credited with handing the initiator for the plutonium bomb to the Soviets. After his work was done and the Soviets had the bomb, George left America, never to return. George was never punished for his treachery.

Hello my fellow Iowans

The Noticer
“Meh, I bet on the wrong horse” - Unrepentant Convicted Soviet Spy Morton Sobell.

For years this New York-born Soviet traitor proclaimed his innocence—swearing that he in no way helped the Bolsheviks obtain nuclear secrets. “Progressives” (i.e., commies/Jewish intellectuals) championed Morton’s cause for decades, kvetching about wrongful prosecution and miscarriages of justice. However, in 2008 at the ripe old age of 91, Morton finally admitted the truth, he had indeed provided nuclear secrets to the Soviets. Imagine my shock

The Noticer
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Meet New York-Born Soviet Spy, “Electronics Wiz,” and Communist Engineer Joel Barr. With a little persuading from fellow tribesman, Jacob Golos, Barr joined the infamous Rosenberg spy ring, which coincidentally was headed up by his college buddy Julius Rosenberg (see attached post). With the help of his shabbos goy pal Alfred Sarant (fun fact: Sarant was the only gentile involved in the Rosenberg ring), Barr gave the Soviets “over 9,000 pages of documents detailing over 100 weapons systems.” For his treason, Barr was...was...never punished. Hmmm, what a surprise

I misspoke earlier today folks. I truly did think that we’d wrap up the Soviet Spies series today, but I’m gonna need at least one more Throwback Thursday. Please bear with me, the more stones I uncover, the more (((spies))) I find

7 August 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 28.02.2020 06:20:36
It’s that time of the week again folks!
The Noticer
“Oh. My. Fucking. Goodness! Fellow white people, STOP!! Just fucking stop! Reverse discrimination, it isn’t a thing. IT ISN’T A REAL THING! And if black people you meet treat you with suspicion it’s because we have earned that mistrust. We need to do better, be better than this! - Sad, Angry, and Scared Mother of a Gay Son Wendy (Wendyreads2live).

According to Wendy, “50% of fellow white people are dangerous and idiots.” I’m pretty sure she’s underestimating that figure

The Noticer
“Trump and swathes of white America refuse to learn either about or from our history: Planning a rally in Tulsa on Juneteenth was either ignorant or insensitive. But the president isn't alone in considering non-white history a denial of America itself” - Verified “Fellow White” Journalist, Author, and George Soros Sycophant Emily “George Soros is not actually plotting a revolution or paying people to protest” Tamkin (emilyctamkin).

“fuck any white woman (‘sup) who doesn’t recognize the experiences she has not, and will never, have.” ‘Sup Emily!

The Noticer
“Open borders is the morally just thing to do. I don’t see how it relates to anti-Semitism, except that, thanks to Trump’s invasion rhetoric, some bigots link Jews to open borders. The solution is voting out Trump, not placing limits on immigrants and refugees” - Journalist Jacob “I think it was an anti-protest against BLM...I guess as a fellow white guy he thought I was on his side” Silverman (SilvermanJacob)

“Some bigots link Jews to open borders,” says the Jewish journalist literally advocating for open borders

The Noticer
“Hey, fellow white people, ESPECIALLY if you are a white person who perceives yourself as a liberal, progessive, leftist, or ally for racial justice: WE CAN GET THINGS WRONG. When a Black or other marginalized POC tells us we've gotten something wrong, we need to listen” - “White Queer Person who writes characters of color” Tea “maybe just maybe we white Americans could quite being dicks” Berry-Blue (teaberryblue)

Predictably, Tea isn’t too pleased with the white supremacy-loving Italian side of her family

8 August 2020
The Noticer
Great question Ted!
The Noticer
>”[Trump’s] shithole [countries]...are proud nations that send hard working energetic people for whom we should be thankful”

>”the demographics in play [are] too powerful to reverse. The US is not a white country and no immigration reform can change that”

>”Keep dying of whiteness”

>”White nationalism is a hydra. In place of one severed head, two will grow. Only sealing the source of the poison will keep it from regrowing”


Mass Immigration Champion, Author, and Academic Dr. Elizabeth “Pretty Identifiably” Cohen (alixabeth)

Elizabeth‘s doing everything she can to eradicate white nationalism’s “source” (i.e., white people)


Elizabeth complains nonstop that enforcing immigration laws threatens our constitutional rights, yet she would “gladly” use facial recognition systems and DNA databases “to build a database of people enthusiastically attending racist [Trump] rallies.” Hmmm 🤔

The Noticer
“Many people imagine that immigrants from Europe very quickly climbed the economic ladder and adopted US behavior norms and that immigrants today are slower to do so. That’s not the case” - Mass Immigration Champion and Princeton Economist Leah “White flight was motivated by racism” Bouston (leah_boustan).

Trust me goyim, there’s no difference between white immigrants and non-white immigrants, and the desire to live in a homogenous white neighborhood is racist.

The Noticer
>”Biden fundraiser”
>”focused on antisemitism”

The puppet masters aren’t even trying to hide their identity or agenda anymore folks. Their brazen arrogance is truly astounding. Their priorities are clear.

And yet some poor patriotic souls still think that politicians seek higher office so they can help/serve the American people and put America first. Psh, don’t they know God’s chosen people take priority?
9 August 2020
The Noticer
“I am sick to my stomach, if I wasn’t fearing violence or Covid-19 maybe I would protest. But this isn’t my fight. I’m an ally and THAT’S what white people don’t get. We don’t get to break shit and blame it on peaceful protestors. White people need to stop attacking cop cars. Stop attacking period. Let the voices of peaceful protestors be heard” - “Torah Trumps Hate” Lisa (sidecar542)

The Noticer
“Reparations Now: Why White People Must Join The Call To Pay Reparations For Slavery...The nation that allowed slavery to exist within its borders is responsible — it is a national debt. The entire nation was enriched by the enterprise of slavery, not just the owners. It’s all of white America’s obligation to make reparations” - Forbes Journalist Seth “Black Women Are Leading America Into The Future — It’s Time White Men Learn to Follow Them” Cohen (sethacohen).

He’s just a “white man” with an “appeal for America to pay what is due.”

The Noticer
“That’s it. I hate white people. And I’m a white person” - Third Generation Holocaust Survivor Sarah Blumfeld (TovahErica)

And then one day, for no reason whatsoever...

The Noticer
“Colleges should offer a sex work course or maybe even a major that teaches all forms of sex work; including full service, cam modeling, stripping, Dom/sub, sensual massage, pornography, including health education and safety. Sex work is an honorable and respectable career” - Queer Porn Star, Dominatrix, and Libertarian Politician Molly “#FreeTheNipples” Smash (chasetkach)

Maybe one day if you’re lucky, your daughter will grow up to be an honorable and respectable sex worker

10 August 2020
The Noticer
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I wonder if Seth’s prohibition against white people will include fellow white people? Hmmm 🤔

Welcome back to the List Seth!
The Noticer
“Defeat Covid-19 by requiring vaccination for all. It’s not un-American, it’s patriotic. Make vaccines free, don’t allow religious or personal objections, and create disincentives for those who refuse vaccines shown to be safe and effective” - Dr. Michael Lederman (mmlederman1)

Be a patriot goy, take the vaccine!

Curiously, Mehleman also has a very distinct name origin

The Noticer
“If you think Ayanna Presley is unpatriotic but the people celebrating Robert E. Lee and flying the flag of treasonous war against the United States are patriotic, the nation you’re celebrating...is whiteness. And the nationalism you espouse is white nationalism” - American-Canadian Professor of Political Theory Jacob “the takeover of the GOP by the realigning white south, brought with it all the attitudes of hierarchy, exclusion, and white supremacy” Levy (jtlevy)

11 August 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 10.03.2020 05:11:22
It’s that time of the week again folks! #TransTuesday!
The Noticer
“um, y'all must know that the idea that math is objective or neutral IS A MYTH #takebackmath... along with the ‘of course math is neutral because 2+2=4’ trope are the related (and creepy) ‘math is pure’ and ‘protect math’ reeks of white supremacist patriarchy. i'd rather think on nurturing people & protecting the planet (with math in service of them goals) 🌎❤️💙💚... so...apparently this Twitter thread classified as ‘NEWS’ This is not about math. This is about me using my voice to call out white supremacist patriarchy. Turns out the white guys don't like that... READ THESE COMMENTS. this is not about math. this is about white nationalism” - Queer Brooklyn College “Math” Professor Laurie “meritocracy is a tool of whiteness” Rubel (Laurie_Rubel).

They are beyond parody folks. A truly remarkable people!

The Noticer pinned this message
The Noticer
/Telegrampol/ - Central 10.08.2020 12:02:52
Best channels of the Top 10
Final results
- 1. Bellum Acta - Intel, Urgent News and Archives 670 votes
- 2. The Noticer 1020 votes
- 3. 4Chan - /POL/HIS/INT/ 478 votes
- 4. /pol/ news 455 votes
- 5. The End Times 954 votes
- 6. Qlobal-Change USA 56 votes
- 7. /CIG/ Telegram | Counter Intelligence Global 300 votes
- 8. Racism Inc. 315 votes
- 9. Defend Europa News 242 votes
- 10. Random Anon Channel - Best /pol/ Telegram Channel 338 votes
2771 votes
The Noticer
“Is it weird that I hate being a white person but also don’t want to be a black person?...I don’t want to be a white person; white people are racist. I don’t want to be a black person; I don’t want to go through what black people are going through right now” - Racist Trans Bi White Person Henry Canty (HenryCanty1)

Luckily for Henry, xe’s neither white nor black

The Noticer
“Fellow white people, we need to collect our garbage and own up to our responsibilities we can’t just rely on black women to save us, we have some hard work to do. That’s not to say we shouldn’t support, promote, and put black women forward, though. Let black women lead, but we need to do the work to support them” - Trans Lesbian Mirah “young white people are just as racist as old white people” Image (mirahimage)

The Noticer
“America, let’s do this!” - Verified Lawyer and Husband of Israel-Loving, White Nationalism-Fighting Democrat VP Nominee Kamala Harris Douglas Emhoff (douglasemhoff).

Sorry to disturb the sanctity of Trans Tuesday fam, but this profile was just too hot to wait

The Noticer pinned this message
12 August 2020
The Noticer
“The fact that the whole world, literally all the media, everybody, was capable of believing that Ted Bundy was innocent. Talk about white privilege, talk about white...whatever” - Verified BLM-Supporting, Gun Control-Loving Actor Zac “Some Dudes Marry Dudes. Get Over It” Efron (ZacEfron)

The Noticer
“I expect to live forever. And I do everything to bring that result about” - DEAD Billionaire Media Tycoon, Degeneracy Pusher, and Sex Pervert Sumner Redstone

Good ol’ Sumner helped “shape entertainment as we know it today” folks

The Noticer
“I have always hated anybody who is not tolerant of gay men or lesbians or bisexuals. Now I am in the very fortunate position where I can actually help or do something about it” - Harry Potter Actor and LGBTQ-Champion Daniel “trans women are women” Radcliffe.

According to Dan, his “entire life and career is built on luck and privilege.” #JewishPrivilege

13 August 2020
The Noticer
Wow, I’m speechless. What an incredible honor. The People’s Choice Award. Woo! There are so many people I’d like to thank for making today possible: the Fellow Whites, the Anti-Racists, the Pornographers, Hollywood, the Media, the America Lasters, the Zionists, the Open Borders Champions, the Diversity Cultists, the LGBTQs (especially the Trannies), the Bankers, the Interest Collectors, the Slumlords, the Billionaires, the Puppet Masters, the Politicians, the Journalists, the Lawyers, the Academics, the Atheists, the Communists, the Marxists, the Bolsheviks, Antifa, the Neocons, the Synagogue of Satan, the Feminists, the Pedophiles, the MeToo-ers, the Abortionists, the Weather Underground, the Soviet Spies, the Opiate Pushers, the Slave Traders, the NAACP, the SPLC, the ADL, the “Survivors”...

*exit music begins to play*

...Welp, looks like I need to wrap this up folks. There are so many, many more people to thank, but I think it suffices to say: Thank you Jews! You truly are God’s Chosen People!
The Noticer
Not a Jew tweet, but this was just too perfect not to share. #NeverForget
The Noticer
14 August 2020
The Noticer
BOSS_HawG 13.08.2020 17:34:18
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The Noticer
The Noticer 28.02.2020 06:20:36
It’s that time of the week again folks!
The Noticer
“Fellow white people: let black people tell you what they need and don’t make assumptions” - “White and Male and Cisgendered” Muslim/Jew Community Builder Benjamin “check your egos, white people” Kweskin (BenjaminKweskin)

There’s a reason Benji “prefers Black Panthers to white supremacists”

The Noticer
“Just trying to gently remind my fellow white people to check their privilege/weaponize ourselves for Black lives constantly. Please. We owe it to the Black community” - Fellow White Disabled Sex Worker Aliya “you can’t be racist towards white people, reverse racism doesn’t exist” Ripper (aliyaripper)

“I am white appearing and privileged to blend into goyim society.” That says it all, doesn’t it folks

The Noticer
“My fellow white ppl: Whatever effort you’re making now to combat white supremacy is what you would have been doing in 1968, at Montgomery, in Nazi Germany, during the Underground Railroad, etc. Do what you feel is right/enough but don’t tell yourself lies to justify your silence” - “Fellow Alaskan” and “White-Skinned American” Attorney Elizabeth “I’m 💯 cool with my entire existence just being one giant middle finger to white supremacy & all of its satellite shitspray” Bakalar (libbybakalar)

Her “entire existence” is devoted to destroying you folks

15 August 2020
The Noticer
“I am a person of color with lighter skin. People confuse me for a white person all the time. Sometimes I make the same mistake. At the end of the day there are much more important things to focus on when fighting for racial justice” - Verified “Zionist Secular Israeli Iraqi-North African Mizrahi Jew” Journalist Hen Mazzig (HenMazzig)


“White supremacists, Neo-Nazis and the KKK hate Black people, Jews and Israel. Remember that. That’s why we need to fight them together”

“Dangerous forces are attempting to create tension between Jews and people of color. Anyone blaming Jews for systemic racism is doing the bidding of white supremacists”

Hen has drawn the battle lines folks. It’s the Jews and their fellow people of color against you

The Noticer
Yes yes Mark, by all means, please tell us just how antisemitic the (((New York Times))) is.

To run cover for their fellow tribesman, Jews often accuse other Jews and Jewish-run organizations of antisemitism. By doing so, the goyim are deceived into believing that their ideological (on all sides of the political spectrum) enemies are antisemitic Jew haters. This erroneous belief causes well-intentioned and otherwise intelligent people to immediately discredit and viscerally oppose anyone who criticizes a Jew or Jewish power generally. This simple deception protects and strengthens Jewish power and influence. Mark Levin is pretty damn good at it.
The Noticer
“White folks, this is OUR work to do. This thread is a great place to start. Anti-racism work is not a one time donation, or social media post, it's a continued practice of self-inquiry, exploration & accountability” - Therapist and Sister of Gravity Falls’ Creator Ariel Hirsch (Ariel_Hirsch_)

Good job Alex, you blew your sister’s cover

The Noticer
“Antisemitism is an ancient problem,” and yet, it’s not a “Jewish problem.” Indeed, Jews aren’t at all responsible for the inexplicable disdain they engender. 109 countries, but none of that was the fault of the Jew. Only an antisemite would dare to suggest that semitic behavior plays any role in antisemitism
16 August 2020
The Noticer
“Falsely claims” and “dangerous,” i.e., irrefutable truth
The Noticer
“Dear White Vegans, Stop Appropriating Food. Veganism is going through its own racial reckoning that’s a long time coming, considering white vegan influencers have appropriated traditional foods forever” - Verified Vice Journalist Anya “make media less white...HIRE MORE BIPOC REPORTERS! Studies show it’ll improve your coverage and make newsrooms more hospitable for all” Zoledziowski (anyazoledz).

This newsroom is a place of welcoming, so get the hell out of here white people

The Noticer
“I wrote about the white supremacists who cooked up the objectively false claim behind the Kamala Harris birther lie...The Newsweek birther column peddled a conspiracy theory that millions of Americans should be stripped of citizenship because *their parents* were immigrants. It is morally abhorrent KKK-level racism...So yes, condemn Newsweek for publishing the Kamala birther column, but also condemn every outlet that lets writers peddle this conspiracy that immigrant children do not get birthright citizenship. It’s racist horseshit that has no place in civil dialogue. It’s a laughable lie...THERE IS NOTHING TO FUCKING DEBATE” - Verified Gay Slate Journalist Mark “The electoral college is an instrument of white supremacy” Stern (mjc_DC)

This terrified journalist is doing everything he can to reduce white America’s electoral power

The Noticer
Oh how hilarious! A new HBO comedy about a white Christian girl getting an abortion. Oh man, I hope her “Jesus freak” parents don’t find out! Haha, gee, what good clean wholesome fun!

Hmmm, I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that this lighthearted film was written and directed by Rachel Lee Goldenberg

The Noticer pinned this message
The Noticer
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Oy vey! Shut it down, the goyim know!

Yes indeed, the goyim know
17 August 2020
The Noticer
“You must not ‘do your own research’ when it comes to science...From vaccines to climate to COVID-19, we all need to listen to the consensus of scientific experts. Now” - “Straight, Male, and White” Astrophysicist, Big Bang Champion, and Scientific Expert Ethan “6 Steps Everyone Can Take To Become An Ally in White, Male-Dominated Workplaces” Siegel (StartsWithABang)

Ethan’s an experts folks, follow him blindly and without question

The Noticer
“Starting to feel like a lot of non-mask-wearers would be fine if it were a white hood” - Verified Columnist Kenny Herzog (KennyHerzog)

Wear the mask and comply, or you’re a white supremacist goy!

Also, wait a second, 865,000 Jews were freed from Auschwitz? Gee, that seems like an awful lot of Jews. Why did evil, genocidal Hitler devote so many valuable resources to keeping all those Jews alive? I mean, I thought he had a final solution and all. 865,000 survived? What!? Like, wasn’t Hitler also fighting a multi-front world war? The German people were literally starving by the end of the war. And yet, Hitler kept all those Jews alive? An antisemitic monster? Hmmm, this just isn’t adding up folks.

The Noticer
“Yale’s Steadfast Commitment to Diversity... The [DOJ’s] allegation that Yale discriminates against whites is baseless...Yale College will not change its admissions processes...Yale’s admissions practices help us realize our mission to improve the world today and for future generations. At this unique moment in our history, when so much attention properly is being paid to issues of race, Yale will not waver in its commitment to educating a student body whose diversity is a mark of its excellence” - Yale President and Psychologist Peter Salovey

>2% of the US Population
>27% of Yale’s student body


The Noticer
“I could have done without the prayer to Jesus to kick off the DNC...I’m Jewish and find it alienating” - Verified Progressive Talkshow Host David “the white nationalism must end...the white supremacy must end” Pakman (dpakman)

David despises your savior and your people

18 August 2020
The Noticer
Oy vey, the DNC began with a prayer to Jesus!?! That’s not “interfaith,” “diverse,” “nondenominational,” “pluralistic,” or “inclusive.” It’s “alienating,” “insulting,” “disappointing,” “uncomfortable,” “exclusionary” “bullshit”!

#NeverForget just how much they hate Christ
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The Noticer
The Noticer 10.03.2020 05:11:22
It’s that time of the week again folks! #TransTuesday!
The Noticer
“@ angry white people: this isn’t about you. Stop looting and breaking store windows. You’re making the people we are supposed to be helping look bad. You’re not seeing the point of these protests. Again, this is NOT about you” - They/Them Goblin “Men can menstruate. There are men with uteruses” Princess (blink180jeww)

The Noticer
“I’m kinda busy here. I’m trying to listen and better understand my role as a privileged white trans woman in 400 years of systemic racism” - Verified Trans Journalist and Former Child Actor Ina “this is so cool. A mix of music for Trans and nonbinary kids. With donations benefiting a camp for trans and nonbinary youth” Fried (inafried).

Ina’s birth name was Ian. Isn’t “she” witty folks?

The Noticer
“Hey white trans folks, I know you’ve already started grasping that gender is a social construct but can we keep going and realize how that can be weaponized against other marginalized groups? For example, white femininity has historically (and presently) been used to direct systemic violence at people of color...We need to break the systems that would see us used by white supremacy” - Trans Polyam Queer Tal (chaoticgaythey)

Tal Fun Facts:
>they’s in a happy, healthy relationship with two other theys - a “throuple”
>they’s “so tired of white goyim”
>they believes that femininity is a “construct originated in whiteness”
>you can donate to they’s “transition” (so they can cut they’s penis off)

19 August 2020
The Noticer
“The Poly-Parent Households Are Coming...once we no longer need the traditional family structure to create children, our need for that traditional family is likely to fade as well...the revolution of I.V.G. will dismantle completely the reproductive structure of heterosexuality...two men could make a baby. Four sexually unconnected housemates could make a baby. And that changes everything we’ve ever known about sex and babies and marriage...once we start imagining, and then living in, a world of fluid parenting, it becomes increasingly likely that we will also undo or at least revise our centuries-old conviction that procreative unions — like Noah’s animals — come only in pairs. Maybe our species’ new ark is composed of a motlier crew, of threesomes and foursomes, old and young, men and women and those across the spectrum of gender identity, reproducing with whomever they choose and loving as they desire” - Harvard Business Associate Dean Debora Spar.

Can’t you just hear the 🤝?

The Noticer
Shut. It. Down.
The Noticer pinned this message
21 August 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 28.02.2020 06:20:36
It’s that time of the week again folks!
The Noticer
“‘Karen’ is not a slur at all and as a fellow white woman calling rude middle aged white women at my store ‘Karen’ in my head is one of the few things that get me through the day” - Gay Humor Writer Ellie “as a fellow white person i would like to apologize in advance for my brethren’s reaction to this” Poole (redpepperjellie)

Naming white women “Karen” gets Ellie through the day, just like naming Ellie’s brethren gets me through the day

The Noticer
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“Every time I see a famous white woman say some trash that’s just pure ignorance and contradictory to their whole brand I just want to shake her and be like WAKE UP! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! WE ARE ALREADY COLLECTIVELY THE WORST, STOP ADDING TO IT” - Verified “Fellow White” Hollywood Writer Jenn “White people have had a leg up for a LONG while and their resumes reflect that. Don’t discount POC because they are more green. That’s bullshit systemic racism” Robinson (JennKaytin).

Fun Fact: Jenn co-wrote HBO’s upcoming comedy “Unpregnant,” which tells the story of a white Christian girl getting an abortion behind her “Jesus freak” parents backs. Yay!

In reply to this message
The Noticer
“Happy Juneteenth!! We’ve got work to do so that the ‘Land of the Free’ means it for everyone. Fellow white folks: if you’re not privy to Juneteenth, please take a five and look it up today. Please” - “White Male Ally” David “I’m in constant search for ways to become a better ally” Goldsmith (dgoldy216)

“When I walk into a locker room, I’m white. Then they see the name on my jersey & I’m Jewish.” It can be difficult for fellow whites to stay undercover folks

The Noticer
“we as whites people need to wake the F up, dismantle ourselves, and dismantle our white supremacist institutions. It’s not enough to be ‘nor racist,” we have to be vehemently anti-racist and squash racism wherever it lives” - “Fellow White” PhD Student Hannah “we as white people don’t get to say when race matters” Freund (UrFreundHannah)

22 August 2020
The Noticer
Oh how exciting, a comedy for teenagers and young adults that glorifies masturbation, trannies, homosexuality, pedophilia, incest, and every other sexual perversion under the sun. This cartoon has it all folks, even demonic creatures that mentor the kids! Haha, hilarious!

Let’s see who created this show:
⁃ Nick Kroll ✡️
⁃ Andrew Goldberg ✡️
⁃ Mark Levin ✡️
⁃ Jennifer Flackett (married to Levin)

Hmmm, what about the voices for the main characters?
⁃ Nick Kroll ✡️
⁃ Jessi Klein ✡️
⁃ Jenny Slate ✡️
⁃ Maya Rudolph ✡️

And the producers?
⁃ Chris Prynoski ✡️
⁃ Shannon Prynoski ✡️

The network hosting the show?
⁃ Netflix ✡️

Um...coincidence...yeah, that’s it, a coincidence...I’m sure this is all just a big coincidence...nothing to see here folks, move along

The Noticer pinned this message
The Noticer
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Welp, they shut it down folks. Well done!
23 August 2020
The Noticer
“It’s [i.e., whiteness] a sad, dying ideology. Unfortunately, the fact is sometimes a wounded, dying animal is sometimes the most dangerous, so it’s not something we can afford to ignore.” - Kentucky Rabbi Shlomo Litvin


>Shlomo finds “white supremacy letters” in his mailbox
>Shlomo reports letters to the police, FBI, and media
>Shlomo kvetches quite impressively for the cameras
>Shlomo demonizes white identity
>Shlomo distributes letters of “love and inclusion” in response
>Shlomo receives a “threatening call” from an angry white supremacist
>Shlomo runs back to the news and kvetches some more
>Shlomo uses media attention to guilt trip whites into attending his classes on Judaism and antisemitism

Whatcha Doin’ There Rabbi?

The Noticer
“We are being reminded that there are wounds in our country that have never healed. Racism, police brutality and racial injustice remain part of everyday life in America and cannot be ignored” - BLM-Supporting, Social Justice-Promoting, Black Empowerment-Championing, Hate Speech-Fighting NBA Commissioner Adam “we’re going to catch you” Silver

Watch the sportsball and feel guilty, white goyim

The Noticer
“Inclusion and diversity are not simply buzz words. They are foundational principals of the NHL” - BLM-Supporting, Diversity-Championing, Inclusivity-Worshipping, Racism-Fighting, LGBTQ-Shilling NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman

Just keep watching sportsball goyim

The Noticer
“Well, of course Jews don’t really participate in athletics, that’s what we use to divert the energy of the gentiles while we take over the systems of power” - Verified Journalist Yair Rosenberg (Yair_Rosenberg).

Turn the sportsball off fam!

[Clip pulled from https://t.me/spoonguard]
The Noticer
>”This despicable antisemitic message is shocking”
>”Why is this being allowed?”

>”I’m afraid to ask but why are people saying ‘based’?”

24 August 2020
The Noticer
>2% of the US population


>70% of the top 10 political donors
>65% of the top 20
>50% of the top 50
>42% of the top 100

Oy vey! The white supremacy in US politics is out of control
The Noticer pinned this message
The Noticer
Welp, it’s official, I’ve been Mitzvah’d!

Thanks for all the support fam! My little appreciation channel would be nothing without you and all those amazing Jews
25 August 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 10.03.2020 05:11:22
It’s that time of the week again folks! #TransTuesday!
The Noticer
“I wish I had the confidence of white cishet boys telling me I’m wrong abt my gender” - Trans Artist C “I hate white men” Zernsey (czernsey).

“Why is being trans so fuckign difficult :[ I’m so upset i feel so isolated and weird and nobody thinks i’m normal”

Don’t worry they, we think you’re normal. Don’t we folks?

The Noticer
“It’s important for people with privilege (like me, I defs have some) to listen to underprivileged people to learn from them. Cis people take gender for granted. Rich people take money for granted. White people (like myself) take a lot for granted” - Girlflux Aceflux Trans Atheist Writer Alexandria “Trans men are men” Ozma (talkingtonothin)


The Noticer
“I mean ffs,...I have a minority faith, a neurological disability, and a...complicated sexuality, and ain’t none of those cancel out the societal privileges I get from being a white male” - “Fellow White” Nerdy Autistic Pansexual Genderfluid Trans Gal Sammy “Goddamn white people” Mills (essaym22)

They’s a “male” and a “trans gal”? Hmmm, I guess that’s why Sammy describes they sexuality as “complicated.” They’s racial identity is also complicated folks

The Noticer

Watch out folks, They/Them/Theirs is “so hot it’s over for all of you”

26 August 2020
The Noticer
Nice try Mike, but your cuckholdry for Israel won’t earn you a spot on the List. This is a JEWISH appreciation channel. No shabbos goys allowed!

The Noticer
“Today, America launched a rocket ship straight out of its own broken heart. Though I love science, and especially the quest for space, I wish I were witnessing the launch of a reparations program, rather than a giant burning tube full of white men” - Verified Non-Binary NYT OpEd Writer and Author Annalee “Want to flee the city for suburbia? Think again. The 20th century is full of examples of the false promise of suburban living” Newitz (Annaleen).

You don’t want to live in a homogenous white suburb, trust me goyim, the “diversity” of the city is where it’s at

The Noticer
(((Verified))) Twitter has spoken folks.

Kyle Rittenhouse is a white supremacist terrorist and a murderer and anyone who suggests he acted in self defense is just as reprehensible!
The Noticer
Oy vey! Tucker defended a 17 year old white kid who acted in self-defense when he was being attacked by armed communists!?!

27 August 2020
The Noticer pinned this message
The Noticer
Today will be our first installment of “White Terrorism Thursday”

Don’t worry folks, Throwback Thursdays will return soon
The Noticer
“During the recent unrest we’ve seen in America’s cities, the serious crimes - the shooting, the murders, the assassinations of last enforcement, the terrorism — have been conducted by police, boogaloo and white supremacists. Full stop” - Verified President of the New Democrat Network Simon “surely you know US Govt’s been sounding the alarm abt rising white supremacist terror?” Rosenberg (SimonWDC)

The Noticer
“Demonizing the black victim, praising the white terrorist. The racism coming from mainstream Republicans and conservative news outlets is transparent and completely revolting” - Verified Co-Founder of Rakkasan Tea and Columnist Brandon “lots of domestic terrorism in the US this week. All angry, armed, white guys” Friedman (BFriedmanDC)

3/4 grandparents? Gee, I would have never guessed

The Noticer
“So now ‘ready to defend property’ means ‘fire upon protestors in a state where you don’t live’ for radicalized white terrorists? Cool. Cool cool cool” - Verified “Straight White Male” Film Critic Alan “young white men are the internet’s most precious snowflakes” Zilberman (alanzilberman)

Alan’s got a point folks, maybe America’s “common culture” is “the culture of white supremacy”...in fact, maybe that’s what made it great? 🤔

The Noticer
“Hey, Trumpkin zombie...I guess you’re typically allergic to facts and stats. Mass shootings in this country are nearly always committed by white men...And to all the ignorant morons who say ‘Look at Chicago!!’ as an argument to maintain the status quo: Stop equating gang violence with WHITE TERRORIST ASSHOLES taking out children, church goers and music fans with AR-15s. Wake the fuck up. Now” - Verified Washed Up “White” Atheist 80’s Pop Star Richard “Jesus suffering fuck...another one. A white Canadian fuckstick proclaiming ‘racism isn’t so bad out there’” Marx (richardmarx)

“Tucker Carlson is on TV saying white nationalists with AR-15s have every right to act as judge, jury, and executioner”? Wow...based!

The Noticer
“When will Trump disavow his white supremacist murderer supports” - Verified Journalist Emily “there is systemic racism in every aspect of American life...to say otherwise is a lie and is white people fooling themselves” Singer (CahnEmily)

*Phwwwwwhhht Phwoooooh* 😚

28 August 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 28.02.2020 06:20:36
It’s that time of the week again folks!
The Noticer
“Anti-blackness is truly a virulent cancer in our society, but Trump and company have rolled back protection for LGBTQ people and antisemitic hate crimes are high. They hate ALL OF US. We have to stay united and protect each other because white America hates us all” - Author Leigh “Look, fellow white people...WAKE THE FUCK UP” Dragoon (ldragoon).

Um, yes Alex, I’ll take “The Jewish Question” for $100

The Noticer
“Hey fellow white people - Get right. It is not enough to ‘like’ a post at all. Stand up and be counted. Educate yourselves with facts and history, not opinion. Look at your own bias (oh we’ve got it). Become anti-racists, not just an ‘ally.’ Do more. This is on us! 🔥” - Feminist Actor Elizabeth “Shame on us” Bell (BellElibell)

The Noticer
“Fellow white people, post this [explanation of white privilege] everywhere you can. Print it out and mail it to every member of your family” - Verified “White Dude” Businessman Jay “the only thing better than dropping Nazi, white supremacist, or pro-Trump customers is to not accept them in the first place, like we did” Fanelli (fanelli).

Half the genetics, all the hate

The Noticer
Oy vey! An anti-illegal immigration “Angel Mom” once shared a thread with “anti-semitic” tweets in it!?! Quick, alert the international media and SHUT HER DOWN!
29 August 2020
The Noticer
Looks like the “cosmopolitan elites” are afraid

Remember fam, any critique of the current power structure or those in power is necessarily always a backhanded reference to Jews. Hence, please avoid criticizing the rich and powerful. You don’t want to be an antisemite
The Noticer
Gator Nationalism 🐊 29.08.2020 09:01:26
Antisemitism isn't cool guys. Go follow t.me/theenoticer for more appreciation of gods chosen people
The Noticer
“2day this white dude in my religion class who literally thinks he’s god’s gift 2 academia (but has never made a real point) struck again and it is just so frustrating bc he feels so entitled 2 the space and literally took 10 minutes out of our class 4 a stupid q. this was a class on jewish immigration+socialism...but apparently him asking a 10 min stupid question about protestantism was more important. he also yelled over my female professor’s response to his very important question and I am just so #heated. when will we stop encouraging and engaging w/white men’s mediocrity! this was literally at the expense of my education. ‘Oh so you wanted to learn about your heritage? it’s just very important to me that I inform our professor she is wrong!’ in conclusion I am angery+done w/even pretending to indulge male mediocrity. do better. this space is not yours” - Verified Triggered Journalist Juliana Kaplan (julianamkaplan)

To the white male in Juliana’s class, you dropped this 👑. Well done King!

The Noticer
“The problem with Barstool isn’t just that it’s a cesspool of racism and misogyny, it’s that popular people/brands promote it, proving that talking about sports is still one of the best ways to launder bigotry into the mainstream culture. The reasons sports culture often still feels oppressively and exclusively straight white male is because for a lot of people, that’s the appeal of sports. Of course there’s a business model that caters to that, but you don’t have to lend it credence” - Verified Sportsball Commentator Hannah “guns are murder weapons” Keyser (HannahRKeyser)

Sportsball isn’t about you, white man!

The Noticer
According to the ADL, 1.09 Billion people in the world hold “anti-Semitic” attitudes. More than a BILLION people folks. Gee whiz, how are so many infected by this totally illogical, irrational, inexplicable, unexplainable, mysterious disease? 1.09 Billion. 109 Times. Nothing at all to do with Jewish behavior.

Link (https://www.adl.org/news/press-releases/adl-global-100-poll)
30 August 2020
The Noticer
“For most of America’s history, one of the most righteous anti-white supremacist tactics available was looting...in the context of a Black uprising like the one we're living through now, looting attacks the history of whiteness and white supremacy. The very basis of property in the US is derived through whiteness and through Black oppression, through the history of slavery and settler domination of the country. Looting strikes at the heart of property, of whiteness and of the police. It gets to the very root of the way those three things are interconnected. And also it provides people with an imaginative sense of freedom and pleasure and helps them imagine a world that could be. And I think that's a part of it that doesn't really get talked about—that riots and looting are experienced as sort of joyous and liberatory” - Queer Marxist Antifascist Anarchist Author and NPR Looting Expert Vicky “in defense of looting” Osterweil (Vicky_ACAB)

“Vicky” set “her” tweets to private for a reason folks

The Noticer
“White players—and journalists like me—are starting to listen. That’s important. And with racism emanating from the highest levels of government, it’s time to pick sides” - Verified “White Male” Sportsball Journalist Michael “White [NFL] players had better be kneeling along with them. Things done changed” Silver (MikeSilver)

The Noticer pinned this message
The Noticer
“Saying white people benefit from white supremacy & perpetuate racism & need to look inside ourselves at our role in racism SHOULD NOT BE CONTROVERSIAL, especially in [social work] a profession supposedly committed to social justice” - “White” Social Worker Shimon “the obsession with mastery & competence in social work = control = whiteness” Cohen (ShimonDCohen)

Yeah, f*ck white people and their *shuffles deck, takes card* mastery and competence? Really? Welp, I guess we better take Shimon’s word for it folks. After all, he was taught about colonialism, white supremacy, patriarchy, and oppression by community organizers and black panthers

The Noticer
Nothing to see here folks, just a majority of US Jews taking out a full page ad in the New York Times to voice their “unequivocal” support for Black Lives Matter.

This letter has it all:
>kvetching about “anti-semitism”
>disdain for “white supremacists”
>denials of Jewish involvement in the civil rights movement
>solidarity with Blacks, browns, immigrants, Muslims, etc. (i.e., literally everyone other than white Christians)
>harkening to “Jewish tradition” as justification for their activism
>calling for the transformation of our country

They tell you it’s an antisemitic “conspiracy theory” to suggest that Jews played a major role in the civil rights movement...while pledging their “unequivocal” fidelity to BLM, the “current day civil rights movement.”

I couldn’t make this sh*t up if I tried fam
The Noticer pinned this message
31 August 2020
The Noticer
“White ppl: today [Juneteenth] is not just another ‘vacation day’ or summer Friday or an ‘excuse’ to start the weekend early. We’re taking the time to learn, respect, and pay reparations today” - Hannah Goldstein (thehannahgold)

The Noticer
“Black Homeowners Face Discrimination in Appraisals” - Complaining NYT Journalist Debra Kamin (debra_kamin)

The Noticer
“DNC Joe Biden in what world did you think opening the Convention with a prayer in the name of Jesus Christ was a good idea? For those of us who are Jewish, Atheist, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, this was an enormous insult! Get your finger on the pulse of the Party!” - Doctor Dana “you are clearly a privileged, white male and a racist” Dovitch (DanaDovitch)

The Noticer
“Okay, white people need to stop looting and destroying property because the only ones who will be blamed for it and arrested for it is black people” - “Southern White Man” Jason “I will vote for whoever makes fighting white nationalism a centerpiece of their campaign” Rector (jasonrector)

The Noticer
“Having lived under majority white male Christian rule for my entire life, I’m looking forward to sweeping change in state, local, and federal officeholders. May I live to see it” - Georgetown Law Professor Heidi “the patriarchy in this country is white and Christian” Feldman (HeidiLFeldman)

The legal system is not on our side folks

The Noticer
Remember goyim, just because you’re willing to die for Israel in some God-forsaken sh*thole, doesn’t mean you’ve earned the right to make a joke about an event that happened 80 years ago!

1 September 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 10.03.2020 05:11:22
It’s that time of the week again folks! #TransTuesday!
The Noticer
“I’m so tired of having to convince people who should know better to give a shit when poc, non-het, non-cis, disabled & poor ppl say someone or something is trying to tear us down& shouldn’t be given a platform. & i’m tired of cishet white pol talking over us about it” - Latinx Disabled Nonbinary Butch Writer Elijah (mageofcrows).

We give a shit, don’t we fam?

The Noticer
“I’m nb+trans and dating someone else nb and we look het and it’s ... Frustrating” - “Young White Trans” Mentally Ill, ADHD, Bisexual Scientist Alex (spookyquark)

“If someone’s calling themself a lesbian and saying they’re attracted to me, that’s deeply invalidating also, as a trans guy.” Hey “ducking goyim,” don’t invalidate Alex!

The Noticer
“Hey fellow white people, tell me one time you’ve experienced real racism...like actual fuckin’ racist activity and actions” - Neurodivergent Multiracial Non-Binary Queer Anti-fascist Kacey “are you white or are you a decent human being?” Sardines (kcsardines)

Kacey’s a “cumdumpster” because they’s “mouth be spewing a whole lotta white bullshit that was put there by some cracker-ass shithead.”

The Noticer
“Yes I majored in gender studies” - “White” Queer Genderqueer Trans Nonbinary Neurodivergent Disabled Survivor Sky (skysoftly)

Sky “loves being genderqueer but y’all cis people make it damn tiring sometimes.” Also, “what even is heterosexuality?”

We love our gender studies majors, don’t we folks?

The Noticer
Oh how very exciting! An award-winning Israeli film about a transgender “girl” who travels to Kiev to get plastic surgery so “she” can land dates with the hot boys. What an uplifting, positive message! Yes indeed lads, you’re just one breast surgery and dick snip away from seducing Prince Charming! Flawless!

Fun Fact: Flawless received a record number (12) of Ophir Award (Israel’s Oscar equivalent) nominations, including best picture and best “actress.”

2 September 2020
The Noticer pinned this message
The Noticer
“Studies have shown that the most effective way to get rid of tyrannical, racist, misogynistic, homophobic government of old white dudes is not to complain on Twitter but to VOTE and get everyone you know to vote” - Verified Young Adult Author Gayle “White male fragility. This is why we are where we are” Forman (gayleforman)

The Noticer
“It was amateur hour then, and it’s amateur hour now, and I think it’s really frightening for our country...Everyone does need to know what this presidency is doing and what this propaganda machine behind this man at the White House is doing” - Former “Best” Friend of Melania Trump Stephanie “what a fool I was” Wolkoff

Choose your friends wisely folks. If you don’t, they might lie to your face, secretly record you, reveal your secrets to the press, and stab you in the back

The Noticer
“Although I’m still working, I stand in solidarity today, and every day, with my Black friends and colleagues in publishing. Thank you for letting me know that this day wasn’t organized with enough Black input #PubWorkers4Justice #PubWorkers4BlackLives” - Publisher of Diverse LGBTQ YA Lit Aleah “I started with the publishing panel and now I’m on to the queer panel!” Gorbein (bookworm613)

The Noticer
“Aside from the broader political things we can do, as historians and humanists...we have to put our work and classrooms on the line to fight white supremacy better” - Queer Socialist “White Lady Historian” Alex “solidarity with BLM, including the destruction of property if necessary, fits completely within the radical Jewish tradition” Marraccini (saintsoftness)

“History is and always was political!” Hmmm, I wonder if Holocaust and WWII historians share the same view?

The Noticer
“White people are the fucking worst” - Verified “White Person” Author Sarah “white women, what are you FUCKING DOING?” Gerard (SarahNumber4)

Sarah may have a tiny nose, but she makes up for it by writing books about “toxicity, masculinity, and whiteness”

The Noticer
“Being proud of being white is literally the weakest shit imaginable, like Lv1 out of 100 in self esteem and self worth” - “White” Canadian Therapist Greg “imagine being proud of being American lol” Turk (Gturk777T).

Don’t be proud of who you are goyim

3 September 2020
The Noticer
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The Noticer Army has arrived
The Noticer
I’ve got a very special throwback profile for you today folks

The Noticer
“The rate of population growth in the United States is slightly below that required to reproduce itself...I fought against the unjust restriction of immigration” - Congressman Emmanuel Celler

Meet Emmanuel Celler, the mastermind behind the Immigration and Nationalization Act of 1965. This Act (commonly referred to as the Hart-Celler Act) ”changed the face of America” by shifting immigration from Europe to Asia and Africa. Thanks to Emmanuel’s “equality” efforts whites will soon become a hated minority in the nation their ancestors built.

The Noticer pinned this message
The Noticer
Neato! An advertisement championing “refugees” and encouraging the British people to peacefully allow themselves to be replaced in their own homeland because Jews invented fish n chips or something.

Hmmm, I wonder who runs the International Rescue Committee—the organization behind this compelling little advert? Hmmm, David Miliband. Oh look, David is “the child of Jewish immigrants and that is a very important part of [his] identity.” Fantastic!


The Noticer
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Meet David Miliband (DMiliband), Verified President and CEO of the International Rescue Committee—one of the largest refugee resettlement organizations in the world with an annual budget of more than $750 billion. Let’s see what David has to say about refugees, shall we?

Europe - “By too many measures, Europe is not pulling its weight for refugees...Europe’s response to the refugee crisis within its borders is shamefully inadequate”

America - “Barring refugees from resettling in the United States would be strategically flawed and inhumane”

Israel - *No results found*

I like what you did there David. Refugees for thee, not for me, eh?

4 September 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 28.02.2020 06:20:36
It’s that time of the week again folks!
The Noticer
“Stop fellow white people!! Stop! We cannot do this again. Get some goddamn empathy” - Feminist Writer Sarah “it’s important to know the emotional and mental toll us white people may be putting on Black people” Perchikoff (sperchikoff)

The Noticer
“ATTENTION FELLOW WHITE PEOPLE, this is on us. It is our responsibility to dismantle the system of white supremacy that we have benefited from. If you can afford to help, this is a great place to start. #BlackLivesMatter” - Verified Writer Meaghan Oppenheimer (MoppyOpps).

“Don’t lecture on a community you’re not a part of,” eh Meaghan?

The Noticer
G A S | M E | D A D D Y 04.09.2020 10:53:20
Here's the zipfile with the noticer personal info
The Noticer
“White People: take a seat. Take several, several, several seats. Then go take some more seats. Then go get up, walk further to the back of the room, and sit down some more. Then get up, go outside and fuck right off” - “Fellow White Clinician” Matthew “You. Literally. Cannot. Be. Racist. Against. White. People” Schwartz (TheMattSchwartz)

Fuck right off my fellow white people

The Noticer
“No white person, no non-Black person, has the right to claim proximity to or belonging in a Black community by virtue of abuse, trauma, non-acceptance, and non-belonging in a white community...I have done this. I know it is wrong and I have done this anyway. I have not lived a double life. There is no parallel form of my adulthood connected to white people or a white community or an alternative white identity. I have lived this lie, fully, completely, with no exit plan or strategy. I have built only this life, a life within which I have operated with a radical sense of ethics, of right and wrong, and with rage, rooted in Black power” - “White Professor” Jessica “I have eschewed my lived experience as a white Jewish child in suburban Kansas City under various assumed identities within a Blackness that I had no right to claim” Krug

My fellow black people, I am actually a fellow white person...

5 September 2020
The Noticer
“I’m very proud to run a business that informs and inspires change around the world” - Verified Founder of Pink News (the “World’s most read & watched LGBTQ+ digital media publisher”) Benjamin “our tireless dedication to LGBTQ+ rights remains the same” Cohen (benjamincohen)

Fun Fact: As the brains behind Out4Marriage, Benjamin was instrumental in the legalization of gay marriage in the UK. Once legalized, Ben “married” his sodomite friend in a wonderfully Jewish ceremony. Yay!

The Noticer
“When it came time for America to fully become a diverse, multiracial democracy, the Republican Party in turn became firmly anti-American” - “White Person” Senior Writer at Media Matters Eric “white supremacy is a normal value of American conservatism” Kleefeld (EricKleefeld)

It’s “anti-American” to be against your demographic demise goyim

The Noticer
“Antisemitism is unique among religious hatreds. It is a racist conspiracy theory fashioned for the needs of messianic and brutal rulers, as dictators from the Tsars to the Islamists via the Nazis have shown. Many other alleged religious 'hatreds' are not hatreds in the true sense. If I criticise Islamic, Orthodox Jewish or Catholic attitudes towards women, for instance, and I'm accused of being a bigot, I shrug and say it is not bigoted to oppose bigotry” - Author and Columnist Nick “All extremists threaten us...it’s the radical right we should fear now” Cohen (NickCohen4)

Fun Fact: Nick only recently “became” a Jew, despite the fact that his father was Jewish, his last name is Cohen, he believes that antisemitism = racism, and, well, his nose (see above)

The Noticer
Because it’s true...
6 September 2020
The Noticer
“anonymous stories”
Channel photo changed
The Noticer
Fam, please join me, the American Jewish Committee, & the National Urban League in celebrating #BlackJewishUnity Week!

Share hashtags, change your profile picture, urge Congress to pass the No Hate Act (haha Nazis BTFO!), educate yourself about the Jewish-Black alliance, & recite the #BlackJewishUnity Prayer

“God, we pray that our people, Blacks & Jews, come together once again...We cherish religious, racial, & ethnic diversity & defend pluralism as a bedrock foundation for America’s future.” Amen! We will replace them!


As you celebrate, remember, it’s antisemitic to suggest that Jews were behind the civil rights movement. Sure, they “worked, marched, bled, & even died to expand civil rights,” and now they’re openly celebrating those efforts...but Jews were NOT behind the civil rights movement!

Also, while celebrating their commitment to “racial & ethnic diversity,” remember, Jews are NOT behind America’s increasing diversity! Don’t you dare draw antisemitic conclusions from this week’s festivities!
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The Noticer
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“This will no longer be a white supremacist nation, no matter how much you scream, snowflake. It will be a Black and brown majority country where racism is a part of our terrible history, and we will look at it the way Germans look at Nazis. This will NOT BE STOPPED, cry more” - Verified Sex Therapist Stefanie Weiss (EcoSexuality).

Stefanie just can’t stay away from the List folks. Encore after encore. She has refined her craft quite impressively

7 September 2020
The Noticer
“Millennial: I’m worried about rising antisemitism. What should I do?

Me: Stand tall & proud. Don’t allow hatred to become ‘normalized.’ Reach out to other communities. If any minority is targeted, we all are. Defend pluralism & mutual respect. No time for silence or inaction”

- Verified American Jewish Committee CEO David “to fight antisemitism is to be swivel-headed. Anything less isn’t serious” Harris (DavidHarrisAJC)


Do you see how this works folks? Jewish strength lies in bolstering minority populations and promoting “pluralism.” Attacks on the majority population are a-okay because “racial hierarchies have no place in America” (those are only allowed in Israel, and it’s “antisemitic” to criticize Israel).

Also of note, David sees antisemitism on the left and antisemitism on the right, it’s “dizzying,” always “rising,” and wholly inexplicable. It definitely has nothing at all to do with Semitic behavior

The Noticer
>”Actually, history teaches that Robert E. Lee was a white supremacist”

>”blanket suspensions of visas and refugee admissions are contrary to international perceptions of compassionate America”

>”my family and I celebrate the diversity of our nation”

>”Proud to speak to this group advocating for Israel”


“Jews increasingly see discrimination and danger in American culture. The rest of America must listen” - American Jewish Committee Chief Advocacy Officer Daniel “from my head to my toes” Elbaum (delbaum7).

The rest of America is listening Dan

The Noticer
“Removing Confederate monuments is symbolic but important. It’s an opportunity to push forward the process of dismantling white supremacist institutions” - Verified Congressional Candidate Mike “white supremacy is a threat to life as we know it” Siegel (SiegelForTexas)


8 September 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 10.03.2020 05:11:22
It’s that time of the week again folks! #TransTuesday!
The Noticer
This Trans Tuesday let’s take some time to acknowledge the bravery and courage of the trans community. You might think that’s it’s fairly simple to chop off a penis and leave a gaping hole of flesh and puss in its place, but “gender reassignment” surgery is actually a very complicated procedure. Here’s a clip from our good friend (((Jazz Jennings))) showing just how complicated genital mutilation is

The Noticer
“Hey guys, make me internet famous so I can get on the Traitor’s of America list. In all seriousness though, to my white friends, please support the black community. Black LIVES matter, not just when one is taken away. Listen to and amplify their voices, donate, buy from their businesses. Even after all is said and done, don’t stop supporting them. Also don’t forget to stay aware of and call out racism” - Genderqueer Dorothy Zornak (SophiaBetrillo)

Welcome to the Traitors of America List Dorothy

The Noticer
“Y’all this has been said before but we cis/read as cis white lesbians have a responsibility to trans lesbians, Black/nonBlack lesbians of color, n visibly gnc lesbians to do the work to combat the violence of transmisogyny and racism in our community through any means necessary” - Communist Non-Binary Lesbian Zan “white goyim are so weak lmaoo” Aruza (zanaruza)

Cool it with the transmisogyny guys

The Noticer
#MyTransBody is something that constantly prevents me from doing normal things and sometimes causes so much anxiety I don’t leave the house for days...This #TransAwarenessWeek know that pretty much anyone that you pass in the street, buy food off of at a market, interview for a job with COULD BE TRANSGENDER and you would never know. We are everywhere and we look Just. Like. You” - Queer Trans Luke “I didn’t expect to make money on a gofundme but it ended up paying for my surgery” Levine (LukeLevine0).

Fun Fact: Just. Like. You. “Luke” works at a Jewish LGBTQ+ charity! Fantastic!

9 September 2020
The Noticer
“I talked about white privilege on Instagram and now ppl are calling me racist against whites :/ sad day” - “Fellow White”/“Privileged White F@g” Makeup Extraordinaire and Democrat Insider Matt “went from nice hair gelled little boy to raging homosexual...watch out! It can happen to your kids too” Bernstein (mattjbernstein)

Welp, Matt didn’t end up a banker, but he did end up a flaming homosexual, so #winning

10 September 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 12.03.2020 04:59:24
Who’s ready for a little blast from the past? #ThrowbackThursday
The Noticer
“I’m pretty firm in my mind that we should admit that we are doing this type of surgery which is completely legal and necessary” - Groundbreaking “Gender Confirmation” Surgeon Stanley Bieber.

Thanks to Stanley’s tireless efforts Catholic Nuns became pro-trannie, Trinidad (Colorado) went “from a Wild West outpost to the sex change capital of the world,” and 5,000 men now have bloody, puss-filled holes where their penises used to be.

What an amazing “Pioneer”

The Noticer
“entirely blonde families have dark energy” - Jewish Communist Chesse (_jorts_)

It never ends folks

11 September 2020
Channel photo changed
The Noticer
“We are Israelis; we are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are the problem” - The “Dancing” Israelis

Meet the 5 happiest lads on September 11, 2001. By some strange coincidence, these 5 “movers,” in America on a “working holiday,” somehow ended up in the perfect spot at just the right time to film the planes hitting the WTC Towers. Wow! As the towers crumbled, they “high-fived” & danced with glee—which prompted the police to be called on them. Upon searching the Israelis, law enforcement discovered box cutters & thousands of dollars in cash. Strange stuff. An investigation later revealed that at least 2/5 were working directly for Mossad, & their boss—i.e., the head of the “moving” company—fled to Israel & was placed on the FBI’s most wanted list. Coincidently, after being released from FBI custody, they all joined their boss in Israel. Years later, on Israeli TV, one of the dancers stated: “our purpose was to document the event.” So many coincidences


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12 September 2020
The Noticer
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Welcome back to the List, Alyssa!

Don’t knock the child porn till you try it, goyim
The Noticer
“Yeah so if you ever need info about anyone...just ask. I have emails, pictures, addresses, SNS...people just submitted it. I don’t know why. They ‘trust me.’ Dumb fucks” - Co-Founder, CEO, and Majority Owner of Facebook Mark “next year, people will share twice as much information as they share this year, and next year, they will be sharing twice as much as they did the year before” Zuckerberg

Fun Fact: Mark was born in 1984

The Noticer pinned this message
The Noticer
“Cuties dramatizes what people of color and immigrants endure as a result of isolation and ghettoization, of not being represented culturally and politically—and of not being represented in French national mythology. Its underlying subject is the connection of personal identity to public identity—and the urgency of transforming the very notion of French identity, of changing the idea of who’s considered the representative face of France. That idea is brought to the fore in an extraordinary, brief, symbolic ending; it’s enough to give a right-winger a conniption” - Verified Pedophilia-Promoting New Yorker Film Critic Richard Brody (tnyfrontrow)

Watch the child porn goyim, and you’ll see that the twerking African kids are just as French as the white kids

13 September 2020
The Noticer
“It is not enough to be anti-racist. We have to keep fucking each other until we all come out the same color” - Verified Pot-Dealing Libertarian Politician Adam “FREEDOM!” Kokesh (adamkokesh)

The Noticer
“We [blacks and Jews] are fighting the same oppressor: white supremacy. You’ve [blacks] been indoctrinated against us [Jews] by the teachings of those who would like you to believe falsities about our people. We have been oppressed for 3,000+ years. We do not seek to oppress your people, but to stand with you” - Verified Writer Eve “I wish white Americans would care about the oppressed more than they care about looking like they care about the oppressed” Barlow (Eve_Barlow)

“Oppressed for 3,000+ years” for absolutely no reason at all. It certainly has nothing to do with Jews continually sowing discord and encouraging minorities to rise up against majority populations. “Wake up America, and smell the anti-semitism”!

14 September 2020
The Noticer
“I watched cuties and all I got was this lousy erection” - Verified Comedian and Pro-Pedophile Shirt Merchant Danny “be an ally and punch a white woman” Polishchuk (Dannyjokes).

Hahaha what a funny guy. You know what he is moron

The Noticer
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“ATTN WHITE PPL PROTESTING: It’s GREAT that you’re finally waking up & joining Black Lives Matter. But DO NOT LOOT & VANDALIZE. Black ppl are being blamed for YOUR actions & it’s hurting a just cause” - Verified Comedian and Pro-Pedophilia Shirt Merchant Corinne “🍕👶🏻” Fisher (PhilanthropyGal)

Corrine was the mastermind behind the super hilarious “I watched cuties and all I got was this lousy erection” shirt. Haha, oh man, so funny

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The Noticer
“Having now watched ‘Cuties,’...Let’s dispense with the ‘partial child nudity.’ There is a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it scene in which the film’s protagonists are watching video of a rival, older dance troupe in which one of the dancers exposes one breast. It happens too fast for anything to be sexualized...No doubt, the movie has a lot of twerking, and director Maïmouna Doucouré focuses her camera on the girls’ posteriors a bit too much for my taste as they learn their provocative dance moves. That said, however, it requires a willful ignorance of the film itself to claim that these scenes sexualize the girls involved. Indeed, the point of the film is to demonstrate the real risks to the girls when they try to sexualize a situation.” - Verified Academic & Washington Post Columnist Daniel “White people are f**king insane” Drezner (dandrezner)

Okay, yes, there’s child nudity & yeah, there’s lots of provocative crotch & butt shots, but “Cuties” isn’t sexualizing kids goyim, ackchyually, it’s critiquing it

15 September 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 10.03.2020 05:11:22
It’s that time of the week again folks! #TransTuesday!
The Noticer
“I want to eradicate middle aged white cishet women” - Trans Lesbian Grace (GracefulSpider)

“Fuck Chr!stians fr”

The Noticer
“Honestly at this point im just like Fuck cis white boys” - Trans Sam (Sam4books)

One time, “Sam” called the cops to escape an abusive relationship, and they took him/them to a homeless shelter. “Imagine if [he/they] wasn’t white.” Oy vey!

The Noticer
“my brother came out as trans to me when I was 9 but forgot it the next day he was like ‘lol im not boi’ so I thought that was a joke for 2 years until I called him a lesbian & he was like ‘lol im boi’ & I was like ‘u lied to me for years how could u” - “White” Genderfluid Autistic Pansexual Jewish LGBTQ Pride Flag Maker Eden (Gauguinschair)

Looks like degeneracy runs in the family folks

The Noticer
“Good morning and Happy Black History month! This month is a good time for white moderates to reflect on who their beliefs help, for white supremacists to choke and die, and for the rest of us white people put our money where our mouth is” - Gay Trans Pagan transhellterror

I agree with they, fellow white people like they need to “have some gravitas when they talk about their crimes against humanity”

16 September 2020
The Noticer
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God bless the chosen 2%
The Noticer
“Far more children are being harmed by the choking smoke blanketing the west coast than by the almost entirely imaginary pedophile rings that white suburban women are suddenly crusading against” - Doctor Mike “nobody is oppressed for being white. Nobody is shamed for being white. It doesn’t happen” Rothschild (rothschildmd)

There are no pedophile rings goyim. Quit asking questions

17 September 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 12.03.2020 04:59:24
Who’s ready for a little blast from the past? #ThrowbackThursday
The Noticer
“The white race is the cancer of human history; it is the white race and it alone — and its ideologies and inventions — which eradicate autonomous civilizations wherever it spreads, which has upset the ecological balance of the planet, which now threatens the existence of life itself” - Celebrated Writer and Philosopher Susan “this is a passionately racist country” Sontag

Fun Fact: Before she died, Susan apologized for calling white people a cancer...because it was derogatory towards cancer patients

18 September 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 28.02.2020 06:20:36
It’s that time of the week again folks!
The Noticer
“It’s wish my fellow White women were as excited about fighting racism as they are about pumpkin spice lattes” - “Maybe I’ll Shower Today” Blogger Gail (BloggerGail).

Gail doesn’t get it, but we do

The Noticer
“Fellow white people. When a black person tells you racism impacts them, don’t say you don’t think it’s true. Just listen. And try to learn something 🤦🏻‍♀️” - Attorney Joanna “fellow white people: don’t call the cops every time you see a black guy. You are part of the problem” Sandstrom (SandstromJoanna)

The Noticer
“My fellow white people: if you see a black persons being interrogated by police, they’re your brother/sister/sibling, they’re your significant other, they’re your child. If they’re you’re family in the eyes of the police, there is a much better chance the police back down” - Colonizing Bisexual Izzy (jewish_bisexual)

“Can you just delete this. I’m just. I’m horrified.” 🙋🏼‍♂️

The Noticer
Jesus > Satan
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Channel photo changed
The Noticer
Please say a prayer for (((Verified))) Twitter tonight folks
19 September 2020
The Noticer
20 September 2020
Channel photo changed
The Noticer
Who will it be?
The Noticer pinned this message
The Noticer
“Let me issue & control the nation’s wealth & I care not who writes the laws” - Mayer Amschel Rothschild, Patriarch of the Richest Family in Human History

Fun Fact: The Rothschild Family made its fortune financing both sides of European wars, creating centralized banks (like the Federal Reserve), & subjecting Europeans to debt slavery.

Remember folks, it’s antisemitic to criticize the Rothschilds or ask just how rich they truly are

The Rothschilds - #2000

“The Rothschilds are the wonders of modern banking…we see the descendants of Judah, after a persecution of 2,000 years, peering above kings, rising higher than emperors, & holding a whole continent in the hollow of their hands. The Rothschilds govern a Christian world. Not a cabinet moves without their advice...Baron Rothschild, the head of the house, is the true king of Judah, the prince of the captivity, the Messiah so long looked for by this extraordinary people. He holds the keys of peace or war, blessing or cursing" - Niles Weekly Register (1836)
The Noticer pinned this message
21 September 2020
The Noticer
“Dear white people who are shocked to see #Nazis in America. People of color and Jews have known they’ve been here all along” - Idealist Mike “the idea of ‘American exceptionalism’ is the international version of white privilege and it’s fing gross” Brand (miketheidealist)

Mike and his friends are “combatting antisemitism.” Gee, I wonder why antisemitism is always so prevalent? 🤔

The Noticer
“We have developed a philanthropic investment strategy rooted in our analysis that systemic racism is the greatest obstacle to creating a just & equal society. Accordingly, we are focused on supporting organizations that are led by POC” - Subprime Loan Shark Heiress Susan Sandler

Fun Fact: While proudly announcing her $200 million “philanthropic” effort, Susan forgot to mention that her wealth was built by exploiting blacks

In the words of a wise Uncle, “Therefore the Jew began by making public amends for the crimes which he had committed against the people in the past. He started his metamorphosis by first appearing as the 'benefactor' of humanity. Since his new philanthropic policy had a very concrete aim in view, he could not very well apply to himself the biblical counsel, not to allow the left hand to know what the right hand is giving...after a comparatively short period of time, the world was given to know that the Jew had become a general benefactor & philanthropist. What a transformation!”

22 September 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 10.03.2020 05:11:22
It’s that time of the week again folks! #TransTuesday!
The Noticer
“Yo fellow white people stop making this shit about you” - Trans “Woman” Ashley (scobey_snacks)

“Will white men ever be held accountable for their actions?”

The Noticer
“I specifically need a non binary trans friendly dr bc i have other conflicting health issues (PCOS, namely) and i dont want to have to take estrogen to combat that or have to take testosterone to have my top surgery. :C i need a dr that actually understands my situation” - Bigender/Genderfluid/Nonbinary Ev (ehvhhh).

“if ur white and Latino u can be proud of your Latino heritage but you can’t ignore or downplay your white privilege (especially if you’re white passing).” Such great advice Ev. Can’t let those uppity La Raza types off without feeling shame for their trace Spanish DNA!

The Noticer
“god I hate goyim” - Queer Trans Convert mmothdad

Fun Fact: He/they “converted 2 judaism bc it felt like home (it was the first religion that didn’t make he/they feel like shit for being queer)”

✔️ Trans
✔️Hates whites
✔️Hates goyim
✔️Easily offended
✔️Victim Complex

This conversion was a no brainer folks

23 September 2020
The Noticer
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“He came to his own, and his own did not receive Him”
The Noticer
“Given that we aren’t going to abolish the Senate...probably ever...it feels like the best investment wealthy liberals and the companies they run would be to move a few hundred thousand people into Wyoming, Montana, Utah, and Idaho...I know this sounds like a craaaaaaazy liberal pipe dream. But, like, this is partly what’s been happening gradually in North Carolina, Virginia, Arizona, Texas, etc. I’m just saying the process could be accelerated with a little central planning...The white supremacists somehow got a hold of this tweet and are now accusing me of trying to replace them. Which, well...” - Verified Self-Described “Rootless Cosmopolitan” and Slate Journalist Jordan “I’m entirely serious” Weissmann (JHWeissmann)

Remember goyim, the great replacement theory is nothing but an antisemitic conspiracy theory

The Noticer
“No Justice No Peace”
24 September 2020
The Noticer
“just sayin’! [turning Alaska, Wyoming, North Dakota, and Montana blue through demographic replacement] seems a lot logistically easier than the other solutions...” - Verified Cartoonist and Musician Tommy “the most telling thing about white American men identifying with trump is how insanely whiney the dude is” Siegel (TommySiegel)

Fun Fact: Tommy deleted his pro-demographic replacement tweet after receiving “antisemitic” responses. Oy vey, the goyim know it would seem

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You can delete the Tweet Tommy, but you can’t delete your signature. The internet is forever my friend
The Noticer
The End Times 24.09.2020 08:36:48
The Noticer
Video file
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08:28, 154.2 MB
Better dead than antisemitic!
The Noticer
“Decriminalizing immigration is common sense. Let’s strengthen our path to citizenship by increasing assistance to those crossing the border and stop locking them up in cages” - Verified “Privileged White Cis-Gendered” New York Politician Erica “deep-seated racism and xenophobia has always existed in our country” Vladimer (EricaForNY)

✔️Stands with her “Jewish, Muslim, Latinx, African American, and LGBTQ+ siblings” (i.e., everyone but white people)
✔️Pro-Legalizing Prostitution
✔️Pro-Suspending White Kids from School
✔️Pro-Illegal Immigration
✔️Pro-Gun Control
✔️Pro-Legalizing Pot

Boy, what an exciting platform!

The Noticer
“white people: shut up” - Verified “Fellow Conditionally White” Cartoonist Jon “white people are so fucking dangerous” Rosenberg (jonrosenberg)

Jon sure acts like he’s terrified of us, doesn’t he folks?

The Noticer
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Welcome back to the List boys
25 September 2020
The Noticer
The Noticer 28.02.2020 06:20:36
It’s that time of the week again folks!
The Noticer
“So this week I keep seeing fellow white people talking about setting up book groups to read Me and White Supremacy. Did you miss the part where the author literally ask you not to do this unless you set up a container with specific guidelines and are able to hold space?” - Academic Jane “the overwhelming whiteness of cosmetics has always confused and appalled me” Pipistrelle (janepipistrelle)

You’re not hating yourselves the right way, my fellow white people!

The Noticer

I grow oh so weary...

The Noticer
“Never forget, being white male is an easy life” - “Fucking Terrified” “Fellow White” Digital Campaigner Josh “this sums up white supremacy: the whole of the civilized world was built on the back of slavery” Feldberg (JoshFeldberg)

I wonder on who’s back world Jewry was built? 🤔

The Noticer
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“Fellow white people, yesterday we were raging mad+today many of us have gone back to our regularly scheduled programming. Couple of things I’m doing to funnel my rage into something productive...I’m doing card tarot readings in exchange for donations to the Louisville Community Bail Fund...if you’re a teacher/educator/librarian update your curriculum/lesson plans/collections/resources to center BLM” - Queer Brooklyn Children’s Librarian and Founder of KidLit Pride at Home (“A global online gathering of LGBTQ+ creators of children’s books”) Ingrid Abrams (MagpieLibrarian)

Welcome back to the List Ingrid. Your Satan worship is super inspiring
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The Noticer
Turns out that all it takes to become a prophet in Judaism is to kill babies and marry sodomites.

26 September 2020
The Noticer
“Run all the miles. Eat all the brunch. Fight all the white nationalism. #whatrabbisdo” - Rabbi and “Wizard” Rachel “what do we put in the seder plate to symbolize fighting white nationalism?” Kahn-Troster (RKahnTroster)

Their religion is literally built on defeating you white man. Let that sink in for a minute

The Noticer
“No justice, no peace is part of Judaism” - Rabbi Jeremy “there is only one way forward for us, as I see it: fight white supremacy that endangers all of us” Markiz (rabbimarkiz)

It’s no great mystery who’s behind the curtain folks

27 September 2020
The Noticer
“Thankfully my mother is Jewish and father is Italian. The other way around really f’s up a person” - Verified Buzzfeed Founder and CEO Jonah Peretti (peretti)

Fun Fact: Jonah also co-founded the Huffington Post, another notoriously anti-white publication.

What’s going on big guy? Lots of coincidences piling up

28 September 2020
The Noticer
“So important to share with other white people...Reverse racism doesn’t exist...Having faced prejudices does not equate to racism. What if we reflect on the systems we benefit from and ask ourselves: at what cost do we as whites people reap these benefits?” - Verified “White Woman” Feminist Speaker and Women in the Workplace Advocate Jess “White, Racist, ‘Religious’ America come and collect your children” Weiner (JessWeiner)

29 September 2020
The Noticer
Oh how exciting! Disney’s upcoming Peter Pan film will feature the first ever black Tinkerbell! Previously, Tinkerbell had always been portrayed as a white woman with blond hair and blue eyes. Psh, talk about a lack of diversity. Hmmm, I wonder who’s producing this film? Oy vey!

30 September 2020
The Noticer
Stand by for mass kvetching

The Noticer pinned this message
The Noticer
Oh how exciting! A slick new documentary that shows just how evil and racist whites are by focusing on a few clickbait grifters. Yes! We need more anti-white propaganda like this that shames white people and dissuades them from expressing pride, collectivizing, or acting in their own self-interest!

Hmmm, let’s see what White Noise’s director/creator, Daniel Lambroso, has to say: “What made white-power ideology so intoxicating? As a Jewish American and the grandson of two Holocaust survivors, this question was deeply personal”

Oy vey!



1 October 2020
The Noticer
2 October 2020
The Noticer
3 October 2020
The Noticer
Noticing leads to glory
4 October 2020
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